As we know IBPS will be conducting the IBPS RRB Officer Grade Preliminary Examination in the month of September 2017. IBPS RRB PO Recruitment 2017 brings a great opportunity for every student aiming to become a banker in this year 2017.

Now it is important that you maintain your focus on IBPS RRB PO and do not let your attention distract from your dream job. A proper smart strategy with a perfect study plan is needed to cross hurdles. As we are left approx 3 months effectively to prepare for IBPS RRB Officer Prelims exam.

IBPS RRB PO Exam Pattern 2017

S. No. Name of Subject No. of Questions Maximum Marks Time ( Minute)
1. Reasoning Ability 40 40  45


2. Quantitative Aptitude 40 40
  TOTAL 80 80

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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2016 Exam Analysis

  1. Quantitative Aptitude: 40 Questions were asked from this section. The overall level of this section was Moderate.
Topic Name Number of Questions
Number Series 5  Questions ( Moderate)
Simplification/ Approximation 5Questions (Easy to Moderate)
Data Interpretation 15 Questions  (Tabular graph, Pie Chart and Bar graph)
Miscellaneous Questions 10 Questions
Quadratic Equations 5 Questions (Easy)


  1. Reasoning Ability: 40 Questions were asked from this section. The overall level of this section was Moderate.
Topic Name Number of questions
Puzzles and Arrangements 15 QuestionsThere were 3 puzzles and Seating Arrangement which are given below:-

·         Linear Puzzle

·         Floor Puzzle

·         Square (8 people and seven days of week)

Syllogism 5 Questions
Inequality 5 Questions (3 questions were direct and 2 questions had conclusion given)
Miscellaneous 15 Questions Coding-Decoding, Blood relations, Direction sense, and Ranking.


Now we are sure you would be looking for proper study plan for your IBPS RRB PO 2017. So here we have come up with this article focusing on 10-week smart study plan for IBPS RRB PO Pre exam 2017.

IBPS RRB PO Study Plan 2017

First 3 week study plan:

  • In this, you should be all about clearing the basics concepts of the topics and most importantly focus on your weaker sections.
  • In a first 3 week, you work on accuracy. If you have all the basics concepts clear, you will be able to attempt the questions correctly in exam time.
  • In first 3 weeks you practice every topic and take at least one mock test in a week and also do revision all the topics after attempting the mock tests, make sure that you analyze your performance.

First 1- 3-week study plan

Days Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability
1 Number Series Order, Raking and Direction
2 Average Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
3 Time, work and wages Syllogism
4 Quadratic equations Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
5 Profit and Loss Coding-Decoding
6 Simplification/ Approximation Inequalities
7 Revision + Mock Test of the week Revision + Mock Test of the week
8 Percentage Coding-Decoding
9 Simplification/ Approximation Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
10 Ratio and Proportion Alpha Numeric Symbol Sequence
11 Quadratic equations Order, Raking and Direction
12 Problems on ages Syllogism
13 Time and Distance Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
14 Revision + Mock Test of the week Revision + Mock Test of the week
15 Number Series Blood Relation
16 Simplification/ Approximation Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
17 Quadratic equations Syllogism
18 Allegation and Mixtures Inequalities
19 Average Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
20 Simple and Compound Interest Coding-Decoding
21 Revision + Mock Test of the week Revision + Mock Test of the week


Week 4-6 Study Plan

  • In these weeks you should practice of all the topics of first 3 weeks and follow same tips as well.
  • You’ll also need to cover the all remaining topics in these weeks.
  • Keep in mind that practice at least 1 mock test weekly within a time limit and analyze your performance.

Week 4-6 Study Plan

Days Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability
22 Problems on ages Data Sufficiency
23 DI: Tabular Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
24 Number Series Coding-Decoding
25 DI: Pi chart Syllogism
26 DI: Tabular Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
27 Simple and Compound Interest Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
28 Revision + Mock Test of the week Revision + Mock Test of the week
29 Quadratic equations Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
30 DI: Combined Graph Inequalities
31 Simplification/ Approximation Order, Raking and Direction
32 DI: Line Graph Syllogism
33 DI: Pi chart Coding-Decoding
34 Number Series Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
35 Revision + Mock Test of the week Revision + Mock Test of the week
36 Profit and Loss Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
37 DI: Bar Graph Data Sufficiency
38 DI: Combined Graph Alpha Numeric Symbol Sequence
39 Simplification/ Approximation Inequalities
40 DI: Caselets Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
41 DI: Tabular Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
42 Revision + Mock Test of the week Revision + Mock Test of the week

Week 7-9 Study Plan

  • In these weeks you should practice of all the topics of the first 1-6 week and follow same tips as well.
  • You’ll also need to cover the all remaining topics in these weeks and also do revision regularly.
  • Keep in mind that practice at least 1 mock test weekly within a time limit and analyze your performance.

Week 7-9 Study Plan

Days Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability
43 Simplification/ Approximation Syllogism
44 DI: Line Graph Blood Relation
45 Quadratic equations Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
46 DI: Tabular Alpha Numeric Symbol Sequence
47 DI: Caselets Data Sufficiency
48 DI: Pi chart Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
49 Revision + Mock Test of the week Revision + Mock Test of the week
50 Number Series Inequalities
51 DI: Tabular Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
52 DI: Missing Order, Raking and Direction
53 Percentage Machine Input-Output
54 Quadratic equations Alpha Numeric Symbol Sequence
55 DI: Line Graph Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
56 Revision + Mock Test of the week Revision + Mock Test of the week
57 Quadratic equations Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
58 Number Series Order, Raking and Direction
59 DI: Tabular Syllogism
60 DI: Missing Inequalities/ Blood Relation
61 DI: Pi chart Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
62 Percentage Coding-Decoding
63 Mock Test  (with full analysis)  Mock Test  (with full analysis) 

Final week Study plan

  • Keep the last 5-6 days solving mock tests.
  • In final week practice at least 2 mock tests daily within a time limit.
  • Time Management and Accuracy are essential for all exams. So practice as many Mock Tests as you can to check your speed & accuracy and analyze your performance section wise.
  • This week you should also practice of topics of week 1 to 9 and also a Short revision of the all above topics.

Final week Study plan

Days Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability
64 Mock Test  (with full analysis)  Mock Test  (with full analysis) 
65 Mock Test  (with full analysis)  Mock Test  (with full analysis) 
66 Mock Test (with full analysis)  Mock Test (with full analysis) 
67 Mock Test (with full analysis)  Mock Test (with full analysis) 
68 Short revision of the first 9-week Short revision of the first 9 week
69 Short revision of the all above topics Short revision of the all above topics
70 Mock Test  (with full analysis)  Mock Test  (with full analysis) 

We hope that these tips and study plan will help you all in managing your time properly and also helped you in getting good marks in the exam.

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