Reasoning Quiz On Blood Relation Day 2 Bag

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Direction(1-5) Read the following information carefully to answer the following questions

‘A # B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’
‘A © B’ means ‘B is the brother of A’
‘A = B’ means ‘B is the sister of A’
‘A & B’ means ‘A is the son of B’
‘A * B’ means ‘A is the father of B’
‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’

  1. What does the expression ‘P @ R = Q © S & T’?
    T is the husband of P
    B. R is the son of T
    C. R is the daughter of T
    D. T is the wife of P
    E. None of these


Answer- A. T is the husband of P

  1. Which of the following indicates that ‘A is the paternal uncle of B’?
    A & U # Q @ R © B
    B. A & U & R @ Q © B
    C. B & R & Q @ U © A
    D. B & Q # U @ R © A
    E. None of these


Answer – C. B & R & Q @ U © A

  1. Which of the following can be the correct conclusion drawn from the expression
    ‘A = P # Q © V * R’?
    R is the grandson of P
    B. A is the uncle of Q
    C. Q is the uncle of R
    D. R is the niece of Q
    E. None of these


Answer E. None of these

  1. Which of the following can be correct conclusion drawn from the expression
    ‘E & C @ D © G = F’?
    D is the brother of F
    B. C has two sons and two daughters
    C. D is the sister of F
    D. F is the sister of E
    E. None of these


Answer D. F is the sister of E

  1. Which of the following indicates ‘M is the daughter of N’?
    Q * P # C @ N @ V
    B. N * D # R @ M @ B
    C. F @ N # R * M
    D. F © M = B # N
    E. None of these


Answer B. N * D # R @ M @ B


Directions (6 – 8):
B is the mother of C who is the sister of G and H only. I is the son of H. D is the father of E. Among the children of A and B, only 1 is unmarried. G is the uncle of E who is the sister of F. C has only 2 children.

  1. How is G related to B?
    A) son
    B) daughter
    C) son-in-law
    D) daughter-in-law
    E) Cannot be determined

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Option A
G is the uncle so is male. so is son of B

  1. Who is the unmarried child of A and B?
    A) C
    B) G
    C) H
    D) E
    E) Cannot be determined

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Option B
I is son of H and C has 2 children, so G is left. Also A and B have only 3 children because C is sister on only H and G.

  1. Who is the mother of F?
    A) C
    B) H
    C) B
    D) Cannot be determined
    E) None of these

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Option D
E is sister of F, D being their father. But no relation is given between C and D or H and D. C can be F’s mother or H can also be F’s mother because not specified that H has how many children.

Directions (9-11): Study the following information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
A is father of B and C is mother of A. E is sister of F whose daughter is G. S, the husband of C is the grandfather of G. P is father of E and brother of R. S has only two children, both of opposite sex.

  1. What is the relation between F and S?
    A) F is daughter of S
    B) F is sister of S
    C) F is son of S
    D) F is daughter in law of S
    E) Either A option or D option

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Option D
C and S have 2 children, one is A who is male (A is father of B). since C is the grandfather of G so F should be wife of A to have the relation C is the grandfather of G.
If F was daughter of C and s, so C would have been maternal grandfather of her daughter G.

  1. What is the relation between E and B?
    A) E is sister of B
    B) E is brother of B
    C) E is aunt of B
    D) E is maternal grandmother of B
    E) None of these

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Option C
E is sister of F and B is child of F

  1. What is the relation between B and G?
    A) B is sister of G
    B) B is brother of G
    C) B is aunt of G
    D) There is no relation
    E) None of these

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Option E
Since gender of B is not known, either sister or brother of G

Directions(Q.No: 12 & 13): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P is the brother of Q. Q is the mother of R. R is the sister of S. S is married to T. U is the father of Q. U has only one daughter. U is married to V. P is the brother of W. X is the father-in-law of W.

    1. How is W related to R?
      Cannot be determined
      B. Mother
      C. Uncle
      D. Father
      E. Aunt


Answer C. Uncle

  1. If X is the father of M, then how is W related to M?
    B. Husband
    C. Wife
    D. Cannot be determined
    E. Brother


Answer B. Husband

Direction(14-18) Read the following information carefully to answer the following questions

‘P # Q’ means ‘P is the daughter of Q’
‘P © Q’ means ‘Q is the brother of P’
‘P = Q’ means ‘Q is the sister of P’
‘P & Q’ means ‘P is the son of Q’
‘P * Q’ means ‘P is the father of Q’
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is the mother of Q’

  1. What does the expression ‘A @ C = B © D & E’?
    E is the husband of A
    B. C is the son of E
    C. C is the daughter of E
    D. E is the wife of A
    E. None of these


Answer- A. E is the husband of A

  1. Which of the following indicates that ‘W is the paternal uncle of P’?
    W & U # Q @ R © P
    B. W & U & R @ Q © P
    C. P & R & Q @ U © W
    D. P & Q # U @ R © W
    E. None of these


Answer – C. P & R & Q @ U © W

  1. Which of the following can be the correct conclusion drawn from the expression
    ‘O = P # Q © V * W’?
    W is the grandson of P
    B. O is the uncle of Q
    C. Q is the uncle of W
    D. W is the niece of Q
    E. None of these


Answer E. None of these

  1. Which of the following can be correct conclusion drawn from the expression
    ‘A & C @ D © G = H’?
    D is the brother of H
    B. C has two sons and two daughters
    C. D is the sister of H
    D. H is the sister of A
    E. None of these


Answer D. H is the sister of A.

