Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: 
With a certain code language,
‘care adjust found under’ is written as ‘#6a @5u $5f %4c’,
‘damage part road order’ is written as ‘#4p $4r @5o %6d’,
‘emperor entire attempt sad’ is written as ‘#7a $3s @7e %6e’, and
‘proud under online adjust’ is written as ‘%6o @5u $5p #6a’.

  1. What is the code for ‘road’?
    A) @5o
    B) #4p
    C) $4r
    D) %6d
    E) Cannot be determined
  2. What is the code for ‘attempt under entire’?
    A) #6a @7e #7a
    B) @5u @5o $3s
    C) %6e #7a @5u
    D) None of these
    E) Cannot be determined
  3. What does ‘$5p %4c @7e’ stand for?
    A) under found attempt
    B) care proud emperor.
    C) care sad adjust
    D) entire proud emperor
    E) Cannot be determined
  4. What will be the code for ‘butter court used’?
    A) %6b #5r @6c
    B) #3y @6d %4r
    C) %8b $5g @4t
    D) $4d #5c @6b.
    E) None of these
  5. What is the code for ‘damage sad online’?
    A) @6o $3s %6d
    B) #3s @6d %4r
    C) %6o $3s @6d
    D) $4d #5c @6b
    E) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions: 
With a certain code language,
‘police on the alert’ is written as ‘da po lu ri’, and
‘trigger the process off’ is written as ‘po ma mil zu’, and
‘police completed off process’ is written as ‘mil ka zu lu’, and
‘trigger and alert completed’ is written as ‘ak ka ri ma’.

  1. What is the code for ‘and’?
    A) ka
    B) ri
    C) ak
    D) ma
    E) Cannot be determined
  2. What is the code for ‘trigger on alert’?
    A) da ma ka
    B) ri mil lu
    C) ma ri da
    D) ma zu lu
    E) None of these
  3. What does ‘po’ stand for?
    A) police
    B) process
    C) off
    D) the
    E) None of these
  4. What could be the code for ‘completed police pile’?
    A) mil ma ka
    B) lu jo ka
    C) de lu ri
    D) sha ka lu
    E) Cannot be determined
  5. What does ‘zu da ka mil’ stand for?
    A) off completed alert and
    B) on process police trigger
    C) completed on off process
    D) and on off alert
    E) None of these



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