RBI Assistant Study Plan & Prepration Tips 2020

RBI Assistant Preparation is the first step to crack in the Prelims. RBI Assistant is the most awaited Exam of the year. Every year lakhs of aspirants appear for the RBI Assistant Exam.The first step towards your RBI Assistant preparation for the competitive examination is to understand the pre-requisites for the examination. Scanning through a few previous years’ questions papers helps to get an idea about the exam pattern and should be thorough with the syllabus of RBI Assistant so that you can plan your RBI Assistant preparation strategy according. To crack the exam, RBI Assistant preparation needs to be effective and systematic. In this article, we have provided some RBI Assistant Preparation tips which aspirants should follow while preparing for the exam.

RBI Assistant Previous Year Papers Download PDF

RBI Assistant Exam Pattern

RBI Assistant Complete Syllabus : Pre & Mains

RBI Assistant Statewise Prelims & Mains Cut Off 2016

RBI Assistant Study Plan & Prepration Tips 2020

RBI Assistant Preparation | Exam Pattern

The RBI Assistant 2020 exam will be conducted online in two phases – prelims and mains. In addition to both these stages, language proficiency test has now been implemented. It is important to mention here that Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has scrapped interview from the recruitment process. RBI’s latest notification announces a new change in RBI Exam Pattern for Assistants. Candidates will have to appear for a Language Proficiency Test (LPT). As the name suggests, this is test to test your proficiency in your Regional Language. The preliminary examination has three sections: Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability and English Language. The mains exam has five different sections: Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Computer Knowledge and General Awareness. Candidates will have to clear both the prelims and mains exam of RBI Assistant by securing the sectional and overall qualifying marks. Question paper will be bilingual in nature i.e. available in Hindi as well as English language. There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests (Preliminary and Main examination). 1/4th marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. No marks will be deducted if the question is left unanswered or blank.

RBI Assistant Preparation |Section- wise

Aspirants can check below the section-wise RBI Assistant Preparation Tips.

RBI Assistant Preparation | English Language

English Language section will have questions based on Reading Comprehension, Sentence Re-Arrangement, Sentence Improvement and Spotting Error and Cloze Test. To attempt the English Section, all you need is strong grammar, advanced vocabulary and vast understanding of the text. To master these skills, thesaurus, dictionary and English Newspapers are going to help you in long run.


RBI Assistant Preparation | Quantitative Aptitude

This section contains questions on Data Interpretation, Simplification and Arithmetic. Aspirants should learn shortcuts to solve questions in Quantitative Aptitude. Aspirants should be thorough with squares, square roots, cubes, cubes roots, fractional values of percentages when solving data interpretation questions. Candidates should memorize formula in order to answer questions on Simplification. Data Interpretation questions might be lengthy but not tough. So practice as many as possible to improve your speed and accuracy (however during past exams RBI has not asked from Data Interpretation and asked more from Simplifications type of problems. Questions from Interest (SI and CI), Profit and Loss, Percentage, Time and work, Time and Distance and Speed will be till 10th-12th.


RBI Assistant Preparation | Reasoning Ability

The Reasoning Ability section of RBI Assistant would be scoring if candidates have prepared well. Questions are basically asked from Puzzles, Sitting Arrangement, Syllogisms, Blood Relations, Ranking Test, Inequalities, Sequence and Series, Coding-Decoding and Input-Output. You can expect moderate to high level questions from this section. This section is to test your analytical and reasoning skills. This part is very useful, because questions asked are less time taking & you can use your saved time to quantitative aptitude & other parts. This part play a crucial role in deciding merit of candidates. Marks of candidates also depends on this section. So in Upcoming RBI Exam, Make Reasoning your main weapon for getting high score.


RBI Assistant Preparation | General Awareness

Aspirants who are up to date about facts & news of everyday aspects score more in this section. General Awareness section is comparatively easier than other sections. Questions are asked from International Summits/ Conferences, Governmental Schemes and Initiatives, Sports Tournaments, Books and Authors, International Organisations, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Banking and Financial terms etc. Candidates should read newspapers, current affairs books and magazines to sharpen their skills in General Awareness.

RBI Assistant Preparation | Computer Knowledge

Aspirants should be through with keyboard shortcuts, software packages and usage, abbreviations, basic of computers, networking fundamentals, history of computers, programming languages, computer hardware. Candidates can easily score in this sections because syllabus is not so vast.  Questions ask on operations which a persons generally done on computers. This part is less time taking also so it can help in solving more no. of questions in Reasoning & Aptitude.


