Macro Economics Basic Quiz – Free Pdf Download

Macro Economics for UPSC | SSC | Banking | Railway | State PCS :- Hello Aspirants as we know that all of you are preparing for various government & private exams in which Macro Economics plays vital role and many questions are asked in GS/GK/GA section from this topic. Macro Economics Questions will help you understand this topic in better way.

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So, we are providing you Previous Year Questions of Macro Economics that are asked in UPSC | SSC | RBI | NABARD | Banking | Railway | State PCS exams. Please attempt the Macro Economics Quiz and in comment section please reply your views regarding this quiz & also tell us about which topics quizzes you want. Don’t Forget to share this “Free Quiz on Macro Economics” among your friends. Keep Learning.

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1. When there is affect on economic activity of an specific country due to import and export, then such economy are called-

  1. Closed economy
  2. Open economy
  3. Agricultural economy
  4. Industrial economy

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans- (b) Expl:- When there is change in economy due to import and export, then such economy is called Open economy. India enacted Open economy in 1991.[/toggle]

2. The Worldwide great depression happens in which year-

(a) 1936 (b) 1929
(c) 1928 (d) 1930

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans (b) Expl:- The duration of great depression was different for different countries, but the starting of depression was 1929-32. The unemployment of America increases by +607%. Similarly in Germany by +214% & France by +214%.[/toggle]

3. Which among the following is not the investment of goods & services?

  1. Cost of machinery
  2. Increase in cost of raw goods
  3. Increasing department of company
  4. Cost of buying

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans (c) Expl:- Increasing the department of company is not the matter of investment on goods and services. [/toggle]

4. Preparing butter and ghee for household consumption of own family is a part of –

  1. Household investment production
  2. Industrial production
  3. Consumption
  4. Own Account Production

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans(c) Expl:- Preparing butter and ghee by a family for household consumption is a part of own account production.[/toggle]

5. Multinational firm is–

  1. A company started by foreign governments
  2. A single company established in different countries
  3. A company in India started by U.S. government
  4. A company started jointly by India and U.S

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans(b) Expl:- The Multinational firms are spread in various part of world. There modern techniques are welt equipped & products of such firms are widely spread and preferred in all parts of worlds.[/toggle]

6. Internal profit–
  1. Happens when internal trade expands
  2. Happens when business expands
  3. Happens in economy when they increase
  4. Happens in firms when they expand their product

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans(d) Expl:- Internal profit are made to firms when they expand their products. High level productivity, labour-division and modern equipments when used in better way, then internal profit is made. They are called as internal because firms increase their quality & quantity of production then only they gain internal profit.[/toggle]

7. The best Example of capital intensive industry in India is-

  1. Textile industry
  2. Steel industry
  3. Tourism industry
  4. Spare goods

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans(b) Expl:- Intensive industry are those industries which need large amount of capital for investment. [/toggle]

8. The Removal of prohibitions and hindrance by government is called.

  1. Globalisation
  2. Privatisation
  3. Liberalisation
  4. Bilateral

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans(c) [/toggle]

9. Which of the following is related to South-South debate?

  1. Cooperation between developing countries
  2. Defence Organisation
  3. Sitting between developed & developing countries
  4. All of the

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans(a) Expl:- South-South organization was held from 14-16 December 1978 in Tanzania. Its aim was to put focus for “new international economic view.”[/toggle]

10. In a economy “Development Stage” means-

  1. Starting of steadily increasing economy
  2. Bad economy
  3. Economy is on the verge of destroying
  4. All tariff to be

[toggle title=”Answer” state=”close”]Ans(a) Expl:- In economy “development stage” means starting of steadily increasing economy.[/toggle]


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