Seven people, namely P,Q,R,S,T,U and V like seven different movies namely The Avengers, Titanic, The Dark Knight, Jurassic Park, Avatar, Iron Man 2 and Batman Begins but not necessarily in the same order. Each people also works in the same office but at a different department on the basis of experience namely Administration (ADMIN), Marketing & Sales, (M&S), Accounts (ACC), Production (PO), Quality Management (QM), Human Resources (HR), and Public Relations (PR), but not necessarily in the same order. Each person has a different number of medals starting from 1 to 9.

Note : Each person has been allocated to a department as per increasing order of experience with the one in ADMIN being the least experienced whilst the one in PR Being the most experienced.

Person S secured more medals than the Person U. The number of medals secured by Person R is the Square of the number of medals secured by V. Only one person has less experience than U. The one who has less experience than U likes Jurassic Park. Only one person has more experience than P. The one in HR likes Avatar. Only two people have more experience than the one who likes The Avengers. V likes Batman Begins and has more experience than the one who likes The Avengers. The number of medals secured by S is the sum of medals secured by R and Q. S has less experience than the one in PO, but more experience than the one who likes The Dark Knight. Number of medals secured by T is less than the number of medals secured by V. T neither has the least experience than the one who likes The Dark Knight. The difference between the total number of medals secured by the person S and U is one. T neither has the least experience nor he works in QM. Q does not work in QM. The one who likes Titanic does not work in PO. Total number of medals secured by V is less than 3. The total number of medals secured by Q is less than 4. The number of medals secured by Person P is the square of the number of medals secured by Q. Total number of medals secured by the person who likes “The Dark Knight” is the multiple of the number of medals secured by V and Q.

  1. As per the given arrangement, ADMIN is related to Batman Begins and PR is related to Jurassic Park in a certain way. To which of the following is ACC related to the same way?
    The Dark Knight
    B. The Avengers
    C. Iron Man 2
    D. Avatar
    E. Titanic


  1. Which of the following pairs of people who have more experience than P less experience than U?
    V, P
    B. Q, U
    C. R, V
    D. V, Q
    E. R, P


  1. Which combination represents the department that R works in and the movie he likes?
    QM – The Avengers
    B. PO – The Dark Knight
    C. PO – Iron Man 2
    D. ACC – Jurassic Park
    E. ADMIN – Jurassic Park


  1. Who amongst the following works in PR?
    B. R
    C. P
    D. V
    E. Other than those given as options


  1. V secured how many medals?
    B. One
    C. Three
    D. Four
    E. None as G was appointed on Monday


Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H – attended a farewell party in the months of January, February, March, April May, July, October and December but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them likes different stationery items viz., Pen, Pencil, Scale, Sharpener, Eraser, Marker pen, Sketch and Box but not necessarily in the same order. They born in the same month of different years i.e. 1969, 1972, 1978, 1981, 1989, 1997, 2000 and 2005. Their age is considered as on the same month of 2017.

E was born earlier than G. The one who likes Eraser attended farewell party in the month having less than 31 days. There are eight years gap between age of E and age of D. H is nine year younger than C. There is only one person between A and the person who likes Eraser. The one who likes Scale attended farewell party immediately before A. C attended farewell party immediately after A. Only two persons attended farewell party between C and B. G attended farewell party in that month which has less than 31 days. F attended farewell party immediately after G. Only one person attended farewell party between A and the who likes Sharpener. B is 17 year older than F, who is 8 years younger than A. A does not like Marker pen. The one who likes pen attended farewell party immediately before the one who like box. E does not like scale. The person who likes Marker pen attended the farewell party in the month having less than 31 days. G is born in even number year, but not born in the year, which does not divisible by 4. The one who likes Sketch attended the farewell party immediately before the one who likes Marker Pen. H is born before 1981. D and H don’t like Sharpener and Scale respectively. The one who born in 1997 does not like sketch.

  1. Which of the following stationery items is liked by C ?
    B. Sharpener
    C. Marker Pen
    D. Pencil
    E. Box


  1. Which of the following combinations of Month-Person-Year-Stationery Item is correct ?
    March – G – 1978 – Pen
    B. July – A – 1981 – Pen
    C. October – E –  1981 – Marker Pen
    D. May – C – 2000 – Scale
    E. April – F – 2005 – Eraser


  1. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?
    C attended farewell party in October
    B. A likes Box
    C. D attended farewell party immediately before E.
    D. E attended farewell party in July
    E. None of the given statements is true


  1. Who among the following attended the farewell party in May?
    B. A
    C. C
    D. D
    E. B


  1. Who amongst the following was born in 1989?
    B. A
    C. B
    D. G
    E. F

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