Daily Important Vocab PDF from Editorial – March 2019
Daily Editorial with Vocabulary PDF : Daily Vocab PDF, English Vocabulary in detail, Daily Hindu Vocabulary in detail, Important Vocabulary Pdf from editorial, English Editorial Vocabulary PDF, The Hindu Vocab PDF.
As we know that now a day’s in All Banking, SSC, Railway Exams vocabulary plays a vital role. To help you in this part and to improve your score in English Section we are providing you daily vocab pdf in detail from various English Editorial. Aspirants who want to improve in English can read and download this Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary PDF.
Coming home: on release of Indian pilot Wg. Cdr. Abhinandan
Balakot Air Strikes
Pulwama attack 2019
The release of the IAF pilot gives India and Pakistan the chance to de-escalate tensions
With Pakistan’s decision to release(रिहाई) Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, tensions between India and Pakistan may finally wind down. The gesture(इशारा/हाव-भाव), which Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan called an offer of peace(शांति )and goodwill(सद्भावना), must be appreciated(सराहना ), although there is evidence(सबूत/प्रमाण) to suggest(सुझाव ) that there was pressure(दबाव ) from other countries on Islamabad to make such an announcement(घोषणा) to prevent(रोकना/प्रतिबंध करना) further escalation(वृद्धि) from India. If Wing Commander Abhinandan’s return provides(प्रदान ) the space fordiplomacy(कूटनीति/राजनीति) to take over, it is because(क्योंकि/चूंकि) it gives both countries the opportunity(अवसर/मौक़ा) to signal a victory(जीत) of sorts(प्रकार/तरह ). Islamabad will project itself as having done the decent(सभ्य/उचित) thing, and New Delhi is likely to claim(दावा/मांग) that its tough(कठोर/कड़ा) stance(मुद्रा) compelled(मजबूर) his return. There have been a number of incidents(घटनाओं) that took the subcontinent(उपमहाद्वीप) to the brink(कगार) of a conflict(संघर्ष ) that could have quite(काफी ) easily(आसानी से) spiralled out of control — from the Pulwama attack to the Indian air strikes on Balakot, to attempted(आज़माना) attacks by Pakistani military aircraft(पाकिस्तानी सैन्य विमान) in Jammu and Kashmir, and the IAF pilot’s capture(कब्जा). The sense of uncertainty(अनिश्चितता/संदेह) was only made worse(बदतर/और भी बुरा ) by the b of public figures and the media on both sides, who tried(कोशिश ) to score points domestically(घरेलू स्तर). In India, within a few weeks the image(छवि) of a nation(राष्ट्र ) in grief(दु: ख ) determined(निर्धारण) to fight(लड़ाई ) terrorism(आतंकवाद ) appeared(दिखाई/निर्गत )to have given way to triumphalism(विजय) over the Balakot strikes. Pakistan went the same way after it foiled(नाकाम/परास्त करना ) an attack across the Line of Control that saw both sides take down each other’s aircraft. Videos of Wing Commander Abhinandan being manhandled(हाथापाई /पीटना) by a mob before Pakistani soldiers moved in to protect him did not help. As a result, the focus changed within a few days from India’s outrage(उल्लंघन/नाराजगी) over the terror strike to two nuclear neighbours poised(की ओर अग्रसर/तैयार) for conflict(संघर्ष ).
