English: Spotting Error For Upcoming Exams

In each of the following questions there are sentences that form a paragraph. There is error in one of the parts. Mark the option which contains parts (A, B, C, D, E) which do not contain error. If no part contains error mark option (E) as your answer.

  1. A) The most substantial medium-term risks are associated
    B) with private investment recovery, which continues-continued
    C) to face several domestic impediments such as corporate debt overhang
    D) regulatory and policy challenges, along with the risk
    E) of an imminent increase in US interest rates.
    1) ACDE
    2) BCDE
    3) ABCD
    4) ABCE
    5) All are correct

    Answer- Option A            Explanation: “continues “to be replace with continued

  2. A) Selling before building is all about mitigating risk,
    B) by not taking on extensive product development, marketing
    C) and hiring before understanding which customers
    D) resonate with your value proposition and how that
    E) proposition should evolve before taking it to a larger market.
    1) ACDE
    2) BCDE
    3) ABCD
    4) ABCE
    5) All are correct

    Answer- Option 4     Explanation: use preposition “on” before extensive

  3. A) The latest scandal to hit Japan’s story manufacturing
    B) industry erupted on Sunday after the country’s
    C) third-largest steel producer admitted it faked
    D) data about the strength and
    E) durability of some aluminum and copper.

    1) ACDE
    2) BCDE
    3) ABCD
    4) ABCE
    5) All are correct

    Answer:- Option A       Explanation: use “storied” in place of “story”

  4. A) The economic slowdown has triggered calls
    B) for a fiscal stimulus to revive its growth but several
    C) economists and policy-makers have said the
    D) government should not deviate from
    E) the path of fiscal consolidation.

    1) ACDE
    2) BCDE
    3) ABCD
    4) No matching arrangement
    5) All are correct
    Answer:- Option 1               Explanation: remove “its” after revive

  5. A) Another key issue recognised was the need for effective
    B) tracking of key economic parameters and
    C) setting up an economy track monitor,
    D) using lead indicators and trigger for action,
    E) based on informed assessment and analysis.1) ACDE
    2) BCDE
    3) ABCE
    4) ABCD
    5) All are correct

    Answer:- Option 4               Explanation: use “ triggers” in place of “trigger”

  6. A) Notwithstanding tribulations and moments of despair and disappointment,
    B) an average Indian civil servant, in the first few years after Independence,
    C) enjoyed working in a professional ambience that would become
    D) the envy of those who followed him. For about three decades — till 1975
    E) to be precise — things were quite hunky dory.

    1) ACDE
    2) BCDE
    3) ABCE
    4) No matching arrangement
    5) All are correct

    Answer- option 5

  7. A) These are disparities among AMONG States that operate in
    B) the same national framework, and there is, let’s face it,
    C) no good reason for this other than an inability or
    D) an unwillingness to invest in changing ground realities,
    E) for everyone and everywhere.

    1) ACDE
    2) BCDE
    3) ABCD
    4) ABCE
    5) All are correct

    Answer:- Option 2                 Explanation: replace “among” with “across”

  8. A) The debate over the moves by the Central
    B) and the Jammu and Kashmir governments to
    C) resettle Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir i
    D) one that will only bring pain to
    E) any well-wisher of the State.

    1) ACDE
    2) BCDE
    3) ABCD
    4) No matching arrangement
    5) All are correct

    Answer:- Option 5

  9. A) Arrogant managers can over-evaluate their current performance
    B) and competitive position, listen poorly, and learn slowly.
    C) Inwardly focused employees can have difficulty
    D) seeing the very force that present
    E) threats and opportunities.

    1) ACDE
    2) BCDE
    3) ABCD
    4) ABCE
    5) All are correct

    Answer:- Option 4                    Explanation: replace “force” with “forces”

  10. A) In the case of the ultra-poor living with mental health issues,
    B) targeted social interventions such as the disability allowance,
    C) an entitlement, that helps mediate struggles of deprivation,
    D) and by extension, exclusion, mandated by the Mental Health Care Act
    E) and the Rights of Persons with Disability Act, must be better streamlined.

    1) ABCD
    2) BCDE
    3) ADEB
    4) BDEC
    5) All are Correct
    Answer: Option 5