Important Banking Abbreviations for Upcoming exams


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  1. What does E stands for in ECCS with respect to cheque clearing?
    A) Enabled
    B) Express
    C) Established
    D) Encrypted

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Option B
: Express Cheque Clearing System (ECCS)

  1. RRBs should maintain a LTV ratio of 75% on the outstanding amount of loan including the interest on an ongoing basis, failing which the loan will be treated as a NPA. What does L stands for in LTV.
    A) Liquidity
    B) Liability
    C) Loan
    D) Lien

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Option C
: Loan to Value

  1. FRA and IRS are such instruments which can provide effective hedge against interest rate risks. What does F stands for in FRA?
    A) Futures
    B) Forward
    C) Functionality
    D) Free

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Option B
: FRA- Forward Rate Agreement

  1. FRA and IRS are such instruments which can provide effective hedge against interest rate risks. What does S stands for in IRS?
    A) Settlement
    B) Short
    C) Swap
    D) Skip

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Option C
: IRS- Interest Rate Swap

  1. An IBU can become a PCM of the exchange in the IFSC for clearing and settlements in any derivatives segments. What does P stands for in PCM?
    A) Permanent
    B) Primary
    C) Public
    D) Professional

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Option D
: Professional Clearing Member

  1. The securities offered for substitution by the market participants shall be of similar market value based on the latest prices published by the FIMMDA. What does D stands for in FIMMDA?
    A) Derivatives
    B) Dividend
    C) Differential
    D) Dynamic

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Option A
: Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India

  1. Name of Annual Information Return (AIR) has now been changed to SFT. What does s stands for in SFT?
    A) Savings
    B) Systematic
    C) Statement
    D) Settled

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Option C
: SFT- Statement of Financial Transaction

  1. What does R stands for in QR Code?
    A) Review
    B) Response
    C) Random
    D) Retrieval

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Option B
: Quick Response Code

  1. What does P stands for in IAP with respect to UPI?
    A) Processing
    B) Payment
    C) Progress
    D) Primary

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Option B
: In-App Payments (IAP). This term is also used with android apps

  1. What does B stands for in APBS?
    A) Biometric
    B) Basic
    C) Bundled
    D) Bridge

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Option D
: Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB) System



  1. What does G stands for in WGWD with respect to willful defaulters?
    A) Gain
    B) General
    C) Group
    D) Garnishee

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Option C

  1. The Standing Liquidity Facilities provided to banks under ECR and to Primary Dealers (PDs) from the Reserve Bank would be available at the revised repo rate. What does C stands for in ECR?
    A) Cheque
    B) Credit
    C) Customs
    D) Capital

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Option B
: Export Credit Refinance

  1. Eligible residents can enter into FCY-INR swaps to hedge exchange rate and/or interest rate risk exposure arising out of long-term foreign currency borrowing. What does F stands for in FCY?
    A) Financial
    B) Formal
    C) Foreign
    D) Fucntional

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Option C
: Foreign Currency (FCY) – INR Swaps

  1. What does D stands for in NCD?
    A) Derivatives
    B) Debentures
    C) Declaration
    D) Decline

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Option B
: Non-Convertible Debentures

  1. What does A stands for in ANBC?
    A) Account
    B) Active
    C) Advance
    D) Adjusted

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: Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC)

  1. Banks can regularise payments exceeding the prescribed limit under RDA provided that they are satisfied with the bonafide of the transaction. What does R stands for in RDA?
    A) Regulation
    B) Rupee
    C) Revenue
    D) Response

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Option B
: Rupee Drawing Arrangements

  1. What does CVV stands for?
    A) Card Value Verified
    B) Card verification Valid
    C) Card Valid Value
    D) Card Verification Value

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Option D
: Card Verification Value
Card Verification Value Code (CVVC); card security code (CSC); Card Verification Data (CVD)

  1. The Reserve Bank of India said it will implement the LEI system for all participants in the over-the-counter markets for rupee interest rate derivatives. What does E stands for in LEI?
    A) Entry
    B) Enterprise
    C) Entity
    D) Easy

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Option C
: Legal Entity Identifier; It is a 20 digit code

  1. What does M stands for in PPI-MTS?
    A) Money
    B) Monetary
    C) Managerial
    D) Mass

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Option D
: Prepaid Payment Instrument- Mass Transit Systems

  1. What does M stands for in EMV Chips?
    A) MaestroCard
    B) MasterCard
    C) Money
    D) Monetary

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Option B
: EMV- Europay, MasterCard, and Visa


  1. FCA are invested in multi-currency, multi-asset portfolios as per the norms, which are similar to the best international practices followed in this regard. C in FCA stands for?
    A) Credit
    B) Currency
    C) Call
    D) Central

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Option B
Some Extra:
Foreign currency assets (FCA) are simply assets that are valued based on a currency other than the firm’s “home” currency.

