IBPS IT Officer Prelims & Mains Exam Analysis, Review & Questions Asked 2017

IBPS IT Officer Prelims & Mains Exam Analysis : Hello Aspirants, As we know that IBPS will conduct 29th and 30th December 2018. So you must be looking for the IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam Analysis for Prelims & Mains & Questions asked in IBPS IT Officer Mains Exam. Below we are providing you the detailed Exam Analysis of Shift 1 & Shift 2 for IT Officer Prelims & Mains exam 2017 & Professional Knowledge Questions that are asked in IBPS IT Officer Mains Exam.

IBPS IT Officer Prelims Exam Analysis 2017 – Slot 1

The preliminary exam for IBPS SO was conducted online and had 150 questions for 120 minutes. Candidates have to manage those 120 minutes themselves while dealing with three sections- Reasoning (50 Ques), Quantitative Aptitude (50 Ques), and English (50 Ques).

Subject Good Attempt (IT Officer)
English Language 26-28
Reasoning Ability 38
Quantitative Aptitude 32-35
Total  96-103 for IT Officer

English Language (Moderate)

The level of English Language was Moderate. Much to the surprise and relief to students this section was not too over the board, with the recently set “conventional pattern” questions ruling the majority; aspirants who have done adequate practice can score in the English Language section of this exam. There were 2 sets of Reading Comprehension (which did not include question based on vocabulary) and the topics of RCs were – 1) Based on Bitcoin-Cryptocurrency, 2) Related to Driver less Cars.

This exam also added another new type of Word Usage questions and this time it was clubbed with the cloze test’s concept. Where a number was assigned to (at the beginning of) various lines in a passage and 3-4 words were marked as bold. Candidates had to identify the one which doesn’t fit in the context or is probably misspelled. The passage of this question set was based on technology.

Topics No. of Questions Level
Reading Comprehension 20 Moderate- Difficult
Fillers (Single blank) 5 Easy-Moderate
Phrase Replacement 5 Moderate
Cloze Test (New Pattern) 10 Moderate
Error Detection 5 Moderate
Sentence Rearrangement 5 Moderate
Total 50 Moderate

Quantitative Aptitude ( Easy-Moderate)

The level of quantitative aptitude section was Easy-Moderate. If you are yet to appear for IBPS SO Prelims exam (tomorrow), The first and most basic tip to help you clear quantitative aptitude section’s cut off is that you should work on your calculation speed. There were 3 sets of DI and a Caselet:

  • Tabular 
  •  Pie Chart
  • Line Graph
  • Caselet
Topics No. of Question Level
Number Series (Missing) 5 Moderate
Approximation 5 Easy
Data Interpretation 20 Moderate
Inequality 5 Easy
Miscellaneous- Arithmetic Word Problems (Average, Mixture and Allegation, CP and SP, Profit and Loss, Partnership etc.) 15 Easy-Moderate
Total 50 Easy-Moderate

Reasoning Ability (Easy-Moderate)

There were 5 puzzles and Seating Arrangement which are given below:-

  • Circular (2 Variables)
  • Stack Arrangement (1 Variable)
  • Floor Based (2 Variables)
  • Month Based (2 Variables)
  • Linear
Topics No. of Questions Level
Syllogism 5 Easy-Moderate
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement 25 Moderate
Direction Sense 2 Easy
Coding Decoding 2 Easy-Moderate
Inequality 5 Easy
Alphabet 1 Easy
Data Sufficiency 5 Easy-Moderate
Logical Reasoning 5 Moderate
Total 50 Easy-Moderate

IBPS IT Officer Prelims Exam Analysis 2017 – Slot 2

The preliminary exam for IBPS SO was conducted online and had 150 questions for 120 minutes. Candidates have to manage those 120 minutes themselves while dealing with three sections- Reasoning (50 Ques), Quantitative Aptitude (50 Ques), and English (50 Ques).

Subject Good Attempt (IT Officer)
English Language 27-29
Reasoning Ability 36-39
Quantitative Aptitude 33-37
Total  97-105 for IT Officer

English Language (Moderate)

The level of English Language was Moderate. Much to the surprise and relief to students this section was not too over the board, with the recently set “conventional pattern” questions ruling the majority; aspirants who have done adequate practice can score in the English Language section of this exam. There were 2 sets of Reading Comprehension (which did not include question based on vocabulary).

