Daily Important Vocab  from Editorial – Learn Now

Daily Editorial with Vocabulary PDF : Daily Vocab PDF, English Vocabulary in detail, Daily Hindu Vocabulary in detail, Important Vocabulary Pdf from editorial, English Editorial Vocabulary PDF, The Hindu Vocab PDF. 

As we know that now a day’s in All Banking, SSC, Railway Exams vocabulary plays a vital role. To help you in this part and to improve your score in English Section we are providing you daily vocab pdf in detail from various English Editorial. Aspirants who want to improve in English can read and download this Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary PDF

Important Vocabulary

1. Deficit(घाटा/कमी)
Synonyms: loss, shortfall, arrears, defalcation, default
Antonyms:abundance, adequacy, advantage, enough, perfection
2. Damage(हानि/आघात)
Synonyms: accident, blow, bruise, casualty, catastrophe
Antonyms: advantage, benefit, blessing, building, cleanliness
3. Increasing(बढ़ाना/इज़ाफ़ा होना) 
Synonyms: developing, expanding, growing, rising, accumulating
4. Abated;(रोक-थाम करना)
Synonyms: decrease, diminish, dull, dwindle, ebb
Antonyms:advance, develop, enlarge, expand, extend
5. Volatility(अस्थिरता/परिवर्तनशीलता)
Synonyms: dryness, vaporization, vaporousness
6. Remain(बने हुए हैं।/टिकना).
Synonyms: continue, endure, go on, hover, last
Antonyms: cease, die, discontinue, go, leave
7. Contrast(विरोध/विषमता)
Synonyms: comparison, contradiction, disagreement, disparity, distinction
Antonyms: agreement, harmony, likeness, peace, sameness
8. Trouble(परेशानी )
Synonyms: anxiety, concern, danger, difficulty, dilemma
Antonyms: benefit, calm, calmness, contentment, ease
9. Ability(योग्यता)
Synonyms: capability, capacity, competence, intelligence, qualification
Antonyms: ignorance, impotence, inability, incapability, incapacity
10. Dependence(निर्भरता/अधीनता)
Synonyms: confidence, dependency, addiction, belief, craving
Antonyms: disbelief, distrust, indifference
11. Obviously( स्पष्ट रूप से)
Synonyms: apparently, certainly, clearly, definitely, evidently
Antonyms: doubtfully, dubiously, equivocally, indefinitely, questionably


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