1. The sum of three consecutive
odd natural numbers is 147.
Then, the middle number is :
(1) 47 (2) 48
(3) 49 (4) 51
(SSC CGL Exam. 04.07.1999
(IInd Sitting)

2. The sum of first 20 odd natural
numbers is equal to :
(1) 210 (2) 300
(3) 400 (4) 420
(SSC CGL Exam. 27.02.2000
(Ist Sitting)

3. The sum of all natural numbers
from 75 to 97 is :
(1) 1598 (2) 1798
(3) 1958 (4) 1978
(SSC CGL Exam. 27.02.2000
(Ist Sitting)

4. The sum of all natural numbers
between 100 and 200, which are
multiples of 3 is :
(1) 5000 (2) 4950
(3) 4980 (4) 4900
(SSC CGL Exam. 27.02.2000
(Ist Sitting)

5. The sum of the squares of three
consecutive natural numbers is
2030. Then, what is the middle
(1) 25 (2) 26
(3) 27 (4) 28
(SSC CGL Exam. 27.02.2000
(IInd Sitting)

6. The sum of three consecutive odd
natural numbers is 87. The
smallest of these numbers is :
(1) 29 (2) 31
(3) 23 (4) 27
(SSC CGL Exam. 24.02.2002
(Ist Sitting)

7. Sum of three consecutive even
integers is 54. Find the least
among them.
(1) 18 (2) 15
(3) 14 (4) 16
(SSC CGL Exam. 24.02.2002
(IInd Sitting)

8. The sum of three consecutive
numbers is 87. The middle number
(1) 27 (2) 29
(3) 30 (4) 28
(SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 24.02.2002
(Middle Zone)

9. What is the sum of two
consecutive even numbers, the
difference of whose square is 84?
(1) 38 (2) 34
(3) 42 (4) 46
(SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 11.05.2003
(Second Sitting)

10. The sum of all the natural numbers
from 51 to 100 is
(1) 5050 (2) 4275
(3) 4025 (4) 3775
Exam. 05.09.2004)

Solution :-

1. (3) 2. (3) 3. (4) 4. (2)
5. (2) 6. (4) 7. (4) 8. (2)
9. (3) 10. (4)


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