Topics No. of Questions Level
Reading Comprehension 20 Moderate- Difficult
Fillers (Single blank) 5 Easy-Moderate
Phrase Replacement 5 Moderate
Cloze Test (New Pattern) 10 Moderate
Error Detection 5 Moderate
Sentence Rearrangement 5 Moderate
Total 50 Moderate

Quantitative Aptitude ( Easy-Moderate)

The level of quantitative aptitude section was Easy-Moderate. If you are yet to appear for IBPS SO Prelims exam (tomorrow), The first and most basic tip to help you clear quantitative aptitude section’s cut off is that you should work on your calculation speed. There were 3 sets of DI and a Caselet:

  • Tabular 
  •  Pie Chart
  • Line Graph
  • Caselet
Topics No. of Question Level
Number Series (Missing) 5 Moderate
Approximation 5 Easy
Data Interpretation 20 Moderate
Inequality 5 Easy
Miscellaneous- Arithmetic Word Problems (Average, Mixture and Allegation, CP and SP, Profit and Loss, Partnership etc.) 15 Easy-Moderate
Total 50 Easy-Moderate

Reasoning Ability (Easy-Moderate)

There were 5 puzzles and Seating Arrangement which are given below:-

  • Circular (2 Variables)
  • Stack Arrangement (1 Variable)
  • Floor Based (2 Variables)
  • Month Based (2 Variables)
  • Linear
Topics No. of Questions Level
Syllogism 5 Easy-Moderate
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement 25 Moderate
Direction Sense 2 Easy
Coding Decoding 2 Easy-Moderate
Inequality 5 Easy
Alphabet 1 Easy
Data Sufficiency 5 Easy-Moderate
Logical Reasoning 5 Moderate
Total 50 Easy-Moderate

IBPS IT Officer Mains Exam Analysis 2017

The questions asked in this years IBPS SO Professional Knowledge Exam for IT Officer candidates was of an Easy-Moderate Level. This year major proportion of questions were from C++ and Object Oriented Programming Concepts (OOP). The questions from OOPS were however of basic to a moderate level.

There were no questions about OOPS programming or error detection of code or finding output. Along with OOPS there was a good ratio of questions from Networking, Data Structure and DBMS as well.

Some questions were related to following topics: Storage Classes, Boolean Function’s Default Value, Float function and other data types, Fibonacci Series, Truth Table of gates, OSI Model, Network Topology, Referential Integrity in DBMS, Tree Data Structure, ACID Properties in DBMS. 

Topic Questions
C++ and OOP Concept 15-20
DBMS 5-7
Data Structure 5-6
Networking 7-8
Miscellaneous 15-19
Good Attempt 50-52

Professional Knowledge Questions Asked in IBPS IT Officer Mains Exam 2017

  1. Unique address is assigned to each host in which layer
  2. A in ACID?
  3. Default value of boolean variable in an array
  4. Concatenate two strings by using which function?
  5. Default value of float variable in an array
  6. Boolean occupies how much space in a 32 bit system
  7. Physical limitation of a signal is called
  8. Function to copy one memory location to other in C++
  9. Join in which result is generated when variable matches from any one of table
  10. Which of the following is not true about OLTP?
  11. Join in which result is generated only when variable matches from both tables
  12. The weakening of signal in long-term transmission is called? attenuation
  13. Generation of noise when one signal has higher strength than other while signal propagates in a medium?
  14. Accesing top element of stack without deleting it ? (peek(),isempty(), isfull(), push(), pop())
  15. How many layers are there in a data warehouse?
  16. Which of the following are the 3 layers of a data warehouse?
  17. ‘/a’ is used for what in C++
  18. Which of the following function is used in every hashing technique
  19. If a series is already sorted, which sorting technique will finish in the least time (Binary/Quick/…)
  20. 2,1,5,4,3 how many more swaps are needed to finish sorting by bubble sorting technique
  21. Accessing the data value or message value which may even cause a function invocation, is called? msg passing, msg parsing, function call etc
  22. In red-black tree, if the parent node is red, colour of child nodes will be ___and___? (red-red, uncoloured-red, uncoloured-black.)
  23. What happens when a node is pushed into a stack?(added to front of linked list, added to back of linked list, added to middle of linked list, nothing happen, node cannot be added to the stack
  24. Index of first element of linked list default value? (0/1/garbage/null)
  25. Definition of the snowflake schema
  26. If a tree is of 4 level how many elements are present in it?
  27. ______ keyword is used to skip this iteration and move to next iteration ? break/continue
  28. Definition of star schema


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