Directions (Q 1-10): In each of the following questions one phrase has been given and it has been followed by four sentences. You have to find out in which of these sentences phrase has been used properly according to its meaning and mark your answer from the options denoted by a), b), c) and d). Mark e) as your answer if you find that phrase has been applied properly in all the sentences.

1) Leave off

i) I asked him to start checking the job application forms from where I left off but he started from the beginning.

ii) Doctor has advised him to leave off eating non vegetarian, spicy and oily foods for some time.

iii) Why did you leave them off the guest list?

iv) Today, I will have to leave off the children to the school as the school bus will not come today.

a) only i &ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii &iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

2) Keep back

i) The students had been told to keep back from the exit gate of the hall.

ii) The national security guards were deployed to the event to keep back the crowds.

iii) I remember very well, I kept back all the documents and file in his cabin.

iv) He could not keep back his excitement when boss told him about his salary increment for his improved performance.

a) only i &ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii &iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

3) Fall through

i) If we had got the government support, our mission would not have fallen through.

ii) We made a plan to visit the plant nursery so as to buy some plant saplings but it fell through as the nursery was closed.

iii) Our idea to organize the panting exhibition next week fell through as the exhibition hall has been booked by somebody else for more than fifteen days.

iv) Grand paa’s mobile phone fell through in the morning and that is why it is not working properly.

a) only i &ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii &iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

4) Run out

i) I cannot give you the print out of the letter as I have run out of printing paper.

ii) The cooking gas has run out, please get it booked as soon as possible.

iii) The children ran out on the ground with football for the match.

iv) The lease runs out in one month time and I will have to get it renewed.

a) only i &ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii &iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

5) Get after

i) The policeman tried to get after the robbers but could not catch them as they were many in numbers.

ii) If you need another sheet please get after the interval.

iii) The team leader is always getting after him about his bad performance he gives.

iv) The manager is always getting after the office assistant about his carelessness.

a) only i &ii

b) only ii& iv

c) only i, iii &iv

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

6) Put down

i) This is the list of the new addresses that we have to use for the communication now, please put it down in my diary.

ii) I put my phone down on the table and started reading the income and expenditure file.

iii) The police put down all the protesters who had been protesting against the new law passed by the state government.

iv) Students who want to participate in the debate competition have put their names down on the paper.

a) only i &ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii &iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

7) Answer for

i) You are the store in-charge and you will have to answer for all the stock and stationary of the office.

ii) I tried to solve all the questions but I could answer for eight questions.

iii) We have hired the event manager to organize the event and he will have to answer for any kind of inadequacy in the arrangements.

iv)The principal of the school said that teachers will have to answer for the performance of the students.

a) only i &ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only i, iii & iv

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

8) Block off

i) The main path of the auditorium had been blocked off by the people to see the famous celebrity who had been invited as chief guest.

ii) After meeting, the exit door of the conference hall had been blocked off by the reporters to record the statements of the minister.

iii) Heavy snowfall had blocked off all the roads and we could not visit the beautiful sites of the hill station.

iv) The machinery has been blocked off that is why it is not working properly.

a) only i &ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii &iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

9) Put through

i) Two NGOs are ready to help us, now we can easily manage to put our mission through.

ii) I requested him to put me through to the customer care executive as I wanted to know about the latest data plan.

iii) The artist was putting the diamond through the clip on master piece he created.

iv) She could not put her Executive MBA programme through due to the financial problem in her family.

a) only i &ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii &iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

10) Back down

i) Both the departments are not ready to back down that is why the matter has been forwarded to the top management.

ii) He immediately backed down when he came to know that it is his mistake.

iii) She had to back down when she had been shown the correct method of maintaining the cash book.

iv) She had to back down as she had forgotten her mobile phone and keys in her cabin.

a) only i &ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii &iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct




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