How to prepare English for SSC CHSL 2018 exam?


How to prepare English for SSC CHSL 2018 exam? This is one of the most asked questions by SSC CHSL 2018 aspirants. Tier-1 contains 25 Questions of English with a weightage of 50 marks. If you are well prepared in English, then you can easily score around 45 marks in just 10-12 minutes.

Here are the top 10 tips for preparing English in SSC CHSL 2018.

  1. Buy a good standard English book and always keep it at your disposal. We would suggest a complete guide for English questions asked in SSC CHSL. It should have sufficient practice questions. If not more, start practicing or reading the chapters for 30 minutes a day.
  2. Read a good English newspaper such as The Times of India. It will help you in improving your overall English skills. You can read it without getting bored and it might help you in improving your General Awareness skills too. Read for around 1 hour a day whenever you find time. This will boost your preparation in English for SSC CHSL 2018.
  3. Make a note of all important English Grammar rules. There are around 40-45 of them. Proficiency in these general English rules will make you able to solve 40-50 % questions. Revise these rules daily and practice questions based on them. Generally, questions of type “Find Error” and “Improvement” come in this category.
  4. For Vocabulary based topics like Antonyms and Synonyms, revision is the key. Start alphabetically with A and move on to Z. Read the words you come across and revise them. You may need to note down some difficult words for revision as and when you find time. Devote 20-30 minutes for Vocabulary every day.
  5. For Idioms, Phrases and One-word type questions it is important to learn and revise. Daily revision for 15 minutes is very important otherwise you may forget in the real exam.
  6. Practice all previous year questions that have come in past SSC CHSL and other SSC exams. You will become comfortable with the level of questions generally asked. SSC repeats the questions, so previous year questions will get you some quick marks.
  7. For Cloze test, reading is paramount. If you are habitual of reading, you know how to join sentences and what is the tone of the sentence. Practice has an important role to play in these kinds of questions. Practice at least 3 Cloze tests from today to be a master before the exam.
  8. After you have prepared and practiced the next important stage comes which is Online Mock Tests. You may come to know about your preparation level only after attempting online mock tests. With Online Mock tests you get an exam like atmosphere and your performance is gauged against thousands of other aspirants. Take 30-40 online mock tests and sectional tests also before appearing in real exam. Mock tests also help you in time management which is one of the biggest factors in your success.
  9. A good online test series comes with sufficient sectional tests. Attempt English sectional tests and look how many questions are you getting correct. Also find out the time taken by you in completing 25 questions. You should also analyse your weak areas for which you need improvement.
  10. Remember the following formula for your success: Success in SSC CHSL 2018 = Good preparation resources + Learning concepts, rules, vocabulary + Practicing questions from books + Previous year questions practice + Sectional Mock tests + Full Mock tests + Time management + Finding and resolving weak areas + Confidence in yourself.



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