  1. JLF is a dedicated grouping of lender banks that is formed to speed up decisions in case of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs). F in JLF stands for?
    A) Finance
    B) Fund
    C) Function
    D) Forum

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Option D
Some Extra:
The Joint Lender’s Forum is a dedicated grouping of lender banks that is formed to speed up decisions when an asset (loan) of more Rs 100 crore or more turns out to be a stressed asset.

  1. IDFs are investment vehicles for channelizing investment into the infrastructure sector. F in IDF stands for?
    A) Finance
    B) Fund
    C) Function
    D) Forum

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Option B
Some Extra:
Infrastructure Debt Fund (IDFs) are investment vehicles which can be sponsored by commercial banks and NBFCs in India in which domestic/offshore institutional investors, specially insurance and pension funds can invest through units and bonds issued by the IDFs.

  1. NUUP is a USSD based mobile banking service from NPCI that brings together all the Banks and Telecom Service Providers. P in NUUP stands for?
    A) Payment
    B) Platform
    C) Perform
    D) Plan

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Option B
Some Extra:
National Unified USSD Platform

  1. What does M stands for in QSAM, which is related to Aadhaar Number?
    A) Mandatory
    B) Merger
    C) Migrate
    D) Mapper

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Option D
Some Extra:
Query Service on Aadhaar Mapper

  1. IIBs are debt market securities offered by the government, and even some corporations with a view to protect your savings from inflation. What does middle letter I stands for in IIB?
    A) Inflation
    B) Indexed
    C) Information
    D) Investement

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Option B
Some Extra:
Inflation-indexed bonds

  1. In financial terms, what does L in LTV stands for?
    A) Loan
    B) Listed
    C) Lien
    D) Lend

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Option A
Some Extra:
The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is a financial term used by lenders to express the ratio of a loan to the value of an asset purchased. The term is commonly used by banks and building societies to represent the ratio of the first mortgage line as a percentage of the total appraised value of real property.

  1. D is FSDC stands for?
    A) Demonstrate
    B) Discussion
    C) Development
    D) Dedicated

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Option C
Some Extra:
 Financial Stability and Development Council

  1. What does P stands for in CNP?
    A) Privacy
    B) Prompt
    C) Permissive
    D) Present

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Option D
Some Extra:
A card not present transaction(CNP) is a payment card transaction made where the cardholder does not or cannot physically present the card for a merchant’s visual examination at the time that an order is given and payment effected.

  1. What is R in MDR?
    A) Rate
    B) Ratio
    C) Right
    D) Reserve

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Option A
Some Extra:
Merchant Discount Rate – The rate charged to a merchant by a bank for providing debit and credit card services.


  1. Payment of coupons on PDI from the revenue reserves is subject to the issuing bank meeting minimum regulatory requirements for CET1. What does P stands for in PDI?
    A) Portfolio
    B) Paid up
    C) Perpetual
    D) Participatory

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Option C
: PDI- Perpetual Debt Instruments

  1. What does R stands for in CFR with respect to Fraud Management?
    A) Reporting
    B) Registry
    C) Relevance
    D) Response

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Option B
: Central Fraud Registry

  1. Restructuring of loan accounts with exposure of above Rs.25 crore will continue to be governed by the extant guidelines on CDR / JLF mechanism. What does C stands for in CDR?
    A) Capital
    B) Cash
    C) Corporate
    D) Central

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Option C
: Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) / Joint Lenders’ Forum (JLF)

  1. In the case of MLTGD, the redemption of principal at maturity shall, at the option of the depositor, be either in Indian Rupee equivalent of the value of deposited gold at the time of redemption, or in gold. What does M stands for in MLTGD?
    A) Monetary
    B) Monetization
    C) Medium
    D) Managed

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Option C
: Medium and Long Term Government Deposit (MLTGD)

  1. The information regarding UFCE of individual borrowers shall be reported on a quarterly basis to all the four CICs by the lending bank. What does U stands for in UFCE?
    A) Undertaking
    B) Underlying
    C) Unified
    D) Unhedged

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Option D
: Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposures (UFCE)

  1. The aggregate exposure limit of all banks towards the PCE for a given bond issue has been capped at 20 per cent of the bond issue size. What does P stands for in PCE?
    A) Partial
    B) Primary
    C) Progressive
    D) Prompt

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Option A
: Partial Credit Enhancement (PCE)

  1. Banks must apply LEF at the same level as the risk-based capital requirements are applied. What does L stands for in LEF?
    A) Large
    B) Liquidity
    C) Liability
    D) Loan

