1. What is the currency of Thailand ?
(2)  Euro
(3) old Cordoba
(4)  Baht
(5) Rio

2. Capital of Cyprus  ___.
(1) San Marino
(2) Poland
(3) Palau
(4) Ireland
(5) Nicosia

3. Dollar is the currency of _____.
(1) Jordan
(2) Ecuador
(3) Hungary
(4) Monaco
(5) Mexico

4. Currency of Tanzania is ____.
(1) Tanzanian Shilling
(2) Tanzanian Dollar
(3) Tanzanian Krone
(4) Tanzanian Pond
(5) Tanzanian Dirham

5. Dong is the currency of ____.
(1) Vietnam
(2) Venezuela
(3) Yemen
(4) Zambia
(5) Uganda

6. Capital of Ukraine ___.
(1) Lusaka
(2) Sanaa
(3) Lome
(4) Kyiv
(5) None of these

7. “Lilongwe” is the capital of _____.
(1) Malta
(2) Malawi
(3) Lithuania
(4) Jamaica
(5) None of these

8. Kigali is the capital of ____
(1) Cuba
(2) Mexico
(3) Argentina
(4) Estonia
(5) Chile

9. Buenos Aires is the capital of ____
(1) Samoa
(2) Rwanda
(3) Vanuatu
(4) Argentina
(5) None of these

10. Capital of Liberia is ____.
(1) Riga
(2) Maseru
(3) Lome
(4) Monrovia
(5) Majuro


1)(4)  Baht

2)(5) Nicosia

3)(2) Ecuador

4)(1) Tanzanian Shilling

5)(1) Vietnam

6)(4) Kyiv

7)(2) Malawi

8)(4) Argentina

9)(2) Rwanda

10)(4) Monrovia



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