• In which of these expressions ‘I > K’ be definitely false?
    A. I>P≥Q=G≥R>K
    B. P<A≤I≤T;K≥O>T
    C. K≤A≤L=R<I
    D. I>C>=F≤H; K<F
    E. I>T=O≥P; K<J=P
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – B. P<A≤I≤T;K≥O>T
  • Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively(in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that both ‘F>N’ as well as ‘N≤B’ definitely holds true? B _ A _ N _ E _ F
    A. >, ≥, <, =
    B. >, >, ≥, <
    C. ≥, ≥, ≥,≤
    D. ≥, =, ≤,<
    E. Other than those given as options
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – D. ≥, =, ≤,<
  • In Which of the following expressions does the expression ‘I≥D’ to definitely hold true?
    A. K ≥ I ≤ R = P < S ≤ D
    B. U ≥ D ≥ M = F ≤ A ≥ I
    C. I ≥ C ≥ Q ≥ B = N ≥ D
    D. G ≥ I = A < B ≤ S ≤ D
    E. D ≥ E = G ≥ W = Y ≥ I
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – C. I ≥ C ≥ Q ≥ B = N ≥ D
  • Which of the following expressions is true if the expression P<T≤B>S>M≥E is definitely true?
    A. E ≤ P
    B. S < P
    C. M > P
    D. E < S
    E. T ≤ M
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – D. E < S
  • Statements: Y ≤ K < D = S; D < B < O; A ≥ D < Z
    Conclusions: i. A > B, ii. Y < Z
    A.Only I is true
    B.Only II is true
    C.Either I or II true
    D.Neither I nor II is true
    E.Both I and II are true
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – B.Only II is true
  • Statements: H<L≤I=K; L = B Conclusions: i. K>H, ii. B≤I
    A.Only I is true
    B.Only II is true
    C.Either I or II true
    D.Neither I nor II is true
    E.Both I and II are true
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – E.Both I and II are true
  • Statements: A>Z=R≥N<J≤E; J>F; K<Z
    Conclusions: i. E>F, ii. A<N
    A.Only I is true
    B.Only II is true
    C.Either I or II true
    D.Neither I nor II is true
    E.Both I and II are true
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – A.Only I is true
  • Statements: U≥J≥S>C≤B≤M
    Conclusions: i. U>B, ii. J≤M
    A.Only I is true
    B.Only II is true
    C.Either I or II true
    D.Neither I nor II is true
    E.Both I and II are true
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – D.Neither I nor II is true
  • Statements: G<S≤A = N≥B; F≥N<O; D≥S
    Conclusions: S≤B, G<F
    A.Only I is true
    B.Only II is true
    C.Either I or II true
    D.Neither I nor II is true
    E.Both I and II are true
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – B. Only II is true
  • Statements: C<L≤A = N≥G; R≥N<S; F≥L
    Conclusions: R≥F, G<S
    A.Only I is true
    B.Only II is true
    C.Either I or II true
    D.Neither I nor II is true
    E.Both I and II are true
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – B.Only II is true



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