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Option A
: LEF- Large Exposures Framework

  1. What does P stands for in OTP in relation to e-KYC?
    A) Password
    B) Pin
    C) Present
    D) Principle

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Option B
: One Time Pin (OTP)

  1. What does U stands for in USSD?
    A) Unified
    B) Unstructured
    C) Unsymmetrical
    D) Undertaking

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Option B
: Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)

  1. FBIL shall publish rates / prices for the reference rate / asset/derivatives as the case may be for arriving at settlement value in the OTC market. What does B stands for in FBIL?
    A) Branch
    B) Banking
    C) Beneficiary
    D) Benchmark

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Option D
: Financial Benchmark India Pvt. Ltd. (FBIL)


  1. Banks were advised to initiate urgent steps to ensure electronic filing of cash transaction report (CTR) and Suspicious Transaction Reports (STR) to FIU-IND. What does I stand for in FIU?
    A) Independent
    B) International
    C) Investment
    D) Intelligence

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Option D
: Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND)

  1. What does D stands for in DRI with respect to Interest Scheme?
    A) Different
    B) Dynamic
    C) Differential
    D) Development

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Option D
: Differential Rate of Interest

  1. To widen the reach of the NDS-OM, indirect access through the CSGL route was extended by Reserve Bank of India. What does S stands for in CSGL?
    A) Saving
    B) Subsidiary
    C) Simplified
    D) Systematic

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Option B
: CSGL- Constituent Subsidiary General Ledger
NDS-OM- Negotiated Dealing System – Order Matching (OM) System
and Subsidiary General Ledger (SGL)

  1. Number of banks have extended large loans to various Mutual Funds and have also issued IPC to stock exchanges on behalf of Mutual Funds/FIIs. What does I stands for in IPC?
    A) Institutional
    B) Investment
    C) Irrevocable
    D) Instrument

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Option C
: Irrevocable Payment Commitments

  1. What is the full form of EEFC Account?
    A) Equity Enabled Foreign Currency
    B) Exchange Earner’s Foreign Currency
    C) Electronic Earning Foreign Currency
    D) Earning Enabled Foreign Currency

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Option B
: Exchange Earner’s Foreign Currency (EEFC) Account

  1. What does O stands for in ESOP?
    A) Order
    B) Overdraft
    C) Ownership
    D) Offshore

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Option C
: employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)

  1. Banks were permitted to transact in IRF for the purpose of hedging the risk in their underlying investment portfolio. What does F stands for in IRF?
    A) Forwards
    B) Formula
    C) Futures
    D) Fixation

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Option C
: Interest Rate Futures

  1. What does SRF stands for?
    A) savings responsive funds
    B) saving refinance fund
    C) special responsive fund
    D) special refinance facility

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Option D
: Special Refinance Facility (SRF) introduced under Section 17(3B) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 for SCBs

  1. What does A stands for in LAF?
    A) Account
    B) Advance
    C) Associate
    D) Adjustment

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Option D
: Liquidity Adjustment Facility

  1. What does F stands for in ETFPOS?
    A) Funds
    B) Financial
    C) Foreign
    D) Forwards

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Option A
: Electronic funds transfer at Point of Sale


  1. What does I stands for in CHI in relation to Cheque Truncation System?
    A) Investment
    B) Interface
    C) Instrument
    D) Information

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Option B
: CHI-Clearing House Interface

  1. The security, integrity, non-repudiation and authenticity of the data and image transmitted in CTS are ensured using the PKI. What does P stands for in PKI?
    A) Private
    B) Public
    C) Privacy
    D) Product

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Option B
: PKI- Public Key Infrastructure

  1. What does P stands for in CCP with respect to Cheques?
    A) Private
    B) Privacy
    C) Policy
    D) Product

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Option C
: CCP- Cheque Collection Policy

  1. What does L stands for in LAF?
    A) Liquid
    B) Liquidity
    C) Liability
    D) Loss

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Option B
: LAF- Liquidity adjustment facility

  1. What does C stands for in BBPCU?
    A) Control
    B) Currency
    C) Central
    D) Corporation

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Option C
: Bharat Bill Payment Central Unit

  1. What does O stands for in WLAO with respect to ATMs?
    A) Organiser
    B) Operator
    C) Order
    D) Obligation

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Option B
: WLAO- White Label ATM Operator

  1. IDF is an investment vehicle which can be sponsored by commercial banks . What does I stands for in IDF?
    A) Investment
    B) Infrastructure
    C) International
    D) India

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Option B
: IDF- Infrastructure Debt Fund

  1. What does B stands for in CBLO?
    A) Bank
    B) Borrowing
    C) Basic
    D) Basel

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Option B
: CBLO- Collateralized Borrowing And Lending Obligation

  1. What does E stands for in ECB?
    A) Equity
    B) External
    C) Export
    D) Electronic

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Option B
: ECB- External Commercial Borrowing

  1. What does F stands for in SFMS?
    A) Fund
    B) Financial
    C) Federation
    D) Finance

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Option B
: SFMS- Structured Financial Messaging System


  1. What does R stands for in SARFAESI?
    A) Rate
    B) Rating
    C) Reconstruction
    D) Regulatory

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Option C
: The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002

  1. What does C stands for in CAR?
    A) Capital
    B) Core
    C) Corporation
    D) Credit

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Option A
: Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), also known as Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio (CRAR), is the ratio of a bank’s capital to its risk.

