Directions (1-5): Read the following information and answer the questions. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement


Input : ant real order world sunk india man undo catch eat

Step I : undo ant real order world sunk india man eat catch

Step II : undo order ant real world sunk india eat man catch

Step III : undo order india ant world sunk eat real man catch

Step IV : undo order india eat ant world sunk real man catch


And step IV is the last step of the rearrangement As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following question the appropriate steps for the given input.


Input for the question


Input : horn simple anger best onto danger moon upto erase into


  1. Which of the following would be the final arrangement?

(1) best horn danger moon simple upto onto into erase anger

(2) upto onto into erase anger best danger horn moon simple

(3) upto onto into erase anger simple moon horn danger best

(4) upto onto into erase anger simple danger horn moon best

(5) None of these


  1. In step III, which of the following word be at 6th position from the left?

(1) moon

(2) anger

(3) simple

(4) horn

(5) None of these


  1. Which step number would be the following output? upto onto horn simple anger moon erase into danger best.

(1) II

(2) III

(3) V

(4) IV

(5) None of these


  1. In step IV of the rearrangement, if onto is related to erase and moon is related to danger in a certain way, to which of the following would anger be related to, following the same pattern?

(1) moon

(2) into

(3) simple

(4) horn

(5) None of these


  1. Which of the following would be step VII?

(1) upto onto into erase anger simple moon horn danger best

(2) upto onto into erase anger moon simple danger horn best

(3) upto onto into erase anger best danger horn moon simple

(4) upto onto into erase simple anger moon horn danger best

(5) There will be no such step as the input gets rearranged before step VII


Directions (6-10). Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions: The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

(All the numbers are two digits numbers)


Input : talk 61 26 mold boom 88 81 47 work known ink 36 69 cold

Step I : 26 talk 61 mold 88 81 47 work known ink 36 69 cold boom

Step II : 36 26 talk 61 mold 88 81 47 work known ink 69 boom cold

Step III : 47 36 26 talk 61 mold 88 81 work known 69 boom cold ink

Step IV : 61 47 36 26 talk mold 88 81 work 69 boom cold ink known

Step V : 69 61 47 36 26 talk 88 81 work boom cold ink known mold

Step VI : 81 69 61 47 36 26 88 work boom cold ink known mold talk

Step VII : 88 81 69 61 47 36 26 boom cold ink known mold talk work


Step VII is the last slep of the above input, as the desired arrangement is obtained.


Input: 89 who root 19 46 near drink link gold 61 23 under 71 97


  1. Which step number is the following output?

46 23 19 89 who root near 61 under 97 71 gold drink link

(1) Step V

(2) Step VI

(3) Step IV

(4) Step III

(5) There is no such step


  1. Which word/number would be at 5th position from the right in Step V ?

(1) 19

(2) 97

(3) gold

(4) drink

(5) who


  1. How many elements (words or numbers) are there between ‘gold’ and ’46’ as they appear in the last step of the output?

(1) One

(2) Three

(3) Four

(4) Five

(5) Seven


  1. Which of the following represents the position of ‘who’ in the fourth step?

(1) Eighth from the left

(2) Fifth from the right

(3) Sixth from the left

(4) Fifth from the left

(5) Seventh from the left


  1. Which of the following would be step IV?

(1) 19 89 who root 46 near link gold 61 23 under 71 97 drink

(2) 71 61 46 23 19 89 who under 97 drink gold link near root

(3) 61 46 23 19 89 who root under 71 97 drink gold link near

(4) 97 89 71 61 46 23 19 drink gold link near root under who

(5) None of these

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