Directions (Questions.01-05): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequences to form meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. Towards this, the IRDA has prescribed minimum educational qualifications at the point of entry and practical training followed by an examination.
B. Agents and corporate agents are key distribution channels to any insurer.
C. It has also encouraged the Insurance Institute of India to conduct qualifying examination for the agents and to bring out books and training material in various vernacular languages.
D. Development of these agencies must be on the best professional lines.
E. IRDA has also lowered the required minimum educational qualification for rural agents to pass in the tenth standard examination.
F. To aid the growth of insurance selling in rural and non-urban centres, compulsory targets which individual insurers are required to fulfill have been prescribed
1).Which of the following should be theFIRSTsentence after rearrangement?
a) C
b) A
c) F
d) B
e) E
2).Which of the following should be theSECONDsentence after rearrangement?
a) B
b) D
c) A
d) C
e) E
3).Which of the following should be theTHIRDsentence after rearrangement?
a) C
b) D
c) B
d) F
e) A
4).Which of the following should be theFOURTHsentence after rearrangement?
a) B
b) A
c) F
d) E
e) A
5).Which of the following should be theLAST (SIXTH)sentence after rearrangement?
a) C
b) F
c) E
d) B
e) D
Directions (Questions.06-10): Rearrange the following six sentences to (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. Such rights and obligations under the special relationship are mandates and power of attorney.
B. These have been vested by the law of the country.
C. The account holder is authorized to operate the account through a third person, in addition to himself, by suitable authority for one-time basis and/or also for various functions through a power of attorney.
D. There are various rights of a banker.
E. Such power of attorney is either general or special in nature.
F. Along with the rights, there are certain obligations too which a banker is required to fulfill.
6).Which of the following should be theFIRSTsentence after rearrangement?
a) F
b) D
c) E
d) B
e) C
7).Which of the following should be theSECONDsentence after rearrangement?
a) E
b) D
c) B
d) C
e) A
8).Which of the following should be theTHIRDsentence after rearrangement?
a) B
b) A
c) E
d) F
e) C
9).Which of the following should be theFOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
a) A
b) F
c) E
d) C
e) B
10).Which of the following should be theLAST (SIXTH)sentence after rearrangement?
a) D
b) A
c) F
d) B
e) E