1.  Green Revolution in India was introduced in 20th century during decade’s of_______for adopting new agricultural strategy.

A. 1960s

B. 1970s

C. 1950s

D. 1990s



2. Who among the following used the term ‘Evergreen Revolution’ for increasing agricultural production in India?

A. Norman Borlaug

B. M.S Swaminathan

C. Raj Krishna

D. R.K.V Rao



3. Who is the father of Green Revolution in the World?

A. Norman Borlaug

B. M.S Swaminathan

C. Raj Krishna

D. R.K.V Rao



4. Norman Borlaug was from which country?

A. United States of America

B. Mexico

C. Australia

D. New Zealand



5. Who was the father of Green Revolution in India?

A. Norman Borlaug

B. M.S Swaminathan

C. Raj Krishna

D. R.K.V Rao



6. Green Revolution refers to___________.

A. Use of green manure

B. Grow more crops

C. High Yield Variety Programme

D. Green Vegetation



7. The Green Revolution in India was an introduction of high-yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds for _________.

A. Millet

B. Pulse

C. Wheat

D. Oilseed



 8. Which of the following crops production is maximises after the independence?

A. Rice

B. Jute

C. Wheat

D. Pulses



9. Consider the following

I. Continued expansion of farming areas;

II. Double-cropping existing farmland;

III. Using seeds with improved genetics.

Which of the above statement (s) is/are not the one of the three basic elements in the method of the Green Revolution?

A. Only I

B. Only II

C. I and III

D. None of the above


10. Which of the following state was chosen as the initiation site in India for Green Revolution?

A. Punjab

B. Tamil Nadu

C. Andhra Pradesh

D. Bihar





1) 1970s

2)B. M.S Swaminathan

3) Norman Borlaug

4)United States of America

5) M.S Swaminathan

6)High Yield Variety Programme



9)None of the above

Explanation: The expansion of farming areas; double-cropping existing farmland; and use of HYV seeds are the three basic elements in the method of the Green Revolution.

10) Punjab

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