IBPS RRB Office Assistant Clerk State wise Cut Off Marks

RRB Clerk Previous Year cutoff Marks : IBPS RRB Office Assistant Previous Year cut off , Previous year cut off marks of IBPS RRB Clerk exam, RRB Office Assistant Old cut off Post-wise, Last year cut off marks for RRB Clerk, IBPS RRB Office Assistant Previous year cut-off marks, RRB Clerk Previous Year cut-off marks. RRB released the official Office Assistant Exam Recruitment Notification and candidates must be looking for RRB Clerk Past year cut-off. “RRB Clerk Study Material PDF

So the candidates who are going to attend the Exam can check  RRB Clerk Previous year cut-off marks. Hope these cut off marks will help you at the time of your Exam Preparation. Hence see the RRB Clerk Previous cut-off marks and start your Exam Preparation as early as possible.

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In this post we are providing to the detailed IBPS RRB Clerk Previous year cutoff in detail with the help of IBPS Office assistant cutoff marks candidates will get an idea of the exam. So by viewing the previous cutoff marks of IBPS Clerk they can guess how much questions they have to attempt in this exam to clear the cutoff score.

The cutoff was applied on 2 stages:–

  1. Sectional Cutoff– You need to qualify each section of the exam, if you fail to clear the cutoff of any of the sections, you are not qualified for the competition.
  2. Overall Cutoff– Also, you have to clear overall cutoff of the written exam, if you manage to clear the sectional cutoff of each section but fail to clear the overall cutoff, then also you will not be qualified.

IBPS RRB Clerk Office Assistant 2018 Prelims Cut-Off

The Cut-Off list for IBPS RRB Clerk (Office Assistant) 2018 Prelims exam is mentioned below. The Cut-Off for other states will be updated here soon. All candidates are required to visit this page regularly to check IBPS RRB 2018 Clerk Prelims Cut-Off.

State Cut-off
Uttar Pradesh 70.75
Haryana 76.25
Madhya Pradesh 70.50
Himachal Pradesh 77.50
Punjab 74.75
Rajasthan 73.00
Bihar 70.25
Odisha 71.25
Gujarat 69.75
Andhra Pradesh 72.50
West Bengal 75.25
Chhattisgarh 67.75
Tripura 48.75
Maharashtra 69.75
Kerala 73.50
Telangana 67.75
Karnataka 66.25
Jammu and Kashmir 70.00
Assam 67.50
Jharkhand 69.75
Tamil Nadu 61.75

IBPS RRB Office Assistant(Clerk) Mains 2018 State- Wise Final Cut Off

Maximum Score – IBPS RRB Office Assistant(Clerk) Mains 2018 State-Wise Final Cut Off

Official IBPS RRB Office Assistant Cut Offs for Mains & Prelims 2017

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Cut Off 2017 (Prelims)

Given below is the section-wise cut off marks of IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Clerk) 2017 

Name of Test Maximum Marks General
Numerical Ability 40 12.75
Reasoning Ability 40 13.75

Ibps RRB Officer Scale I Mains Cut Off – Sectional

Section Max. Marks UR OBC SC ST
Reasoning Ability 40 6.50 03.75  03.75  03.75
Computer Knowledge 40 19.50 17.25  17.25  17.25
General Awareness 40 10.75 8.00  8.00  8.00
English Language(4a) OR 40 01.75  01.00  01.00  01.00
Hindi Language(4b) 40 19.75 17.25  17.25  17.25
Quantitative Aptitude 40 04.75 02.75  02.75  02.75

Overall State-wise cut off IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2017

State Cut Off (Gen)
Himachal Pradesh 59.00 
Madhya Pradesh  60.50
Punjab 60.75
Odhisa 56.00
Jharkhand 62.50
Telangana 57.75
Rajasthan 58
Maharashtra 56.75
Chattisgarh 50.75
Uttar Pradesh 56.75 
Gujarat  57.25
West Bengal 67.00
Bihar 57.00
Uttarakhand 60.00
Haryana 62.00
Karnataka 54.25
Andhra Pradesh 63
Tamil Nadu 51.75
Assam 59.25
Kerala 58.50

IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Final Mains Cut Off 2017

Here is the list of category wise sectional cut off marks of IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Clerk)

