Salary & Job Profile Of SSC Stenographer Grade C & Grade D Post

SSC Steno Job Description & Pay Scale 2018 : SSC Stenographer Grade C & Grade D Salary & Job Profile. Stenographer Group C & D Salary in hand & work Profile. SSC Stenographer Grade C & D Salary In Hand | Job Description 2018. SSC Stenographer Grade C & D Salary Structure & Career Growth.

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Hello Aspirant As we know that SSC has released Stenographer Grade C & D vacancy . So candidates must be looking for the Tier I Previous year Question paper & Model Papers for Stenographer Grade C & D exam. Below we are providing the detailed Question Paper & Sample Paper for SSC Stenographer Grade C & D Exam.

What Is the Job Profile, Career Growth & Salary of SSC Stenographer Grade C & Grade D ?

SSC Stenographers are recruited by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) in various offices and departments under the Government of India. There are basically two grades in SSC Stenographer job:

  1. Stenographer Grade C, and
  2. Stenographer Grade D, under which comes Group X and Group Y Stenographers

Stenographer Grade C and Grade D Group X employees will be posted in various departments of Central Government in Delhi. Grade D Group Y employees will be posted in various Central Government departments located in other parts of India.

The detailed SSC Stenographer Salary and other information for both Grade C and Grade D will be provided below:

What is the SSC Stenographer Salary And Allowances For Grade C & Grade D ?

SSC Stenographer Salary & Allowances For Grade C Post

The SSC Stenographer Grade C Salary is tabulated below:

SSC Steno Salary For Grade C

Pay Scale 9300-34800
Grade Pay 4200
Initial Pay 5200
Total Pay 14000

SSC Stenographer Salary & Allowances For Grade D Post

SSC Steno Salary For Grade D

Pay Scale 5200-20200
Grade Pay 2400
Initial Pay 5200
Total Pay 7600

The SSC Stenography Salary for both Grade C and D also includes other allowances:

  1. House Rent Allowance (HRA)
  2. Dearness Allowance (DA)
  3. Transport Allowance

SSC Stenographer Grade C & Grade D Job Description

Stenographers’ work profile will depend upon his/her Grade and where he/she is posted. Grade C Stenographers are posted in Ministries/Departments of Central Government, located mostly in Delhi while Grade D Stenographers are categorized in two groups as under:

  • Group ‘X’ – For Departments of Central Government located mostly in Delhi.
  • Group ‘Y’ – For Departments of Central Government including all over the country.

Given below are some of the top jobs offered for the candidates qualifying the examination.

SSC Steno Grade C SSC Steno Grade D
Armed Forces HQs Stenographers Service Grade C Armed Forces HQs Stenographers Service Grade D
Indian Foreign Service (B) Central Secretariat Stenographers Service Grade D
Election Commission of India Central Vigilance Commission
Central Vigilance Commission Election Commission of India Stenographer Grade D
President’s Secretariat Indian Foreign Service (B) Grade III
Many more posts in Govt. Depts/ Organisations and Attached Offices of GOI  Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs
(-) Railway Board Secretariat Stenographer Service
(-) Directorate of Forensic Science

They have a proper work schedule and have to work daily during the government office hours, no extra work hours and working in shifts. Besides this, the duties include assisting with phone calls, dealing with visitors, handling of official documents and files, fixing appointments, arranging meetings, maintaining the diary, liaison within and outside the office, arranging travel related matters, etc.

SSC Stenographers Job Profile

1.       Writing/transcribing speeches
2.       Providing assistance to the Minister or Officer they are working for
3.       Helping in public relations
4.       Press conference briefings

The duties and responsibilities of a Stenographer in various Ministries/ Government Departments are stated below:

Speech Writing: 

Mainly, a Stenographer has to write the official speeches & declaration for the senior officers of the department. A stenographer will be assigned to a senior officer and any speech given by that officer has to be noted down by the assigned Stenographer.

Press Conference Briefings:

Under this profile, a stenographer is asked to attend the press conferences along with a Minister or a Senior Officer so that he or she can record the statements of the persons in the conference. A stenographer need to help its department in making and issuing a press release on the same subject matter discussed in the conference.

Assisting the Minister or Officer:

A stenographer assigned to a particular officer or a minister needs to assist him/her in writing speeches and declarations for the Ministry Offices. Most of the time, stenographers have a good knowledge on these matters more than anybody else due to their constant involvement in the proceedings.

Helping in Public Relations:

Another important role of a stenographer is to make notes on a daily basis. These notes are about various governmental departments and their stands on issues.  This information needs to reach public. So, the Public Relations Officer of a government department is benefitted the most by the stenographer because these officers require information to be disseminated to public on a regular basis.

SSC Stenographer Grade C & D Work Profile & Future Promotions

While the eligibility criteria for SSC Stenographer is not much, there is tremendous scope for progress within this job as well. SSC Stenographers are able to climb the success ladder with hard work.

  • Promotions are time-bound. Hence, with proper work you will easily get promotion.
  • As a result of clearing departmental exams, you can increase your Grade.
  • Finally, your pay scale can also increase – as much as Rs. 23,000 /- per month.

In conclusion, this is an opportunity you should not miss. SSC Stenographer is a great chance for all of you who have just passed 12th standard. Therefore, if you satisfy the eligibility criteria and want to work with government, this offer is definitely for you.

SSC Stenographer Important Links  Direct Link to Check Article
SSC Stenographer Grade C & D Recruitment Notification 2018 – Read Now Click Here
SSC Stenographer Grade C & D Previous Year Question Paper Pdf Click Here
Previous Year Cut Off Marks SSC Stenographer Grade C & D : 2018,2017,2016,2015,2014 Click Here
SSC Stenographer Grade C & D Salary In Hand | Job Profile : Read Now Click Here


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