New Pattern Coding Decoding Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Directions(1-5) Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language,
‘Thin paper neatly folded’ is written as @D6, %R5, !N4,...
Data Sufficiency Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Hew is ‘last’ coded in that code language ?
I. ‘heavy rains last night’ is coded as ‘na ke ja lo’ and
Reverse Syllogism Quiz For Upcoming Exams
1. Conclusions:
Some desks are pencils is a possibility Some mountains are jungles
Some mountains are desks Some jungles are kites.
Statements: All pencils are kites....
Direction Sense Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Q11. From his house, Lokesh went 15 kms to the North. Then he turned West and covered 10 kms. Then he turned South and...
Puzzle Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Set – 1:
There are 8 friends – P, Q, R, S, L, M, N and O who have their birthdays in four months –...
Direction Sense Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Directions (21-22): Point A is 10 km south of point B. Point C is 7 km east of point B. Point A is 4...
Seating Arrangement Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Directions (1-6) : Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W...
Puzzle Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Set – 1:
Gaurav, Optimus, Dixit, Fighter, Abhinav and Nirmal were born in different months-March, April, May, June, and July and August, not necessarily in...
Direction Sense Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Directions (21-22): Point A is 10 km south of point B. Point C is 7 km east of point B. Point A is 4...
Input output Quiz For upcoming Exams
Directions (1-5): Read the following information and answer the questions. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement
Input : ant real order world...