  1. What does S stands for in NASDAQ?
    A) Sector
    B) Swap
    C) Services
    D) Securities

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Option D
: National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

  1. What does S stands for in CRISIL?
    A) Sector
    B) Swap
    C) Services
    D) Securities

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Option C
: Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited

  1. What does A stands for in WMA?
    A) Association
    B) Advances
    C) Asset
    D) Agreement

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Option B
: Ways and Means Advances

  1. What does A stands for in CRAR?
    A) Association
    B) Advances
    C) Assets
    D) Agreement

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Option C
: CRAR- Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio

  1. What does R stands for in FRBMA?
    A) Regional
    B) Research
    C) Responsibility
    D) Regulatory

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Option C
: Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 (FRBMA)

  1. What does A stands for in AMFI?
    A) Association
    B) Asset
    C) Agreement
    D) Adequacy

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Option A
: Association of Mutual Funds in India

  1. What does Q stands for in QFI?
    A) Quality
    B) Qualified
    C) Query
    D) Quantity

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Option B
: Qualified Foreign Investors

  1. What does P stands for in FIPB?
    A) Partnership
    B) Public
    C) Promotion
    D) Private

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Option C
: Foreign Investment Promotion Board


Some More Abbreviations


HFC– Housing Finance Companies
FCCB– Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
ACU– Asian Clearing Union
NBFC-ND-SI= Non Banking Financial Company – Non-Deposit – Systemically Important
NCAF– New Capital Adequacy Framework
CCR– Counterfeit Currency Report
KYC– Know Your Customer
AML– Anti Money Laundering
CFT– Combating of Financing of Terrorism
-Transferable Development Right.

FLC– Financial Literacy Centres

HQLA– High Quality Liquid Assets

LCR – Liquidity Coverage Ratio

SDR– Strategic Debt Restructuring

FCTR– foreign currency translation reserve

DTA– Deferred tax assets

SMA– Special Mention Account

DDA– Diamond Dollar Account

ODI – Overseas Direct Investment

PSO – Payment System Operators

EOU – Export Oriented Unit

EPZ – Export Processing Zone

CCIL – Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.

CDES – Currency Distribution and Exchange Scheme

SBN– Specified Bank Notes

CGSS– Chest Guarantee Scheme for SBN Deposits

CNP – Card Not Present ; CP= Card Present

AFA– Additional Factor of Authentication

PPI – Prepaid Payment Instrument

MDR – Merchant Discount Rate
– State Level Bankers’ Committee

StCB– State Cooperative Bank

DCCO – date of commencement of commercial operations

PMLA – Prevention of Money Laundering Act

STH– Star Trading House; PTH– Premier Trading House

SREP – Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (Related to Basel norms)

LFAR– Long Form Audit Report

CVVC – Card Verification Value Code

CSC – Card security code

CVD – Card Verification Data

FLA– Foreign Liabilities and Assets

NPCI– National Payments Corporation of India

BHIM – Bharat Interface for Money

UPI – Unified Payments Interface

VPA– Virtual Payment Address

IMPS – Immediate Payment Service

NACH– National Automated Clearing House

UMRN – Unique Mandate Reference Number

AEPS– Aadhaar Enabled Payment System

APBS– Aadhaar Payment Bridge System

IIN– Institution Identification Number

AEBA– Aadhaar Enabled Bank Accounts

UIDAI– Unique Identification Authority of India

RuPay card– Formed of two words- Rupee and Payment

BBPS – Bharat Bill Payment System

BBPCU – Bharat Bill Payment Central Unit

BBPOU– Bharat Bill Payment Operating Unit
– Indian Financial Network

FLC– Financial Literacy Centres

FFMC – Full Fledged Money Changer

LLP – Limited Liability Partnerships

SDL– State Development Loans

IBU– IFSC Banking Unit

REIT – Real Estate Investment Trusts

InvIT – Infrastructure Investment Trust

CDM- Cash Deposit machine

BNAM – Bunch Note Acceptor Machines

VPA– Virtual Private Address(used in UPI)


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