Directions (Q. 1-5): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.
Without science there is no future for any society. Even with science, …(1)… it is controlled by some spiritual impulses, there is no future. One great thing about science is that it does not accept anything on mere …(2)… everything has to be proved beyond any doubt. All acceptance comes after experiment which has no room for any …..(3)… This is the reason why development of science and technology has revolutionised human life all over the world. There are very few spheres of human activity which have not experienced the impact of such development. However, despite its manifold …(4)… science has not been able to solve any of man’s moral or spiritual problems. Society is still groping in the dark to find out what its future will be. The need, therefore, is to make science …(5)… for the ultimate truth.
1. (a) unless       (b) without   (c) if    (d) before    (e) because
2. (a) principles    (b) conjecture    (c) experiment    (d) research    (e) experience
3. (a) accepted    (b) demonstrated    (c) proved    (d) performed    (e) understood
4. (a) limitations   (b) benefits    (c) shortcomings    (d researches    (e) inventions
5. (a) useful       (b) worthy    (c) ready    (d) search    (e) Fit
Directions (6-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningfully complete.
A camel and a jackal were friends. One day the jackal ____(6)____ his friend to a big sugar-cane farm. It was on the opposite side of a river. After a ____(7)_____ meal the jackal began to howl loudly. The frightened camel pleaded ___(8)____ the jackal not to do so. The jackal said, “Friend, I have this habit after every meal. I cannot help it.” Soon the farmers arrived and gave a sound thrashing to the camel. When the camel crossed the river the jackal joined him on his back. In the midstream the camel took a deliberate dip ___(9)___ the water. When the jackal cried out in terror, the camel said casually: “I have the habit of rolling in the water after every meal.” The poor jackal was ____(10)___.
6. (a) brought    (b) bought    (c) took    (d) taken    (e) invites
7. (a) daily    (b) desirous    (c) delicacy    (d) dinner    (e) sumptuous
8. (a) to    (b) for    (c) on    (d) with    (e) before
9. (a) onto    (b) in    (c) within    (d) down    (e) on
10. (a)sank    (b) sinking    (c) drowning    (d) drowned    (e) wetting
Directions (Q.11-15): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningfully complete.
Jack went to work for a Farmer and (11) a penny. But while returning home, he dropped it in a brook. At home, his mother (12) him and told him to put his earnings in his pocket the next time.The next day, he worked for a cow keeper, who (13) him a jar of milk. Jack tried to put the jar of milk in his pocket and spilled it everywhere. Once again, his mother rebuked him. She told him that he should have carried it on his shoulders. The next day, Jack was given a donkey. He carried the donkey on his shoulders. Now, the king had a daughter who never laughed. (14) Jack carrying the donkey on his shoulders, she (15) laughing for the first time
11. (a) Collected    (b)Earned    (c)Had    (d) Accumulated    (e)Make
12. (a) Praised    (b)complimented   (c)Scolded    (d)lambaste    (e)Criticize
13. (a) Sold    (b)Provide    (c) Made    (d) Gave    (e)Issued
14. (a) Detecting    (b) Seeing    (c)Watching    (d)Recognizing    (e) Sawing
15. (a) Start    (b)Stopped    (c)commence    (d)Initiated    (e) Began