Some umbrellas are sticks. Some sticks are balls.
Some balls are bats. All bats are guns.

I. Some balls are umbrellas.
II. Some guns are bats.
III. Some sticks are guns.
IV. Some balls are guns.

a) Only I, II and IV not follow
b) Only I and III not follow
c) Only III and IV not follow
d) Only II and IV not follow
e) None of these

Some cards are notebooks.
Some notebooks are dictionaries.
Some dictionaries are files.
All files are envelopes.

I. Some envelopes are notebooks.
II. Some files are notebooks.
III. Some cards are dictionaries.
IV. No dictionary is an envelope.

a) All not follows
b) Only I, II and III not follow
c) Only II and III not follow
d) Only III and IV not follow
e) None of these

Some keys are letters.
All letters are locks.
All locks are numbers.
No number is a coin.

I. Some keys are numbers.
II. All letters are numbers.
III. Some locks are keys.
IV. No coin is a letter.

a) Only I and II not follow
b) Only I, II and III not follow
c) Only II and III not follow
d) Only II, III and IV not follow
e) All follows

Some floppies are CDs. Some CDs are keyboards.
Some keyboards are computers. Some computers are monitors.

I. Some monitors are floppies.
II. Some monitors are computers.
III. Some computers are CDs.
IV. Some keyboards are floppies.

a) Only I not follow
b) Only I, III and IV not follow
c) Only II not follows
d) Only II not follows
e) None of these


All cards are pins.
Some pins are tablets.
All tablets are needles.
Some needles are threads.

I. Some needles are pins.
II. Some pins are cards.
III. Some threads are needles.
IV. Some needles are tablets.

a) All not follows
b) Only I and II not follow
c) All follow
d) Only II, III and IV not follow
e) Only I, II and III not follow

All cells are bins. All bins are petals.
No petal is root. All roots are leafs.

I. No cell is bin.
II. No bins are root.
III. All cells are petals.
IV. All leafs are roots.

a) Only I and II not follow
b) Only I and IV not follow
c) Only I, II and III not follow
d) All not follows
e) None of these

All poles are fans.
All fans are stands.
Some stands are lines.
Some lines are boxes.

I. Some boxes are poles.
II. Some fans are boxes.
III. Some lines are poles.
IV. Some lines are fans.

a) All not follows
b) Only I and II not follow
c) Only II and IV not follow
d) Only III and IV not follow
e) Only I, II and IV not follow

Some scales are weights. All weights are metals.
Some metals are rings. All rings are bands.

I. Some bands are scales.
II. Some weights are bands.
III. Some rings are scales.
IV. Some metals are scales.

a) Only I and III not follow
b) Only I and II not follow
c) Only II and III not follow
d) Only II and IV not follow
e) None of these

9)Statements: Some tools are seeds.
Some seeds are cycles.
Some cycles are tubes.
Some tubes are rains.

I. Some tubes are seeds.
II. Some cycles are tools.
III. Some seed are rain.
IV. Some rains are cycles.

a) Only I not follow
b) Only I or III not follows
c) Only I and II not follow
d) All not follows
e) None of these

All stones are pearls.
Some pearls are shells.
Some shells are boxes.
No box is container.

I. Some stones are shells.
II. No pearl is container.
III. No shell is container.
IV. Some boxes are stone is a possibility.

a) Only II not follows
b) Only II and III not follow
c) Only I, II and III not follows
d) Only III follows
e) All not follows




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