It is time for New Delhi and Islamabad to use the pause afforded(खर्च ) by the relief over the release to decide on the rules of engagement(वचनबद्धता/व्यवसाय). Pakistan must realise(एहसास ) that the time for denial(इनकार ) and obfuscation(आपत्ति/घबराहट) is over. Unless it begins to act on India’s and the world community’s(विश्व समुदाय) concerns(चिंताएँ) about Pakistan-based terror safe havens in a time-bound manner(तौर तरीका/शैली) the two nations could be back on the brink of war(युद्ध की कगार) if there is another trigger. If it does act, it could herald(सूचना देना/अग्र-दूत) a paradigm(मिसाल/उदाहरण) shift in India-Pakistan engagement and help fix its own fragile(नाजुक ) economy(अर्थव्यवस्था). This has a precedent: the period that followed then-Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf’s 2003 announcement on shutting down terror groups, when Pakistan’s military actually(वास्तव में) showed some results in the matter, was the most productive(उत्पादक ) phase(चरण) of engagement between the two countries in recent decades(दशकों ). Significantly(गौरतलब है कि /महत्व के साथ), it was a time of economic growth and stability(स्थिरता/मज़बूती) too for Pakistan. New Delhi must be ready to show both flexibility(लचीलापन/नम्यता) and a determined(निर्धारित/स्थित) focus on Pakistan’s action against terror groups, including(समेत/सहित) the Jaish-e-Mohammad. This is the best way to build(निर्माण ) constructively(रचनात्मक रूप से) on the international(अंतरराष्ट्रीय ) consensus(सहमति)built post-Pulwama in India’s favour(पक्ष/तरफ़दारी).
Important Vocabulary
1. gesture(इशारा/हाव-भाव)
Synonyms: action, body language, expression, indication, nod
Antonyms: speech
2. evidence(सबूत/प्रमाण)
Synonyms: clue, confirmation, data, deposition, documentation
Antonyms: concealment, denial, hiding, contradiction, disproof
3. escalation(वृद्धि)
Synonyms: acceleration, growth, increase, rise
Antonyms: decrease, diminishment
4. compelled(मजबूर)
Synonyms: constrain, enforce, exact, impel, necessitate
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, halt, leave alone, stop
5. suggest(सुझाव )
Synonyms: advise, advocate, offer, propose, put
Antonyms: deny, dissuade, oppose, refuse, take
6. decent(सभ्य/उचित)
Synonyms: correct, good, honest, honorable, modest
Antonyms: improper, incorrect, misbehaving, unrefined, unreliable
7. opportunity(अवसर/मौक़ा)
Synonyms: convenience, event, excuse, freedom, hope
Antonyms: closing, closure, misfortune, reality, truth
8. opportunity(अवसर/मौक़ा)
Synonyms: convenience, event, excuse, freedom, hope
Antonyms: closing, closure, misfortune, reality, truth
9. attempted(आज़माना)
Synonyms: pursue, seek, solicit, tackle, undertake
Antonyms: forget, neglect, be idle, be lazy
10. worse(बदतर/और भी बुरा )
Synonyms: bad, poor, ill, not so good
11. grief(दु: ख )
Synonyms: agony, anguish, bereavement, despair, discomfort
Antonyms: advantage, blessing, cheer, comfort, contentedness
12. poised(की ओर अग्रसर/तैयार)
Synonyms: hover, wait, ballast, brood, float
Antonyms: let go, refuse, reject, release, drop
13. conflict(संघर्ष ).
Synonyms: battle, clash, combat, competition, rivalry
Antonyms: peace, truce, agreement, calm, harmony
14. denial(इनकार )
Synonyms: disapproval, rebuttal, rejection, repudiation, retraction
Antonyms: allowance, approval, confirmation, ratification
15. obfuscation(आपत्ति/घबराहट)
Synonyms: bafflement, bewilderment, confusion, discombobulation, fog
16. fragile(नाजुक )
Synonyms: delicate, feeble, frail, weak, brittle
Antonyms: able, firm, healthy, strong
17. paradigm(मिसाल/उदाहरण)
Synonyms: archetype, chart, criterion, exemplar, ideal
18. stability(स्थिरता/मज़बूती)
Synonyms: balance, cohesion, establishment, security, strength
Antonyms: doubt, instability, spinelessness, uncertainty, weakness
19. consensus(सहमति
Synonyms: accord, consent, harmony, unanimity, unity
Antonyms: denial, disagreement, dissension, opposition, refusal
Credits The Hindu Newspaper