Command Area Development (CAD) Programme was launched in 1974-75 The primary objective of the CAD Programme has been to bridge the gap between the irrigation potential created and that utilized through increase in irrigated areas and thereon to increase efficient utilization of irrigation water and improve the agricultural productivity in the irrigation commands. The programme envisaged an integrated and co-ordinated approach to the development and management of command areas by constituting a multi-disciplinary team under the overall control of the Command Area Development Authorities.

                                           COMPONENTS OF THE PROGRAMME

• Topographical survey:
Topographical survey is carried out departmentally by the technical staff in the total Command Area of the Project for fixing alignment for construction of Field Channel, Field Drains. The beneficiaries on the basis of alignment voluntarily contribute the required land through the Pani Panchayats.

• Construction of Field channel:
Field channel is the core component under CADWM Programme. The field channels facilitate in carrying  out water from out lets of minors, distributaries etc. up to tail end at very short time preventing loss of  seepage in agricultural land. This helps in rotational water supply in judicious manner to each field to achieve higher production.

• Construction of Field drain:
Field drains help in draining out surplus water from the agricultural land to main and trunk drain. This prevents water logging in the crop field by which higher productivity is achieved and it helps in taking up cash crops after draining out the excess water from the field.

• Reclamation of Waterlogged and Saline Lands:
In order to reclaim the waterlogged and saline areas in the irrigated commands, surface drainage as well as sub surface drainage systems are developed along with the option of bio-drainage at suitable locations.

• Farmers’ Training:
Training camps are organized in villages to educate the farmers on water management and crop management. This is important activity for educating the farmers to adopt modern technologies for achieving higher production with regulated water supply.

• Crop Demonstration:
Demonstrations are carried out on the farmers’ field to show them practically, how to adopt suitable cropping pattern and use of balanced dose of inputs with proper management of available water.

• Correction of System Deficiencies:
This component meant to rectify the deficiencies in the supply system above outlet up to distributaries of 150 cusec capacity. For active participation of farmers in irrigation management, Water Users Associations (Pani Panchayats) are being formed in different commands. The Pani Panchayats are to play key role in management of water supply in the field and adopt proper cropping pattern.

The Command Area Development Wing of the Ministry of Water Resources coordinates and monitors the implementation of the Command Area Development Programme at the national level.

The programme was spread in 108 districts in 13 states and covered about 12.4 million ha of ultimate irrigation potential. By the end of March 1980, the total number of projects taken up for command area development increased to 76 which covered an ultimate irrigation potential of 15.3 million ha. In 16 states and I union territory.

The number of CAD Authorities increased to 143 by the end of March, 1980. Up to March 1998 the total number of projects taken up for command area development increased to 217 with cultivable command area (CCA) of 21.78 million hectares and spreading over 23 states and 2 union territories.

The programme is being implemented by the State Governments through Command Area Development Authorities (CADAs) set up by them. However, in some States, namely, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu and Tripura, CAD Authorities have not been constituted and the Programme is being administered through the line Departments concerned.

Implementation of this programme has helped in bringing the land under irrigation rapidly, increase in water use efficiency, agricultural production and productivity, changes in the cropping pattern of the area.



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