Direction(1-5) Read the following information carefully to answer the following questions

‘A # B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’
‘A © B’ means ‘B is the brother of A’
‘A = B’ means ‘B is the sister of A’
‘A & B’ means ‘A is the son of B’
‘A * B’ means ‘A is the father of B’
‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’

  1. What does the expression ‘P @ R = Q © S & T’?
    A. T is the husband of P
    B. R is the son of T
    C. R is the daughter of T
    D. T is the wife of P
    E. None of these
    Answer- A. T is the husband of P
  2. Which of the following indicates that ‘A is the paternal uncle of B’?
    A. A & U # Q @ R © B
    B. A & U & R @ Q © B
    C. B & R & Q @ U © A
    D. B & Q # U @ R © A
    E. None of these
    Answer – C. B & R & Q @ U © A
  3. Which of the following can be the correct conclusion drawn from the expression
    ‘A = P # Q © V * R’?
    A. R is the grandson of P
    B. A is the uncle of Q
    C. Q is the uncle of R
    D. R is the niece of Q
    E. None of these
    Answer E. None of these
  4. Which of the following can be correct conclusion drawn from the expression
    ‘E & C @ D © G = F’?
    A. D is the brother of F
    B. C has two sons and two daughters
    C. D is the sister of F
    D. F is the sister of E
    E. None of these
    Answer D. F is the sister of E
  5. Which of the following indicates ‘M is the daughter of N’?
    A. Q * P # C @ N @ V
    B. N * D # R @ M @ B
    C. F @ N # R * M
    D. F © M = B # N
    E. None of these
    Answer B. N * D # R @ M @ B

Directions(6-8): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P is the daughter of Q. R has only two children – P and S. T is the brother of U. S is married to V. R has only two daughters. W is the mother of Q. T is married to P. W is married to X. R is the son of Y.

  1. Who among the following is the father of Q?
    A. W
    B. Y
    C. R
    D. X
    E. None of these
    Answer – D. X
  2. Who among the following is the sister-in-law of U?
    A. S
    B. P
    C. Q
    D. W
    E. Y
    Answer – B. P
  3. How is R related to T?
    A. Father-in-law
    B. Mother-in-law
    C. Father
    D. Mother
    E. Brother
    Answer A. Father-in-law

Directions(Q.No: 9 & 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P is the brother of Q. Q is the mother of R. R is the sister of S. S is married to T. U is the father of Q. U has only one daughter. U is married to V. P is the brother of W. X is the father-in-law of W.

    1. How is W related to R?
      A. Cannot be determined
      B. Mother
      C. Uncle
      D. Father
      E. Aunt
      Answer C. Uncle
    2. If X is the father of M, then how is W related to M?
      A. Cousin
      B. Husband
      C. Wife
      D. Cannot be determined
      E. Brother
      Answer B. Husband


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