Andhra Pradesh 50.07 40.32 56.28 59.88
Arunachal Pradesh 40.28 54.66
Assam 51.94 54.91 53.38 57.94
Bihar 52.41 46.97 61.28 65.97
Chhattisgarh 48.13 39.88 58.03 60.85
Gujarat 52.75 40.25 58.60 60.85
Haryana 49.35 58.66 67.19
Himachal Pradesh 50.66 50.72 57.32 63.16
Jammu & Kashmir 46.07 32.53 54.10 66.35
Jharkhand 49.97 39.72 58.03 61.69
Karnataka 46.10 41.53 53.35 55.66
Kerala 50.60 41.63 59.25 63.44
Madhya Pradesh 50.78 42.00 58.57 64.32
Maharashtra 54.69 39.60 55.28 59.32
Manipur 55.10 66.53 61.41
Meghalaya 38.16 44.16 42.60
Mizoram 36.85 44.00 49.03
Nagaland 47.63
Odisha 45.07 36.63 57.94 60.03
Punducherry 52.00 59.75 59.82
Punjab 48.72 46.91 55.88 64.63
Rajasthan 49.97 45.32 60.85 64.82
Tamil Nadu 53.53 42.28 60.69 61.78
Telangana 49.66 45.00 60.69 61.78
Tripura 42.07 29.57 55.03
Uttar Pradesh 46.97 39.25 54.91 61.25
Uttarakhand 45.16 47.13 54.07 62.57
West Bengal 57.57 43.60 55.53 64.53

Official IBPS RRB Office Assistant Cut Off – 2016

IBPS RRB Clerk 2016 Prelims (Section-wise)

Reasoning General – 15.00OBC – 12.75SC – 12.75
Quantitative Aptitude General – 12.25OBC – 8.50SC – 8.50

IBPS RRB Clerk 2016 Prelims (State-Wise Cut Off)

Uttar Pradesh 64.75
Rajasthan 66.00
Himachal Pradesh  –
Madhya Pradesh 64.00
Bihar 62.75
Telangana 62.00
Maharashtra 66.50
Haryana 70.00
Andhra Pradesh  71.50
Assam 57.00
Kerela 69.50
Odisha 67.75
Punjab 72.50
Uttarakhand 65.75
Chhattisgarh 69.75
West Bengal 70.00
Gujarat 55.50
Karnataka 54.25

IBPS RRB Clerk 2016 Mains Cut Off (State Wise)

Given below is the table depicting the cut off scores (maximum) in IBPS RRB Office Assistant mains for the year 2016.

Andhra Pradesh  72.97
Arunachal Pradesh  62.82
Assam 72.47
Bihar  81.63
Chhattisgarh  76.53
Gujarat  79.32
Haryana  82.57
Himachal Pradesh  78.60
Jammu and Kashmir  88.28
Jharkhand  78.07
Karnataka  72.82
Kerela  81.19
Madhya Pradesh  78.44
Maharashtra  72.47
Manipur  60.82
Meghalaya  NA
Mizoram  50.03
Nagaland  56.10
Odisha  75.60
Punjab  67.41
Rajasthan  84.03
Tamil Nadu  79.47
Telangana  74.88
Tripura  74.78
Uttar Pradesh  84.72
Uttarakhand  79.72
West Bengal  79.97

IBPS RRB Cut Offs 2015 (Prelims + Mains) Subject and Category wise Final Cut Off

For office assistant and officer cadre, the Total weighted score for IBPS RRB is 70 marks or above for reserved categories such as ST/ SC/ PWD and for general categories it should be 80 marks or above.

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Cut Off Score

Test Name Maximum Score SC / ST OBC / GEN
Reasoning 40 13& above 18& above
Numerical Ability 40 17& above 22& above
General Awareness 40 10& above 13& above
English Language 40 13& above 17& above
Hindi Language 40 19& above 23& above
Computer Knowledge 40 16& above 20& above
Cutoffs on Total Weighted Score  Total 70& above  80& above 

How to check RRB Office Assistant Cut off marks?

  1. Firstly, log on to the official website of RRB Office Assistant
  2. Now candidates can observe Homepage on the screen.
  3. Next click on “Recruitment” tab.
  4. Then after, search for “Cut off ” link.
  5. After you find the link click on it.
  6. Finally, you will get RRB Office Assistant Cut off marks on the screen.

IBPS RRB Clerk Office Assistant 2019 Complete Question Paper,Study Material, Books, Cutoff Marks, Notification, Study Plan

IBPS RRB Clerk Complete Study Kit for 2019 Direct Link
IBPS RRB Clerk Recruitment 2019 Notification Out : Apply now Click Here 
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IBPS RRB Office Assistant Previous Year Cut-off Marks  Click Here 
IBPS RRB Clerk Study Material Book PDF – Download Now Click Here
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IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Syllabus for Prelims & Mains 2019 Click Here
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