Directions(1-5): In each questions below is given a group of digits followed by four combinations of letters or symbols numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. You have to find out which of the combinations correctly represents the group of digits based on the coding system and the conditions given below and mark the number of that
combination as your answer. If none of the combinations correctly represents the group of digits, mark 5, i.e., “None of these‟ as your answer

Digit 5 1 3 4 9 6 8 2 7
Symbol P A K % R @ d © M

(i) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even, the codes for the first and last digits are to be interchanged.
(ii) If both the first and the last digits are even, both are to be coded as ♦
(iii) If both the first and the last digits are odd, both are-to be coded as $

1. What is the code of 215349?
1. RAPK%©
2. ♦ APK%$
3. $APK%$
4. © PAK%R
5. None of these

2. What is the code of 671254?
1. @MA©P%
2. $MA©P$
3. ♦MA©P♦
4. %MA©P♦
5. None of these

3. What is the code of 813469?
1. DRK%R@
2. DAK%@ R
3. DAK%R@
4. ADK%R@
5. None of these

4. What is the code of 794821?
1. MR%D©A
2. AR%D©M
3. M%RD©R
4. $R%D©$
5. None of these

5. What is the code of 591426?
1. @RA%©P
2. PRA%©@
3. @AR%©P
4. $RA%©♦
5. None of these

Direction (Q.16-20): following is given a set of letters/digits and the corresponding letter code of each digit followed by certain conditions for coding.

Letter/Digits M 4 C Q 5 A P 7 E G 8 I 1 X U
Symbol ! Ω & µ © # @ < % $ * > ^ ® Ʊ

In each question below are given a group of letters/digits followed by four combinations of digits/symbols numbered a), b), c) and d). You have to find out which of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters based on the following coding system and the conditions that follow and mark the number of that combination as your answer. If none of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters, mark e) i.e. “None of these”, as your answer

(i)If the first letter is consonant and the fourth digit is odd, both are to be coded as the code for that consonant.
(ii) If the last letter is vowel and the second digit is divisible by 2, both are to be coded as the code for first digit.
(iii) If the first digit is even and the last letter is consonant, their codes are to be interchanged.

a) !^ ®@&!
b) !! ®@&!
c) !^ ®@&*
d) !! ®&@!
e) None of these

a) µ Ω% <©&
b) < Ω% <©&
c) µ Ω% <©µ
d) µ Ω% µ©&
e) none of these

a) *!@^® Ʊ
b) Ʊ!@^®*
c) *!@®^Ʊ
d) Ʊ@!^®*
e) None of these

a) #^%*@$
b) $^%$@#
c) #^%*@#
d) $^%*@#
e) None of these

10) 45QAEG
a) Ω© µ#%$
b) $© µ#%$
c) $© µ#%Ω
d) $© # µ%Ω
e) None of these



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