A is B’s daughter. B is C’s mother. D is C’s brother. How
is D related to A?
(b) Grandfather
(d) Son

P is Q’s brother. R is Q’s mother. S is R’s father. T is S’s
mother. How is P related to T?
(b)Great grandson

A is B’s brother. C is D’s father. E is B’s mother. A and D
are brothers. How is E related to C?

A is the sister of B. B is the brother of C, C is the son of D.
How is D related to A?
(b) Daughter
(c) Son
(d) Uncle

B is the brother of A, whose only sister is mother of C. D
is maternal grandmother of C. How is A related to D?

A and B are sisters. R and S are brothers. A’s daughter is
R’s sister. What is B’s relation to S ?
(a) Mother
(b) Grandmother
(c) Sister
(d) Aunt

E is the sister of B. A is the father of C. B is the son of C.
How is A related to E?

A is B’s brother, C is A’s mother, D is C’s father, E is B’s
son. How is D related to A?
(d)Great Grandfather

A is D’s brother. D is B’s father. B and C are sisters. How
is A related to C?
(a) Son
(b) Grandson
(c) Father
(d) Uncle

A is B’s sister, C is B’s mother, D is C’s father, E is D’s
mother, then how A is related to D?

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