UIIC Clerk (Assistant) Mains Examination 2017 Strategy
Dear Students, as the Mains Examinations of UNITED INDIA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED are scheduled to be held 23rd of October (Monday), you must all be worried regarding your preparations for the same. Before going for any competitive examination, one must always have an adequate knowledge of the syllabus, examination pattern, the changes introduced in the pattern of examination, and how one should plan his/her revision schedule in a way to do with the syllabus and the revision before the examination takes place.
So, to make your preparations even better and to help you make a headway in your career with a leading Public sector General insurance company which wholly owned by Government of India with a gross premium of more than Rs.16,000 Crores, i.e. UIIC., GovernmentAdda is providing you with a strategy to prepare for the Mains Examination.

Phase – II: The Mains Examination
The Main Examination (Online Objective Test) for 250 marks, would be of TWO Hours duration and will consist of 5 sections as follows:
S. No. |
Name of the Test (not in sequence) |
No. of questions |
Max. Marks |
Version |
Duration |
1. |
Test of Reasoning Ability |
40 |
50 |
English/Hindi |
120 minutes |
2. |
Test of English Language |
40 |
50 |
English |
3. |
Test of General Awareness |
40 |
50 |
English/Hindi |
4. |
Test of Numerical Ability |
40 |
50 |
English/Hindi |
5. |
Test of Computer Knowledge |
40 |
50 |
English/Hindi |
Quantitative Aptitude/ Numerical Ability Section Strategy for UIIC Exam
The trick to scoring marks in Quantitative Aptitude Section is to attempt the questions on Quadratic Equations, Simplification and Approximation first and then going for Number Series. After having attempted all these questions efficiently, go for Data Interpretation. The remaining few questions will be based on miscellaneous topics like CI & SI, Time and Work, Pipes and Cisterns, Partnership, etc. The expected number of questions on DI is 15, Number series is 5, Quadratic Equations is 5 and miscellaneous topics is 15. Try to do with the section within 39-41 minutes.
Reasoning Ability Section Strategy for UIIC Exam
The trick to attempt the maximum number of questions in Reasoning Section in minimum time is to attempt the difficult puzzles in the end. The expected number of questions on puzzles and seating arrangement is 15-20. Start with the questions that are not in the form of puzzles, you can choose to start with the questions based on inequalities, direction and distance, syllogism, coding-decoding, alphanumeric series, and other random topics. Then try to start with puzzles that appear easy to be solved and proceed with moderate and difficult puzzles in a similar way. So, this is how you have to manage to attempt this section. Make sure you do not spend more than 28-30 minutes doing this section.
English Language Section Strategy for UIIC Exam
The trick to scoring in English section can vary from one person to another depending on his/her strengths and weaknesses. If you are good at vocab and reading then attempt the reading comprehension first and proceed with Cloze Test and other miscellaneous topics like Error Detection, Para Jumbles, Phrase Replacement, Double Fillers, etc. But if you are good at grammar, attempt Reading Comprehension in the end. The Reading comprehension too should be attempted in a way that you attempt questions based on vocab and phrases first and then the questions that need a deep penetration through the paragraphs. The important topics for cloze test are subject-verb agreement, preposition and verbs. These topics may help you some other questions too that will be based on grammar. So make sure that you have these topics at your fingertips when you are to attempt the examination. Try to do with the section within 21-23 minutes.
General Awareness Section Strategy for UIIC Exam
So much is happening every day that unless you keep yourself abreast of these changes you cannot adjust yourself to them or tackle the GA section of any exam smoothly and easily. A busy person hardly gets the time to read everything that it contains. This is why, to save your precious time, CurrentAffairsOnly.com provide you with an alternative that is our “Daily GK Update” that contains only the news that is important from the point of view of competitive examinations. It contains all the news that is likely to be asked in the UIIC ins Examinations. Avoid the habit of ignoring everyday news telling yourself that you will do it in the end when the examinations are close, you only end up lying crushed under a pile of news. You can go through the Insurance Capsules provided by us as 10-15 questions in Insurance exams are based Insurance. Try to finish with this section in 15-17 minutes.
Computer Knowledge Section Strategy for RRB Exam
Computer Knowledge is a subject that many students are already familiar with. With practice and the right approach, this section can fetch you those much easily attainable marks. To score well in this section you need to know some technical aspect and proper definitions. An important point for you to consider is that this section has high cut off every year so try to have the key points all grasped. This section can prove to be very scoring as you do not have to invest much of time while solving the questions of this particular section. Do not invest more than 12-13 minutes on this section.
Best of luck!!