Bassein Catholic Bank CSR (Customer Service Representative) Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2018

Bassein Catholic Bank Exam Pattern & Syllabus : Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk Exam Pattern. Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Customer Service Representative Exam Syllabus. Bassein Catholic Cooperative Clerical Exam Pattern & Exam Syllabus. Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk Exam Date 2018.

BASSEIN CATHOLIC BANK Clerk Recruitment 2018 : Apply Now

Hello Aspirants as we know that Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank release the recruitment notification for the post of CSR (Customer Service Representative) IN CLERICAL CADRE so you must be looking for its exam pattern and syllabus. As we know that Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank have not mentioned anything about syllabus and exam pattern. But in Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank notification it is clearly mentioned that it will be conducted by IBPS. So from this we can get the idea that the exam pattern & syllabus will be similar to the other clerical exam that is conducted by IBPS. So below we are providing the detail exam pattern & syllabus of Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk.

Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk CSR – Exam Pattern

Serial Number Section No. of Question Max. Marks Duration
1. English Language 40 40 120 minutes
2. Numerical Ability 40 40
3. Reasoning 40 40
4. General Awareness 40 40
5. Computer Knowledge 40 40
Total 200 200

Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk CSR – Complete Syllabus

Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk Syllabus for – English Language  

Cloze Test
Passage Comprehension
Sentence Improvement
Errors in sentences
Correct the Sentences
Double Fillers
Spellings/Detecting miss-spelt words

Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk Syllabus for – Quantitative Aptitude

Permutations And Combinations Probability
Boats and  Streams Distance, Time and Speed
Time And Work Average
Partnership Ratio
Mensuration Simplification
Series Simple and –Compound interest
Pipes and cisterns Trains
Percentage Mixture
LCM-HCF Profit and  Loss
Problems on Ages Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency

Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk Syllabus for – Reasoning Ability

Blood Relation Sitting arrangement/Puzzle
Word formation Syllogisms
Alphabetical test coding  Decoding
Analogy Classification
Direction sense Statement and argument
Input and output Puzzles & Data sufficiency
Inequalities Statement and conclusion
Statement and assumption Statement and course of action


Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk Syllabus for – General knowledge/Banking Awareness

Banking Terms  RBI Functions 
Fiscal Monetary Policies Agriculture
History of Banking International Affairs
National Schemes Current Sports Activities
Static GK Obituary
Awards Headquarters

Bassein Catholic Cooperative Bank Clerk Syllabus for – Computer Awareness

Basic of Computers Basic internet knowledge
Generations of computer Protocols
Network basics (LAN & WAN) Input & Output Device
Shortcuts & Basic knowledge MS word MS Excel
MS power point Computer Shortcuts
DBMS Networking



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