Reasoning Quiz On Coding-Decoding (New Pattern) Day 8 Bag

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Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,
‘mixed chamber incidence vacuum’ is written as       ’88$B     12@C      36#E     52%A’,
‘jammer corporate frozen weird’ is written as             ’24©B    40@B     92%A    12#E ’,
‘comedian magnitude webcam jumbled’  as               ‘40%C    12©D     92$B     52#E ’, and
‘maximum revealed union editor’ is written as            ‘72%D     52$C     20@B    84©A ’.

  1. What is the code for ‘cardamom’?
    A) 16#D
    B) 12%E
    C) 12$D
    D) 14$D
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option C

    Observe the numbers. They all are divisible by 4.
    Number which represents first letter * 4.
    Symbol is according to last letter of word:
    D to %, N – ©, R – @, E – #, M – $
    letters are only A, B, C, D, and E. They are according to number of letters in each word:
    5 – A, 6 – B, 7 – C, 8 – D, 9 – E
    Example: INCIDENCE
    I = 9, so 9*4 = 36
    last letter E so #
    Number of letters in incidence = 9, so E
    So incidence is coded as – 36#E
  2. What is the code for ‘pager style’?
    A) 64@A 76#A
    B) 64#A 76@A
    C) 60@C 76#B
    D) 64$A 76#A
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option A 
  3. What is the code for ‘September December’?
    A) 16@E 76@D
    B) 72@E 16@D
    C) 76@E 16@D
    D) 76@E 16#D
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option C
  4. What is code for ‘fusion clown’?
    A) 12©B 24©A
    B) 24©B 12©A
    C) 24©D 12@A
    D) 24©C 12©A
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B
  5. What is the code for ‘hundred folder’?
    A) 32%D 24#B
    B) 32©C 24@B
    C) 32%D 24#B
    D) 32%C 24@B
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option D

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions: 
In a certain code,
‘home means happy house’ is written as ‘ne dl vl og ’,
‘brave means so bold’ is written as ‘rep og du be’,
‘bold words happy users’ is written as ‘dl uj tr rep’, and
‘More house so users’ is written as ‘ki ne be uj’.

  1. Which is the code for ‘more home’?
    A) dl uj
    B) ki ne
    C) og dl
    D) vl ki
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option D

    ‘home’ and ‘vl’ are present in only first code. Also other words in first code are present in below codes. so ‘home’ – ‘vl’. Similarly for ‘more’ and ‘ki’ in fourth code
  2. What is the code for ‘Bold house’?
    A) ne rep
    B) ne tr
    C) rep og
    D) tr og
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option A
  3. What does ‘brave so words’ stands for?
    A) rep be vl
    B) be tr du
    C) du rep ki
    D) be du og
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B
  4. What does ‘tr rep ty’ could mean in the given code language?
    A) Words happy Letters
    B) Bold often house
    C) Bold makes words
    D) Words so Bold
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option C

    ty not present anywhere and also ‘makes’ so ‘ty’ could be for ‘makes’.
  5. Which is the code for ‘home happy brave’?
    A) og ne rep
    B) dl du vl
    C) dl vl og
    D) du ki be
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,

 Word    Coded Form  Word    Coded Form
MEET [5] [15] [15] [5] TALE [5] [30] [5] [30]
ONE [25] [5] [25] PUT [5] [10] [5]
SET [5] [10] [5] OLAP [0] [5] [0] [5]
COOK [5] [15] [15] [5] ATE [25] [5] [25]
PAIN [5] [20] [20] [5] POLE [5] [30] [5] [30]
UNIT [0] [5] [0] [5] NEAT [5] [20] [20] [5]


