SBI PO Prelims 2016 Exam Analysis 3rd July 2016 (4th Slot)
I. English Language (30 Qs)
Level – Moderate
1. Reading Comprehension – 10 Qs – RC was based on RC was based on Women Entrepreneurship
2. Cloze test – 5 Qs (Easy) Technology
3. Parajumble – 5 QS (Moderate)
4. Spotting Error – 5 Qs (Moderate)
5. Fill in the blanks – 5 Qs (Easy) Double filler .
II. Reasoning Ability (35 Qs)
Level – Moderate to Tough
1. Puzzle – 5 Qs -(Moderate) 8 people work in 8 different colour & 3 different streams
2. Puzzle – 5 Qs ( Moderate) based on – 7 people, Month, different subjects
3. Linear Puzzle – 5 Qs – (Tough) 8 people sitting and facing North South in same line
4. Puzzle – 5 Qs (Moderate) – on 7 people, 7 different parameters – balloon, chocolate etc.
5. Inequality – 5 Qs (direct)
6. Ranking test (tallest building)- 3 Qs (Easy )
7. Blood Relation – 2 Qs (Moderate)
Note: No syllogism & Coding Decoding asked in today’s exam.
III. Quantitative Aptitude
Level – Moderate
1. Number Series – 5 Qs (Moderate)
2. Data Interpretation – 2 set (10 Qs) – One Bar Grpah DI was easy & Table graph based DI is moderate
3. Approximation – 5 Qs (Easy)
4. Quadratic Equation – 5 Qs (Easy)
5. Miscellaneous – 10 Qs (Moderate)
Good Attempts –
1. English Language – 20 – 21
2. Reasoning Ability – 15 – 19
3. Quantitative Aptitude – 22 – 24
Total — 57-64