A few days are left before you’ll appear for IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I Prelims exam and this is the time that you finish off your preparation; revise and relax. You need not buzz your mind with plenty of questions about the exam…you’ve done your part with proper preparation and adequate practice. Now just keep in mind the essentials and foremost thing for IBPS RRB PO Pre Exam and here to help you out with that we’ll be discussing some important tips for the exam. Keep on reading for Last Minute Tips for IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I Prelims Exam 2017-18.
1. Make your own plan in lieu of being a sheeple.
Every person has different strong and weak points and you need to identify your strengths and devise your exam plan yourself. Do not blindly go on with the hearsay of peers and friends, think smartly and act smartly. IBPS RRB PO Prelims exam has 2 sections Quant and Reasoning with 40 questions in each section for a composite time of 45 minutes where you have to divide time yourself for both the sections Reasoning and Quant. Take a test today and finalise your plan for the day of the examination. You can also read the section wise strategy for IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2017-18 then plan accordingly.
2. Taking a Test daily will prepare you for the final face off
This can help you a lot in adding that much-needed finishing touch to your exam strategy. Take a mock test and practice your skills of time and topic management before the actual face off. Analyse your performance after each test.
3. To avoid unnecessary tension, equip yourself with all the necessary documents.
This point could not take a back seat in our checklist because it is the foremost thing to be taken care of the sooner the better. Take a print out your admit card and ID proof, and read the instruction of your admit card.
4. Take 2 trips if you wish, while solving the paper.
At first attempt the questions you find easy to approach and solve. Finishing them off will boost your confidence and keep you at bay from any stress. After you are done with all that you could have answered easily, then go for the second trip and try to attempt the questions you feel you can do with a little extra effort.
5. Be careful while choosing what to attempt and what to skip.
Your every move, your every decision will make or break your deal so it is very important that you choose very carefully what you are going to attempt in the examination. Don’t be tempted and get engrossed in any particular section or question for too long.
6. Don’t take anything on your ego
Well, it is quite probable you may feel you know the concepts to solve a question just too well yet you are unable to crack it in the exam time, so just skip it, and take another question. Skip a question if you feel it is too time-consuming or you might not be able to get it right, at the end you have to score enough to clear sectional and overall cut off. Let nothing kill your speed! There are 80 questions for mere 45 minutes so keep a track of your time and don’t get stuck anywhere.
7. Be wise and spare some extra seconds to carefully read the instructions.
It is good to be fast and save time when you have 80 questions for just 45 minutes but you have to be wise and careful as well. Instruction or directions of a question are very important and you should read the instruction of every question you are about to attempt. What if it was something you’ve already practised but asked in a twisted way! You can actually save marks by reading directions carefully.
8. Divide time for each section
You need to keep in mind that you have to do a decent number of attempts in both the sections of IBPS RRB PO Prelims exam. 20 minutes for Reasoning and 25 minutes for Quant this can be your mool mantra of maximum time spend per section.
9. Do not ignore simple questions; they may require you to be cautious.
Simple or easy level of questions can be your saviour in RRB PO prelims, so don’t just get engrossed in the difficult ones. Read the instructions carefully, and attempt simple or easy level questions to gain plus points in your scoring bag.
10. Avoid making ‘silly mistakes’, they’ll cost you a year.
You’ve been longing for this opportunity to be a probationary officer. So tomorrow keep at a bay from making silly mistakes. Carefully solve and analyse question, do not presume things, just read the direction and be careful as you will have negative marking.
11. Get the thought of ‘cut-off for IBPS RRB PO Pre’ out of your head.
If the examination is of an easy level, it will be for everyone else appearing tomorrow, so is the case even if it turns out to be of difficult level. This moment and in these days you should be practicing rather than quivering over the thought of cut off. First, concentrate on the exam and making a decent number of attempts according to its difficulty level. Rest things will fall into places. So don’t overburden yourself and refrain from diverting your concentration.
12. Keep your calm and be confident.
Your confidence will sail you through this recruitment. No matter what is the difficulty level you’ll face in the exam just stay calm and believe in yourself. With a composed mind you’ll be able to crack through the examination, so sleep well and don’t stress yourself out. If you’ll say ‘I Can and I Will’ nothing can stop you from achieving your aim.
Reasoning Section Strategy
Reasoning Ability is an onerous section. With the increasing complexity of questions, it becomes hard for one to give it the cold shoulder. The pattern is getting complex day by day and most of the topics of this section are now being asked in the form of puzzles only. Earlier students used to have a mindset of ignoring the complex puzzles, thereby solving the other questions that are comparatively easy. But to their dismay, this strategy won’t be working anymore as so many questions from the other topics like directions, etc. are being asked in the form of puzzles only. The number of questions being asked on puzzles ranges from 60-65% of all the questions in Reasoning Section.
