Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank Recruitment of Clerk 2019. Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank has released the official notification for the Clerical posts. Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank has invited the application from the Indian citizens for filling up the posts through open competition on all India bases for its various offices.

Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank Ltd, one of the leading Urban Co-operative banks,  having its branches in the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Karnataka, invites applications from eligible candidates for the posts of Clerk :

Candidates are advised to read the eligibility criteria carefully and ensure their eligibility before submitting the online application.

Opening Date for ON-LINE Registration of Application 14.02.2019
Closing Date for ON-LINE  Registration of Application 20.02.2019
Tentative date of Test 10.03.2019

Age, Eligibility Criteria & other details:

The age, educational qualification & eligibility criteria shall be reckoned as on 01.02.2019. Relaxation for age will be as under :

Age : Above 20 years – Below 30 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 01.02.1989 and later than 01.02.1999 (both dates inclusive).

Relaxation of upper age limit :

Category Age (max)
1 Other Backward Class 33 years
2 Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/NT Candidates 35 years

Minimum Qualification :

Post Qualification
CLERK Graduate in any stream from recognized University, with computer knowledge.

 Interested candidates who fulfill the above mentioned criteria are requested to apply Online through Bank’s website www.abhyudayabank.co.in only between 14.02.2019 and 20.02.2019. No other means/mode of applications shall be entertained.

CLICK HERE Exam Instruction
CLICK HERE Guidelines, Instructions and Steps for Application form filling.
CLICK HERE (make sure you have read all the instructions in the above link regarding form filling) to open up the online application form.


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