Editorials/Op-Eds in newspapers are useful sources for adding analytical points to the facts on any issue. For example, while discussing any new law, you can read about the various provisions of the law from the summary of law itself but to analyze it further, you will need to understand the pros/cons. merits/demerits, or advantages/limitations, shortcomings etc. of the law. It is here Editorials/Op-Eds and other Columns are useful (as some knowledgeable people write such columns).

THE HINDU EDITORIAL is one of the important sessions to read and to practice as english section is considered as the one which cannot be cracked. Break the Myth by preparing for the English Language section in various exams like SBI PO 2020, SBI Clerk 2020, IBPS PO 2020, IBPS CLERK 2020 and many others.

These topics are widely expected to be asked in the reading comprehension, Cloze Test or Error Detection in the forthcoming exams. So gear up your Exam preparation and learn new words daily.


  1. Rambunctious – difficult to control or handle

    • Synonyms: boisterous, noisy, raucous, rowdy, unruly, rough, rude, termagant
    • Antonyms: restrained, silent, introverted, meek
    • Usage: It was a rambunctious party, and one could find people from every walks of life joining in without having any kind of discomfort.
  2. Mete – dispense or allot justice, a punishment, or harsh treatment.

    • Synonyms: dispense, apportion, distribute, parcel out, portion out, bestow, assign, administer
    • Antonyms: collect, combine, gather, hold, join, keep
    • Usage: The judge will mete out very harsh sentences when he’s in an unpleasant mood.
  3. Chastise – rebuke or reprimand severely.

    • Synonyms: upbraid, berate, reprove, admonish, chide, censure, castigate
    • Antonyms: compliment, laud, praise, assist, guard
    • Usage: He chastised his colleagues for their laziness
  4. Primordial – existing at or from the beginning of time; basic and fundamental.

    • Synonyms: prehistoric, antediluvian, antique, primeval, primitive, primal
    • Antonyms: modern, new, latest
    • Usage: According to the Bible, life began with the primordial creation of Adam and Eve.
  5. Sullen – bad-tempered and sulky.

    • Synonyms: morose, resentful, glum,  frowning,  grumpy, peevish, indignant
    • Antonyms: agreeable, bright, cheerful, friendly, gentle
    • Usage: The sullen criminal refused to follow the police officer’s instructions.
  6. Magnanimous – generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person.

    • Synonyms: benevolent, munificent, bountiful, philanthropic, chivalrous
    • Antonyms: stingy, selfish, uncharitable
    • Usage: Because she was kind and generous, the magnanimous queen was loved by all.
  7. Subservient – prepared to obey others unquestioningly.

    • Synonyms: submissive, deferential, acquiescent, duteous, biddable, meek, docile, ductile, pliant
    • Antonyms: disobedient, controlling, domineering
    • Usage: She was subservient to her parents
  8. Enslave – make (someone) a slave (of something).

    • Synonyms: coerce, disenfranchise, imprison, incarcerate, shackle, subjugate
    • Antonyms: emancipate, release, disconnect, liberate
    • Usage: His drug addiction has completely enslaved him.
  9. Chauvinism – exaggerated or aggressive patriotism.

    • Synonyms: fanaticism, jingoism, nationalism, narrowness, zealotry, bellicism
    • Antonyms: unbias
    • Usage:Even today, women continue to experience chauvinism when they pursue careers that were once dominated by men.
  10. Blatant – (of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.

    • Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised, unconcealed, transparent, patent, evident, manifest, palpable, unmistakable
    • Antonyms: concealed, hidden, moral, secret, inconspicuous
    • Usage: The drunk driver’s blatant disregard for the lives of others earned him seven years in prison.


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