Coding Decoding New Pattern Quiz
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
With a certain code language,
‘care adjust found under’ is written as ‘#6a @5u $5f...
Reasoning Quiz- Puzzle
Directions (1-5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G...
Reasoning Quiz- Syllogism
Directions (1-10): In each of the questions below, statements are given followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. Read all the conclusions and...
Reasoning Quiz – Inequality
Direction (1-5): Relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. Find if the conclusions also follow or not.
1. Statements: W > S ≤...
Reasoning Quiz- Puzzle
Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
There are 10 people – A, B, C, D, E,...
Reasoning Quiz- Input-Output
Directions (1-5): Study the given information and answer the questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers...
Reasoning Quiz- Syllogism
Directions (1-5): Each questions below contains some statements followed by conclusions. Find the correct answer:
Statements: No stem is a plant. All plants are...
Reasoning Quiz for – Inequality
Directions (1 – 5): In the following questions, the symbols %, @, #, $ and & are used with the following meaning as illustrated...
Reasoning Quiz: Coding – Decoding
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘it is raining heavily today’ is written as ‘to ga di...
Reasoning Quiz- Syllogism
Directions: Each questions below contain 2 conclusions followed by statements. Find from which of the statements given, both the conclusions given follow.
1. Conclusions:
(i) All...