Welcome to Banking Awareness Quiz. Today’s questions are based on banking awareness. Take this quiz & know how much you are prepared for SBI Clerk/PO, IBPS PO /Clerk& other banking entrance exams. Banking awareness questions are very important in IBPS and coming SBI exams.

Banking Awareness Quiz


1. Which of the following is NOT a source offunds of a commercial bank?

(1) Capital
(2)Borrowing from RBI
(3) Callmoney borrowings
(4) Deposits
(5) Cash Reserves with RBI

2. The term ‘Smart Money’ refers to ______.

(1) Foreign Currency
(2) Internet Banking
(3) Internet Banking
(4) US Dollars
(5) Credit Cards

3. Bad advances of a Bank are called:

(1) Bad debt
(2) Book debt
(3) Non Performing Asset
(4) Out of order accounts
(5) Overdrawn accounts

4. An ECS transaction gets bounced and you are unable to recover your money from your customer. Under which Act criminalaction can be initiated?

(1) Indian Penal Code
(2) Negotiable Instruments Act
(3) Criminal Procedure Code
(4) Payment and Settlements Act
(5) Indian Contract Act

5. Mr. Sunil Kumar had filed a complaint with Banking Ombudsman but is not satisfied with the decision. What is the next option before him for getting his matter resolved?

(1) Write to the CMD of the bank
(2) File an appeal before the Finance Minister
(3) File an appeal before the BankingOmbudsman again
(4) File an appeal before the Dy. Governor ofRBI
(5) Simply close the matter as going to courtinvolves time and money

6. As per the provisions of section 138 ofNegotiable Instruments Act. 1881, payee of a cheque may initiate criminalaction, if the cheque is returned for the reason

(1) Refer to drawer
(2) payment stopped by the drawer
(3) Post-dated
(4) Insufficient funds
(5) None of these

7. Which of the following instruments cannot be transferred from one person to another by Endorsement?

(1) Fixed Deposit Receipt
(2) Cheque
(3) Bill of Exchange
(4) Promissory Note
(5) None of these

8. RBI was established in 1935 pursuant to the recommendations of:

(1) The Hilton Young Commission
(2) India RuralCredit Survey Committee
(3) GorawalaCommittee
(4) Talwar Committee
(5) None ofthese

9. A scheduled bank isone, the name of which is included in the second scheduled of RBI Act, 1934.Such a bank should have a paid up Capital and Reserves of an aggregate value ofnot less than:

(1) Rs 1 lakh
(2) Rs 5lakh
(3) Rs 10 lakh
(4) Rs 100 lakh
(5) None ofthese

10. Crossing’ applies towhich of the following instruments?

(1) Cheques
(2) Bills
(3) Promissory Notes
(4) Hundies
(5) Fixed Depositreceipts


1.Capital 6.Insufficient funds
2.Credit Cards 7.Fixed Deposit Receipt
3. Non Performing Asset 8.The Hilton Young Commission
4. Indian Penal Code 9.Rs 5lakh
5.File an appeal before the Dy. Governor ofRBI 10. Cheques




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