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Daily Current Affairs : 6th April 2020

Cabinet approves Non-operation of MPLADS for two years (2020-21 and 2021-22) for managing COVID 19

As a part of Government’s continued efforts to contain spread of COVID 19, the Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modihas decided not to operate Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) for two years (2020-21 and 2021-22). These funds will be used to strengthen Government’s efforts in managing the challenges and adverse impact of COVID19 in the country.

JNCASR develops versatile coating to stop spread of viruses like influenza and COVID 19

An antimicrobial coating, developed by Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, an autonomous institute under Department of Science & Technology (DST), has shown excellent results in tackling the spread of deadly influenza virus, the root cause of severe respiratory infections, by inactivating large loads of influenza virus. The Science and Engineering Research Board, a unit of the DST is supporting the further development of this coating for the country’s war against COVID-19.

Flipkart, Uber partner to deliver essentials to consumers across Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi

Flipkart has partnered with Uber to provide people across Bengaluru, Mumbai and Delhi access to everyday essentials, amidst the ongoing national lockdown.

This partnership is expected to keep supply chains running and will address the growing needs of Flipkart customers to receive essential goods at their doorsteps every day. It will also support the government’s objective of keeping hundreds of millions of Indians at home to contain the spread of Covid-19.

Fitch downgrades Cairn India to ‘B+’ on lower oil prices

Fitch Ratings has downgraded ratings of Vedanta Group firm Cairn India Holdings Ltd’s rating as a drop in oil prices will hurt earnings of the company.

Fitch downgraded the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of Cairn India Holdings Limited (CIHL) to ‘B+’ from ‘BB-’ The outlook is stable.

Infosys COO Pravin Rao appointed Nasscom chairman

Infosys’ chief operating officer, UB Pravin Rao, has been appointed as the new chairman of the National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom), for 2020-21.

Rekha M Menon, Chairman and Senior Managing Director, Accenture in India, will be the Vice-Chairperson for the industry body.

iD Fresh Food launches ‘Store Finder’ feature to ease customer stress during lockdown

In order to address growing anxiety among people about the supply of essential food items and stop them from panic buying during the ongoing 21-day lockdown, iD Fresh Food has launched a ‘Store Finder’ feature on its website.

The feature will provide customers with updated information on iD products available at the open stores near them and the exact quantity of fresh iD products supplied everyday.

Kolkata Port Trust becomes first state-run port trust to invoke force majeure

Kolkata Port Trust has declared force majeure at its Haldia Dock Complex, becoming the first state-owned major port trust to invoke the clause in the wake of the outbreak of the coronavirus that has roiled trade.

Most of the private ports and terminals operating in the country have invoked force majeure, a clause that absolves firms from meeting their contractual commitments for reasons beyond their control.

USAID grants $2.9 million to India to fight COVID-19

The US government, through its aid agency USAID, has announced a grant of USD 2.9 million to India to help it fight the coronavirus pandemic. US Ambassador to India Kenneth Juster said the assistance will further support India’s response to COVID-19. The US government, through USAID, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other relevant agencies, is working closely with India to support the country’s response to the pandemic

Indian-origin Lisa Nandy appointed UK shadow foreign minister

The Labour Party’s newly-elected Leader, Sir Keir Starmer, on Sunday named Indian-origin MP Lisa Nandy as his shadow foreign secretary.

FCI sets all-time record in single day transportation of food grains

Food Corporation of India (FCI) has set a new record in single-day movement by moving 70 rakes carrying 1.93 Lakh Metric Tonnes (LMT) continuously for two days on April 3 and 4.

A press release from the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution said, “Continuing with its efforts to ensure that enough food grain stocks are made available in every part of the country during a countrywide lockdown, Food Corporation of India (FCI) has set a new record in single-day movement by moving 70 rakes carrying 1.93 Lakh Metric Tonnes (LMT) continuously for two days on April 3 and 4.”

Current Affairs 1st April 2020 one liner
1.Cabinet approves Non-operation of MPLADS for two years (2020-21 and 2021-22) for managing COVID 19
2.JNCASR develops versatile coating to stop spread of viruses like influenza and COVID 19
3.Flipkart, Uber partner to deliver essentials to consumers across Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi
4.Fitch downgrades Cairn India to ‘B+’ on lower oil prices
5.Infosys COO Pravin Rao appointed Nasscom chairman
6.iD Fresh Food launches ‘Store Finder’ feature to ease customer stress during lockdown
7.Kolkata Port Trust becomes first state-run port trust to invoke force majeure
8.USAID grants $2.9 million to India to fight COVID-19
9.Indian-origin Lisa Nandy appointed UK shadow foreign minister
10.FCI sets all-time record in single day transportation of food grains


Daily Current Affairs Daily Current Affairs Quiz
1st April 2020 1st April 2020
2nd April 2020 2nd April 2020
3rd April 2020 3rd April 2020
4th April 2020 4th April 2020
5th April 2020 5th April 2020
6th April 2020 6th April 2020
7th April 2020 7th April 2020
8th April 2020 8th April 2020
9th April 2020 9th April 2020
10th April 2020 10th April 2020
11th April 2020 11th April 2020
12th April 2020 12th April 2020
13th April 2020 13th April 2020
14th April 2020 14th April 2020
15th April 2020 15th April 2020
16th April 2020 16th April 2020
17th April 2020 17th April 2020
18th April 2020 18th April 2020
19th April 2020 19th April 2020
20th April 2020 20th April 2020
21st April 2020 21st April 2020
22nd April 2020 22nd April 2020
23rd April 2020 23rd April 2020
24th April 2020 24th April 2020
25th April 2020 25th April 2020
26th April 2020 26th April 2020
27th April 2020 27th April 2020
28th April 2020 28th April 2020
29th April 2020 29th April 2020
30th April 2020 30th April 2020
31st April 2020 31st April 2020


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