  1. Which of the following indicates ‘A is the daughter of E’?
    Q * P # C @ N @ V
    B. E * D # R @ A @ B
    C. F @ E # R * A
    D. F © A = B # E
    E. None of these


Answer B. E * D # R @ A @ B


Direction: Q(19-21)
K is sister of S. S is married to M. M is father of R. Q is son of P. S is mother-in-law of P. M has only one son and no daughter. K is married to T. N is daughter of K.

  1. How is P related to M?
    3.Daughter in law
    5.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – 3.Daughter in law
Explanation :

  1. How is K related to R ?
    5.None of these


Answer – 3.Aunt

Direction Question(22-25):
In a family there are two fathers, two mothers, one sister, one brother, two daughter, one mother-in-law, one daughter-in-law, two sister-in-law, one son, one grandfather, one grand mother and one grand daughter.

  1. How many married couples are there in the family ?
    5.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – 3.Two
Explanation :

  1. How many female members in their family ?
    5.None of these


– 3.Four


  1. What is the maximum number of people in the family ?
    5.None of these


– 4.6


  1. A is the daughter of F. H is married to F. F is brother of B. Q is married to A. How H related to Q ?
    5.None of these


Answer – 1.Mother-in-law

Direction Question(26-28):
P × Q means P is father of Q
P + Q means P is wife of Q
P ÷ Q means P is daughter of Q
P – Q means P is son of Q


  1. Which of the following relations are true based upon the relation given in the equation ?
    A – B × C + D – E
    E is mother-in-law of C
    2.D is brother of A
    3.E is wife of B
    4.A is brother of C
    5.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – 4.A is brother of C
Explanation :
A son B father C wife D son E

  1. What will come in the place of ? to establish that M is the nephew of N in the expression M ? K ÷ L × N
    5.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – 4.-
Explanation :
M – K ÷ L × N
M son K daughter L father N


  1. How is A related to E in the expression A ÷ H × G – B ÷ E ?
    5.None of these


Answer – 2.Granddaughter
Explanation :
A daughter H father G son B daughter E

Directions (29-31): Study the following information carefully to answer the questions that follow:

A is son of C. F is sister of A. L has 3 children out of whom 2 are married. I is B’s daughter.  G is daughter-in-law of C. B is sister-in-law of D and mother of K. L is D’s father. D is brother of F. K is grandson of L.

  1. How is A related to K?
    A) mother
    B) brother
    C) father
    D) grandfather
    E) None of these

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Option C

  1. How is G related to B?
    A) mother
    B) sister-in-law
    C) sister
    D) grandmother
    E) niece

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Option B

  1. If H is married to F, how is L related to H?
    A) brother
    B) nephew
    C) father
    D) father-in-law
    E) niece

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Option D

Directions (32-35):

B is brother of P. A is mother of N. P is father-in-law of T. K is father of P. M is daughter of L. L is sister-in-law of D who is not married. D is aunt of O who is sister of N. K is father-in-law of L. M is granddaughter of C who is mother of D. N is married to T. C has only 1 daughter.

  1. How is B related to L?
    A) brother
    B) brother-in-law
    C) nephew
    D) Cannot be determined
    E) husband

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Option D
B is brother of P. K is father of them. A is wife of P. N is daughter of P and A. N is son/daughter of P and A. T is married to N.
Now:: C is mother of D. L is sister-in-law of D and M is daughter of L.
Now there are two possibilities:
First — D is sister of A and L is wife of D’s and A’s brother. But C has only 1 daughter so A and D cant be both daughters. So this cancels out.
Second — D is sister of P. C is wife of K. Now L is sister-in-law of D and D is not married so L is daughter-in-law of C and K. Cannot be necessarily wife of B.
C can have more children, thus L can be wife of  any other person too other than B.

  1. If K has only 3 children, how is M related to B?
    A) mother
    B) daughter
    C) granddaughter
    D) niece
    E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

  1. If N is niece of D, how is T related to O?
    A) brother
    B) brother-in-law
    C) nephew
    D) brother-in-law or sister-in-law
    E) husband

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Option D
N is niece so is female, so T is male

  1. How is C related to K?
    A) mother
    B) daughter
    C) granddaughter
    D) niece
    E) wife

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Option E

Directions(36-38): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
S is the daughter of U. V has only two children – S and Y. P is the brother of B. Y is married to D. V has only two daughters. J is the mother of U. P is married to S. J is married to L. V is the son of T.

  1. Who among the following is the father of U?
    B. T
    C. V
    D. L
    E. None of these


Answer D. L


  1. Who among the following is the sister-in-law of B?
    B. S
    C. U
    D. J
    E. T


Answer B. S

  1. How is V related to P?
    B. Mother-in-law
    C. Father
    D. Mother
    E. Brother


Answer A. Father-in-law

Directions(Q.No: 39 & 40): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
K is the brother of J. J is the mother of Y. Y is the sister of T. T is married to Q. S is the father of J. S has only one daughter. S is married to R. K is the brother of D. U is the father-in-law of D.

  1. How is D related to Y?
    Cannot be determined
    B. Mother
    C. Uncle
    D. Father
    E. Aunt


Answer C. Uncle


  1. If U is the father of C, then how is D related to C?
    B. Husband
    C. Wife
    D. Cannot be determined
    E. Brother


Answer B. Husband



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