Name  Date/Year  Committee/ Establishment Act
 RBI (Reserve Bank of India)  1st April 1935  Hilton Young Committee/RBI Act 1934
 SBI (State Bank of India)  1st July 1955  State Bank of India Act, 1954
 IDBI (Industrial Development Bank Of India)  1964
 NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development)  12th July 1982  Shivaraman Committee
 RRB (Regional Rural Bank)  1975  RRB Act 1976
 SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India)  2nd April 1990
 NHB (National Housing Bank)  9th July 1988
 EXIM Bank (Export & Import Bank of India)  1st Jan 1982
 Banking Ombudsman Scheme  14th June 1995
 IRDA (Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority)  April 2000  Malhotra Committee Recommendations 1999
 SEBI (Securities & Exchange Board of India)  12th April 1992  SEBI Act, 1992
 PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority)  23rd Aug 2003
 Nationalization of Banks
 BCSBI (Banking Codes & Standards Board of India)  April 2005
 CAPART (Council for Advancement of People’s Action & Rural Technology)  1st Sep 1986
 FIPB (Foreign Investment Promotion Board)  Works under Ministry of Finance, GOI
 First Finance Commission  20th Nov 1951  Chairman – K C Neogy
 ECGC (Export Credit Guarantee Corporation)  30th July 1957  Old name was – Export Risk Insurance Corporation (ERIC)
 IFCI (Industrial Finance Corporation of India)  1st July 1948
 UTI (Unit Trust of India)  1963
 DICGC (Deposit Insurance & Credit Guarantee Corporation)  15th July 1978  Chairman – Subir Gokurn
 Repco Bank  1969 For rehabilitating repatriates from Sri Lanka and Myanmar (Burma)


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