  1. The words TOOL and ROLE are coded, but someone mixed their codes. From which of the following codes, the complete codes for these two words will be formed?
    A) [5] [15] [15] [30] [15] [5] [30] [5]
    B) [5] [5] [15] [30] [15] [5] [10] [5]
    C) [5] [5] [15] [30] [15] [5] [30] [5]
    D) [5] [5] [15] [30] [5] [5] [30] [5]
    E) None of these
    View Answer
      Option C
    See MEET and COOK. both have codes –  [5] [15] [15] [5]. So words in which second and third letters are same vowels, this code is used.
    See UNIT and OLAP. Both have codes – [0] [5] [0] [5]. SO words in which 1st and third letter are vowel have this as code
    See NEAR and PAIN. they have codes –  [5] [20] [20] [5]. So words in which second and third letters are vowels but different, this code is used.
    Similarly ATE and ONE
    SET and PUT,
    TALE and POLE
    Now in Given words TOOL and ROLE, codes will be
    TOOL – [5] [15] [15] [5] and ROLE – [5] [30] [5] [30]
    So see the option in which all these are present, i.e 4 [5]’s, 2 [30]’s and 2 [15]’s.
  2. The words OPEN and SIN are coded, but someone mixed their codes. From which of the following codes, the complete codes for these two words will be formed?
    A) [0] [5] [15] [5] [0] [5] [10]
    B) [0] [5] [5] [5] [0] [5] [10]
    C) [0] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [10]
    D) [10] [5] [5] [5] [0] [5] [10]
    E) None of these
    View Answer
      Option B
    OPEN – [0] [5] [0] [5]
    SIN – [5] [10] [5]
  3. Which of the following words can have codes from scrambled codes – [0] [0] [25] [5] [5] [25] [5]?
    (i)   OIL ARID               (ii) ARE EVIL
    (iii)  ORE MOOD          (iv)  AND FEEL
    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Both (ii) and (iv)
    D) Both (ii) and (iii)
    E) None of these
    View Answer
      Option B
    ARE – [25] [5] [25]
    EVIL – [0] [5] [0] [5]
  4. Which of the following words can have codes from scrambled codes – [5] [30] [15] [5] [5] [15] [5] [30]?
    (i)   KEEP DATE                (ii) LEAP SORE
    (iii)  CODE LOOP              (iv)  MODE DEEP
    A) Only (iii)
    B) Both (i) and (iii)
    C) Both (iii) and (iv)
    D) Both (i) and (ii)
    E) Only (i)
    View Answer
      Option C
    LOOP – [5] [15] [15] [5], CODE – [5] [30] [5] [30]
    DEEP – [5] [15] [15] [5], SALE – [5] [30] [5] [30]
  5. Which of the following words can have codes from scrambled codes – [30] [5] [15] [5] [5] [30] [5] [15]?
    (i)   KEEP DATE               (ii) LEAP SORE
    (iii)  POLL PAGE              (iv)  MOOD DONE
    A) Only (i)
    B) Both (i) and (iii)
    C) Both (ii) and (iv)
    D) Both (i) and (iv)
    E) None of these
    View Answer
      Option D
    KEEP – [5] [15] [15] [5], DATE – [5] [30] [5] [30]
    MOOD – [5] [15] [15] [5], DONE – [5] [30] [5] [30]


 Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,
‘Cushion Parents Various Graph’ is written as    ‘12%I     6%E      7#H       3$A’,
‘Given Maximum Avenues Foolish’ is written as  ‘3@I      4$L      9%N       3#V ’,
‘Value Foolish Point Example’ is written as         ‘6?I       12!L        4$L        5!M’, and
‘Above Quantum Hexagon Cricket’ is written as  ‘2#A     7?C      7@N        9!O’.

  1. Which is the code for ‘First Watch’?
    A) 4#R   10$T
    B) 4?O   12$T
    C) 5?R   13$A
    D) 4?R   13$T
    E) Cannot be Determined
    View Answer
      Option D
    Number according to first word: If first letter is numbered less than 10, then subtract from 10, else subtract 10 from number
    Like cushion: first letter is c , c = 3 which is less than 10 so, 10 – 3 = 7
    Various: v is 22 > 10, so 22-10 = 12
    Maximum, x = 13 > 10, 13-10 = 3
    Alphabet for middle letter word
    And Symbol for last letter
    N – #
    S – %
    H – $
    M – @
    E – !
    T – ?
    So for Parents, p = 16, so 16-10 = 6, s – % and middle letter E – so 6%E
  2. What is the code for ‘Movable Cupcake ’?
    A) 4!A 7!C
    B) 3#A 8!C
    C) 3!A 7!C
    D) 4!A 7%C
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
      Option C
  3. What could ‘7?Y’ stand for?
    A) Clipboard
    B) Copycat
    C) Casual
    D) Cunning
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
      Option B
  4. What is the code of ‘Inherit’?
    A) 2#L
    B) 1?E
    C) 7?E
    D) 1#E
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
      Option B
  5. Which is the code for ‘Hexagon Subject’?
    A) 2#A    9?J
    B) 3@A    5?A
    C) 12#A    6#A
    D) 2$A    9?A
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option A

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,
‘Seven Eleven Two Four’ is written as          ‘A#24     D@35     H$8      L#15’,
‘Six Thirteen Ten Forty’ is written as           ‘H@63    L$24      A$8       H$8’,
‘Eight Twelve Sixteen Three’ is written as    ‘A@48    H#24     D$24    H#35’, and
‘Nine Fourteen Thirty Fifteen’ is written as  ‘L@48     J#15     H$35      L!63’.

