Directions(1-10): Substitute one word for the expression given in the question

1. A person with a long experience of any occupation
(1) veteran
(2) genius
(3) seasoned
(4) ambidexterous

2. Words written on a tomb
(1) epithet
(2) epigraph
(3) Soliloquy
(4) epitaph

3. Stealthily done
(1) devious
(2) nefarious
(3) surreptitious
(4) villainous

4. Something no longer in use
(1) desolate
(2) absolute
(3) obsolete
(4) primitive

5. One not concerned with right or wrong
(1) moral
(2) amoral
(3) immoral
(4) immortal

6. A person who opposes war or use of military force
(1) fascist
(2) pacifist
(3) narcissist
(4) fatalist

7. Severely abusive writing in journals
(1) imaginary
(2) speculative
(3) scurrilous
(4) sarcastic

8. Call upon God or any other power (like law) etc. for help or protection
(1) invocation
(2) involution
(3) inundation
(4) revocation

9. Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space
(1) agoraphobia
(2) claustrophobia
(3) xenophobia
(4) paranoia

10. One who has become dependent on something or drugs is
(1) adamant
(2) edict
(3) addict
(4) derelict



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