The other important topics to be prepared for IBPS RRB Examinations are Syllogism, Logical Reasoning, Inequality, Data Sufficiency, Blood Relation, Direction and Distance, Ranking, Alpha-Numerical, Direction Sense, Blood Relations, etc. The only way to ace the scores in the section is strenuous practice. The number of questions that will be asked in the RRB Examinations in the reasoning section is 40. The difficulty level of questions asked lied somewhere between easy to moderate.
The other important topics to be prepared for IBPS RRB Examinations are Syllogism, Logical Reasoning, Inequality, Data Sufficiency, Blood Relation, Direction and Distance, Ranking, Alpha-Numerical, Direction Sense, Blood Relations, etc. The only way to ace the scores in the section is strenuous practice. The number of questions that will be asked in the RRB Examinations in the reasoning section is 40. The difficulty level of questions asked lied somewhere between easy to moderate.
Puzzle is the most significant part of Reasoning Section as the number of expected questions from this topic is 15-20. So many other miscellaneous topics too are being asked in the form of puzzles only. The puzzles now being asked are very lengthy, complex and even calculation based. They are usually based on Seating Arrangement (linear, circular, triangular, rectangular and sometimes hexagonal even), Floors, Tabular form, Blood Relations, etc. and can be asked in 2-4 variables, depending on the difficulty level of the question. A mix of Seating Arrangement and Blood Relations is also being frequently asked in the examinations. An important tip to solve difficult puzzles with 100% accuracy is to make 2-3 possibilities for the same puzzle and keep canceling them out as you proceed. Another important point to bear in mind while doing puzzles is not to ignore the important key points while reading the question. The puzzles that are easy to solve should not consume more than 2-3 minutes, the puzzles of moderate level should be solved within 5 minutes and the difficult puzzles should be finished within 8-10minutes. If the time that you take while solving different puzzles is more than the time affirmed above, then you really need to work on it.
Syllogism is another important topic of Reasoning Ability Section. The number of expected questions on this topic is 5-6. The questions can be based on the usual old pattern as well as the new pattern of Reverse Syllogism in which the conclusion is given in the question and you have to choose the correct statements for that particular conclusion. It is one of the easiest and scoring topics so prepare it well and you will be able to bag 5 marks very easily in Reasoning Ability Section. Data Sufficiency is also an important topic that can get you at least 3 to 5 marks in the Reasoning Section. The questions based on data sufficiency can have 2 or 3 statements based on the difficulty level of the questions. If asked, there will be a total of 3-5 questions on this topic. The questions asked from Logical Reasoning are based on cause and effect, a course of action, assumptions and conclusions, strength of arguments, inference, etc. The number of expected questions on this topic is 5-6. The level of questions has always been moderate so you can easily attempt the questions without wasting much of time on them. Inequality, Blood Relation, Direction and Distance are the other miscellaneous topics that are easy to solve as compared to the topics mentioned above. The questions asked on these topics range from 2 to 5 from each topic. Try to attempt these question in the beginning as these are easy to solve and do not consume much of your time.
Quantitative Aptitude Section Strategy
As the IBPS RRB Exam is approaching, many of you must be anxious about the Quantitative Aptitude Section. Students, worrying about things is not an option. Stay positive as once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. The level of every other section is only getting complex and convoluted, there is no doubt that this section too will be making your blood run cold. But one should not forget that a mix of accuracy and a good number of attempts can definitely turn the situation around in Quantitative Aptitude Section.
The total number of questions asked in this Section in IBPS RRB PO Prelims Examination will be 40. The amount of time that you need to spend on the Quantitative Aptitude Section is 25 minutes. The trick to make the grade in Quantitative Aptitude Section is pretty manageable. Choose to attempt the questions on Quadratic Equations/ Inequalities, Simplification/ Approximation and Number Series first. The total number of questions based on these topics will be 15. If we talk about the previous year Examination of IBPS PO RRB, there were 5 questions on Number Series, 5 on Quadratic equations, 5 on Simplification. There can be questions on Appoximation and Inequality too. So, this is how questions are framed on these topics. One should try to attempt the maximum number of questions within 8 minutes of time. Attempt at least 11-12 questions because this part is the easiest. After having attempted all these questions efficiently, go for Data Interpretation. There were 3 DI’s in the previous year IBPS RRB PO Examination so we can expect 15 questions on DI this year also. One should try to attempt at least 10-11 questions as 3 out of every 5 questions in a DI are doable. The time limit for DI’s should be 10-12 minutes. Attempt questions based on Arithmetic in the end. There were a total number of 10 questions from miscellaneous topics in IBPS RRB PO 2016. 6 questions from Arithmetic Section too will be doable, so, try to attempt at least 5-6 questions within a time limit of 5-6 minutes.
Students, Quantitative Aptitude is a difficult this very section that can scare you out of your wits but do not forget that it can prove to be very scoring as well. The only way to score satisfactory marks in the section is strenuous practice. Work hard and everything will come up roses in the end.