  1. Which is the code for ‘Sixty Five’?
    A) A@24      L#15
    B) L$24      L!15
    C) A$24      L#15
    D) A$24      L#16
    E) Cannot be Determined
    View Answer
      Option C
    Symbols: According to number of vowels in the word
    1 vowel: $, 2 vowels: #,3 vowels: @,4 vowels: !
    Number: Number of letters in word^2 – 1
    Alphabet according to first letter of Word. Observe that words start from S or E or T or N or F
    S => A, E => D, T => H, N => J, F => L
    So: code for Seven is
    2 vowels so #, 5 letters so 5^2 -1 = 24, first letter S so S => A. So code becomes A#24
  2. What is the code for ‘Seventeen’?
    A) L!80
    B) A@80
    C) D@80
    D) A!80
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
      Option D
  3. What is the code for ‘Seventy’?
    A) A@48
    B) A$48
    C) A#49
    D) A#48
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
      Option D
  4. ‘D!63 J!63’ will be the code for
    A) Eighteen Eighty
    B) Nineteen Fourteen
    C) Eighteen Nineteen
    D) Eighteen Sixteen
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
      Option C
  5. Which is the code for ‘Twenty Eighty’?
    A) H$35   D#28
    B) H$35   D#35
    C) H@35   D#35
    D) H$35    D$35
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
      Option B

 Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,
‘Jammu Haridwar Nanded Puri’ is written as           ‘H#12    %15L     $9N      F@21’,
‘Jaipur Hyderabad Rajouri Bengaluru’ is written as  ‘Z#24     $18P     F%24    H@15’,
‘Majuli Udaipur Mysuru Kasaragod’ is written as     ‘K$15     I%24     @18S     K#15’, and
‘Nagpur Palakkad Varanasi Gwalior’ is written as     ‘@15L    E@18    %21N     $21T’.

  1. Which is the code for ‘Chennai’?
    A) B$18
    B) A$18
    C) A$20
    D) A#18
    E) Cannot be Determined
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      Option B
    Observe all numbers are multiple of 3.
    Number: (Number of letters in word – 1) * 3
    Observe 4 symbols are used and there are words ending in 4 letters only –u , r, d, i
    So u – #, r – @, d – %, i – $
    Alphabet: first letter of word – 2. If the first letter represents number ≤ 13 (26/2) then alphabet written at start, but if first letter represents number > 13 (26/2) then alphabet written at end
    Jammu will be coded as:
    J = 10 which is ≤ 13, J-2 => H, last letter u => #, and number of letters in 5 so (5-1) * 3 = 12
    So H #12
    Puri will be coded as:
    P = 16 which is > 13, P-2 => N, last letter i => $, and number of letters in 4 so (4-1) * 3 = 9
    So H #12
  2. What is the code for ‘Sitapur Saharanpur ’?
    A) #27Q     @20Q
    B) @27Q    #18Q
    C) %30Q    @18Q
    D) @27Q    @18Q
    E) Cannot be determined
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      Option D
  3. What could ‘Z@12  D %24’ stand for?
    A) Amritsar Faizabad
    B) Ajmer Faizabad
    C) Amritsar Faridabad
    D) Ajmer Faridabad
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
      Option D
  4. What is the code of ‘Mangaluru Jaisalmer’?
    A) K@24     H@18
    B) K#24     H@24
    C) K#21     H$24
    D) K#27     H@24
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
      Option B
  5. Which is the code for ‘Ghazibad Rewari’?
    A) $18P    E%21
    B) $15P   E%21
    C) $@P    E%24
    D) $15P   E#21
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,
‘Aspirant Time Stock Zone’ is written as        ‘TP20     SG32     OV16      IV16’,
‘Jump Market Reach Against ’ is written as   ‘ES20     UK16     GG28     AG24’,
‘Refer Wake Further Belong’ is written as       ‘AV16     ET24     UI28      EI20 ’, and
‘Private Keen Child Red ’ is written as             ‘HW20   RV28     EW12     EM16 ’.

  1. Which is the code for ‘Beyond Team ’?
    A) EW32 EN16
    B) EW24    AN20
    C) EW12    EN12
    D) EW24    EN16
    E) None of these
    View Answer
      Option D
    Numbers: Number of letters in word multiplied by 4
    First letter in code is second letter of respective word. Second letter in code is reverse of last letter of respective word.
    So Aspirant – S for second letter S, G for reverse of T, 8 letter word so 8*4 = 32 makes SG32
  2. What is the code for ‘Passive Alert’?
    A) AV28  LG20
    B) AW24  LG20
    C) AV28  LH20
    D) AW28  LH20
    E) None of these
    View Answer
      Option A
  3. What is the code for ‘National Park’?
    A) AO32 AP12
    B) AP32   AP16
    C) AN32   AP12
    D) AO32   AP20
    E) None of these
    View Answer
      Option B
  4. ‘DG 20 OI20’ will be the code for
    A) Ports Plant
    B) Edits Poles
    C) Admit Power
    D) Edits Notion
    E) None of these
    View Answer
      Option C
  5. Which is the code for ‘Normal Clipboard’?
    A) ON24 LV36
    B) OO24  LW36
    C) OP24  LU36
    D) OM24  LX36
    E) None of these
    View Answer
    Option B



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