Eight People – L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S live in eight different floors of building (but not necessarily in the same order). The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two, and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each one of them also owns a different brands of mobile, namely Lenovo, Moto, Micromax, Nokia, Mi, Swipe, Apple and LG (but not necessarily in the same order).
Only one person lives between M and the one who owns Mi. Q lives an odd numbered floor above the floor numbered four. Only three people live between O and the one who owns Swipe. N lives on one of the odd numbered floors above the one who owns Swipe. The one who owns Apple lives immediately above R, R owns neither Swipe nor Lenovo. P does not own Apple. Only three people live between R and L. The one who owns LG lives immediately above the one who owns Moto, but not on the topmost floor. Only one person lives between Q and the one who owns Micromax. The number of people living above Q is same as the number of people living between Q and O. Only two people live between N and the one who owns Lenovo.



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