Quant Quiz On Number Series Questions Day 2 Bag

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Find the next term in the series.
16, 28, 58, 114, 246, ?
 a) 420
 b) 433
 c) 428
 d) 412
 e) 456
Solution :C✔️
The pattern adds the number to product of a prime number and the number following it:
16 + 3 x 4 = 28
28 + 5 x 6 = 58
58 + 7 x 8 = 114
114 + 11 x 12 = 246
246 + 13 x 14 = 428

Find the next term in the series.
2209, 1600, 1156, 841, 625, ?
a) 256
b) 289
c) 576
d) 484
e) 400
Solution :D✔️
The pattern is as shown below:
(47 – 7)^2 = 40^2 = 1600
(40 – 6)^2 = 34^2 = 1156
(34 – 5)^2 = 29^2 = 841
(29 – 4)^2 = 25^2 = 625
(25 – 3)^2 = 22^2 = 484

Find the next term in the series.
25, 16, 21, 50, 185, ?
a) 901
b) 919
c) 926
d) 930
e) 908
The pattern is shown below:
25 x 1 – 9 = 16
16 x 2 – 11 = 21
21 x 3 – 13 = 50
50 x 4 – 15 = 185
185 x 5 – 17 = 908

Find the next term in the series.
7482, 2526, 858, 294, 102, ?
a) 56
b) 22
c) 20
d) 36
e) 14
The pattern is shown below:
7482/3 + 2^5 = 2526
2526/3 + 2^4 = 858
858/3 + 2^3 = 294
294/3 + 2^2 = 102
102/3 + 2^1 = 36

Find the next term in the series.
602, 866, 1178, 1538, 1946, ?
a) 2402
b) 2412
c) 2410
d) 2430
e) 2420
Solution :A✔️
The pattern is as shown below:
11^3 – 9^3 = 602
13^3 – 11^3 = 866
15^3 – 13^3 = 1178
17^3 – 15^3 = 1538
19^3 – 17^3 = 1946
21^3 – 19^3 = 2402

What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
27, 34, 38, 46, 52, ?
a) 54
b) 55
c) 53
d) 56
e) 58
Correct Choice : A✔️
The new number is obtained by adding the unit’s digit to the number.
27 + 7 = 34, 34 + 4 = 38, 38 + 8 = 46, 46 + 6 = 52, 52 + 2 = 54

What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
97, 141, 193, 253, 321, ?
a) 421
b) 384
c) 397
d) 401
e) 405
Correct Choice : C✔️
The pattern is,
97 + 44 = 141, 141 + 52 = 193, 193 + 60 = 253, 253 + 68 = 321, 321 + 76 = 397

What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
40, 70, 112, 168, 240, ?
a) 320
b) 345
c) 336
d) 384
e) 330
Correct Choice : e✔️
The pattern is
4x5x6/3 = 40, 5x6x7/3=70, 6x7x8/3=112, 7x8x9/3=168, 8x9x10/3=240, 9x10x11/3=330

What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
926, 930, 957, 973, 1098, 1134, ?
a) 1502
b) 1390
c) 1646
d) 1477
e) 1350
Correct Choice : d✔️
The successive differences are 2^2, 3^3, 4^2, 5^3, 6^2, 7^3.
So the next term is 1134+343 = 1477

What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
2387, 2244, 2104, 1969, 1841, ?
 a) 1705
 b) 1722
 c) 1713
 d) 1736
 e) 1733
The pattern is,
2387-(11×13) = 2244, 2244-(10×14) = 2104, 2104-(9×15) = 1969, 1969-(8×16) = 1841, 1841-(7×17) = 1722

In the following number series one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
23 104 168 216 253 278 294
 a) 278
 b) 104
 c) 168
 d) 216
 e) 294
Correct Choice : d✔️
The difference between the terms are 9^2, 8^2, 7^2, 6^2, 5^2 and 4^2.
168+49 = 217, 217+36 = 253
Hence 216 is the incorrect term.

In the following number series one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
22 23 48 147 590 2965 17796
a) 22
b) 2965
c) 17796
d) 48
e) 590
Correct Choice : e✔️
The pattern is 22×1 + 1 = 23, 23×2 + 2 = 48, 48×3 + 3 = 147, 147×4 + 4 = 592, 592×5 + 5 = 2965, and 2965×6 + 6 = 17796.
Hence 590 is the incorrect term.

In the following number series one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
12167 15625 19683 24389 29791 34937 42875
 a) 24389
 b) 12167
 c) 34937
 d) 19683
 e) 42875
Correct Choice : c✔️✔️
23^3= 12167, 25^3 = 15625, 27^3 = 19683, 29^3 = 24389, 31^3 = 29791, 33^3 = 35937, 35^3 = 42875
So the incorrect term is 34937.

In the following number series one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
62 96 158 284 412 666 1078
 a) 284
 b) 96
 c) 412
 d) 158
 e) 666
Solution :A✔️
Starting from the third term, every term is the sum of the previous two terms.
So the incorrect term is 284. Instead it should be 254.

In the following number series one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
36 58 154 555 2522.5 13919.75 90462.375
 a) 90462.375
 b) 13919.75
 c) 12522.5
 d) 555
 e) 154
Solution :B✔️
The pattern is 36 x 1.5 + 2^2 = 58, 58 x 2.5 + 3^2 = 154, 154 x 3.5 + 4^2 = 555,
555 x 4.5 + 5^2 = 2522.5, 2522.5 x 5.5 + 6^2 = 13909.75, 13909.75 x 6.5 + 7^2 = 90462.375
Hence the incorrect term is 13919.75

Find the wrong term in the series given below.
184, 345, 474, 699, 1275, 1500
 a) 1500
 b) 1275
 c) 699
 d) 345
 e) 474
The pattern is as follows:
184 + (1 + 8 + 4)^2 = 353
353 + (3 + 5 + 3)^2 = 474
474 + (4 + 7 + 4)^2 = 699
699 + (6 + 9 + 9)^2 = 1275
1275 + (1 + 2 + 7 + 5)^2 = 1500


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