RBI Assistant Preparation | General Tips

Make a time Table Aspirants in order to make their RBI Assistant Preparation more organized and disciplines should prepare a time-table. Once you understand ‘What to prepare?’  it’s your turn to plan ‘How to prepare?’ Make a time-table with both short-term and long-term goals that would help you in timely RBI Assistant Preparation for the exam. Set realistic goals that you can achieve. Block your study hours during those times of the day when you think you are the most productive & can concentrate better and block more time for the more difficult subject.
Focus on Concepts Aspirants should focus on concepts rather than adopting rote learning technique. Focus on understanding the concepts throughout your RBI Assistant preparation. Understanding helps you to remember the concepts for a very long period of time. Moreover, with a clear understanding of the concepts, you can comfortably handle questions related to those concepts.
Self- Assessment Aspirants must evaluate themselves time-to-time for effective RBI Assistant preparation. Evaluate and analyse your answer sheet well. Quickly scan through the questions for which you gave incorrect answers or couldn’t answer. Do not forget to revise those topics quickly. Check your speed and accuracy while writing sample papers. Sample papers help you to gain confidence and also help you to get used to writing exams. It also helps you to come up with your own strategy of attempting the questions. Avoid guesswork if there is negative marking in the competitive exam you are preparing for.
Practice Previous Year Question Papers Aspirants must prepare previous year question papers to know the exam pattern, difficulty level, topic-wise distribution of questions, marking scheme etc. Solving previous year question papers will build confidence in candidates and increase their question solving skills.
Mock Tests


Mock Tests plays a important role in RBI Assistant Preparation. Candidates should attempt mock tests after completing the syllabus as it will fine tune their strategy and sharpen time management skills. If possible try to give online mock test, it take you proper feel of exam & you can Manage your time for solve the questions.
Stay positive and confident


‘Belief’ is a very powerful tool. You must believe in yourself and your RBI Assistant Preparation. Spend 10-15 minutes before going off to sleep to quickly recap all that you learnt throughout the day. A bit of physical activity and meditation helps to improve concentration. Do not take stress throughout the entire RBI Assistant preparation time, infact, stay away from stressful people. Each and every moment you must tell yourself ” I Can, I Will” and trust me you will do it!

RBI Assistant Previous Year Papers Download PDF

RBI Assistant Exam Pattern

RBI Assistant Complete Syllabus : Pre & Mains

RBI Assistant Statewise Prelims & Mains Cut Off 2016

RBI Assistant Study Plan & Prepration Tips 2020


4 Week RBI Assistant Study Schedule – Prelims 2020


2 Hours 2 Hours 2 Hours
Week 1 – Syllogisms
– Coding Decoding
– Machine Input Output
– Inequalities
– Verbal Reasoning
– Line Graphs
– Bar Graph
– Pie Chart
– Tabular Graph
– Missing Case
– Data Interpretation
– Number Series
– Basic Grammar
– Tenses & Verb Agreement
– Error Spotting
– Subject Verb Agreement
– Phrasal Verbs
– Confusable Verbs
– Degree of Comparison
Week 2 – Arrangement & Pattern
– Double Lineup Puzzle
– Scheduling
– Circular Arrangement
– Linear Arrangement
– Profit & Loss
– Simple &
Compound Interest
– Speed, Distance
& Time
– Time & Work
– Average & Percentage
– Permutation
& Combination
– Finite, Non Finite Verbs
– Conjunctions
– Sentence Constructions
– Prepositions
– Cloze Test
– Fill in the Blanks
based on Vocabulary
– Parallelism
Week 3 – Multi Story Building / Floor Puzzle
– Blood Relation
– Directions &
– Ordering & Ranking
– Data Sufficiency
– Ratio & Proportion
– Mensuration & Geometry
– Number System
– Mixture & Allegations
– Problems on Ages
 – Reading
(based on Banking
& Economy)
– Para Jumble
– Phrase Replacement
– Para Completion
Week 4 Attempt at least 15 Mock Test

RBI Assistant Preparation | Tips During the Exam

1.    If you find any particular question difficult, make sure that you don’t waste your time
trying to solve it. Instead, you should move to the next question and if time permits
come back to this question later.
2.   One thing that is crucial is that you have to clear the sectional cut-off of each section and
also the overall cut-off.
3.   So, if in the Exam, you find any particular section a bit challenging, attempt the minimum         number of questions that are required to clear the sectional cut-off of that
4.   Sometimes, the questions can be very tricky. We advice you to read them very carefully
before answering.
5.   In the Exam, avoid using any shortcut that you are not completely sure about.
6.   Avoid Guess work in the Exam.

So we have explained about RBI Assistant Preparation. Now that you have these tips on how to prepare for RBI Assistant, you need to get going with your practice! Remember, it is of utmost importance that you also take bank mock tests. They will help you identify your weaknesses and help you improve from test to test. Furthermore, you get to improve your test-taking skills in terms of time management, question selection, etc.


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