
Time & Distance Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Q1. Two trains A and B of equal length of 200 metres running in opposite direction cross each other in16 seconds. What is the speed of train...

Permutation & Combination Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Q1. In how many different ways can the letters of the word “SCHOOL” be arranged? (1) 720                         (2) 360                         (3) 180...

Blood Relation Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Q1. (I) F is the brother of A, (II)C is the daughter of A, (III)K is the sister of F, (IV)G is the brother of C. Who is the...

Phrase Replacement Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Q1. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present to the party. (a)With the exception of you and I everyone brought (b)Except for you and I, everyone...

Error Spotting Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Question (1-10): In each of the following sentences, the sentence is divided into four parts and there may or may not be an error...

Ratio & Proportion Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Q1. There was a science exhibition in an auditorium. On the first day 14 persons visited the exhibition, on the second day 12 persons and on the...

Blood Relation Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Q1. A is B’s daughter. B is C’s mother. D is C’s brother. How is D related to A? (a)Father (b) Grandfather (c)Brother (d) Son Q2. P is Q’s brother. R is...

Ratio & Proportion Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Q1. Twenty five percent of Pranab’s annual salary is equal to eighty percent of SuRya’s annual salary. Surya’s monthly salary is forty percent of Dheeru’s monthly salary. If...

Cloze Test Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Question (1-10): In the following passage, there are blanks each of which is numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each,...

Permutation Quiz For Upcoming Exams

Q1. In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘LEASE’ be arranged? (a)240 (b)120 (c)25 (d)60 (e) None of these Q2. In how many different ways can the letters of...
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