Reasoning Quiz On Coding Decoding (Old Pattern) Day 7 Bag

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Q(1 –5) Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language
‘Permission and treatment security‘ is written as ‘gh mk ru st’
‘treatment of countries development‘ is written as ‘tl zm ak gh‘
‘taxes security countries finer‘ is written as ‘dj ru zm pn‘
‘finer to renew Permission‘ is written as ‘br ht dj st‘
(All codes are two-letter codes only)

Permission – st
Treatment – gh
Security – ru
Countries – Zm
Finer – dj
  1. What does the code ‘tl’ stand for in the given code language?
    A. and
    B. Either ‘of’ or ‘development’
    C. taxes
    D. to
    E. either ‘countries’ or ‘taxes’
    Answer –B. Either ‘of’ or ‘development’
  2. Which of the following may possibly represent ‘renew to‘ in the given code?
    A. zm ht
    B. bt zm
    C. ht co
    D. br ht
    E. br dj
    Answer – D. br ht
  3. What is the code for ‘Permission’ in the given code language?
    A. st
    B. Either ‘mk’ or ‘ru’
    C. gh
    D. dj
    E. mk
    Answer – A. st
  4. What is the code for ‘security’ in the given code language?
    A. st
    B. gh
    C. ru
    D. ak
    E. zm
    Answer – C. ru
  5. Which of the following may represent ‘finer generate treatment‘ in the given code language?
    A. fs gh dj
    B. dj mk gh
    C. gh pn st
    D. gh fs mk
    E. xs dj ak
    Answer – A. fs gh dj

Q(6 –10) Study the information below and answer the following question:

In a certain code language
“economic magnification slows down” is written as ‘cn fa ms te’
“magnification of expanding country” is written as ‘gi te ku ho’
“Expanding economic States agenda” is written as ‘ms bp ho je’
“States like down trend” is written as ‘kx cn dr bp’
(All codes are two-letter codes only)

Magnification – te
Expanding – ho
States – bp
Economic – ms
Down – cn
  1. If ‘slave external risk’ is coded as ‘ho fa zy’ in the given code language, then how will ‘environment risk dowry’ be coded as?
    A. ho dr cn
    B. cn ms dr
    C. zy ms ho
    D. other than those given as options
    E. fa zy cn
    Answer – D. other than those given as options
    ms zy cn
  2. What is the code for ‘Samples of country’ in the given code language?
    A. gi ku ms
    B. bp ms gi
    C. ku bp gi
    D. dr cn fa
    E. ho bp gi
    Answer – C. ku bp gi 
  3. Which of the following may represents the code ‘majority improve’ in the given code language?
    A. le dr
    B. cs cn
    C. cs te
    D. cn nq
    E. dr cs
    Answer – C. cs te
  4. In the given code language, what does the code ‘kx’ stands for?
    A. majority
    B. external
    C. either ‘trend’ or ‘like’
    D. either ‘dowry’ or developed
    E. environment
    Answer –C. either ‘trend’ or ‘like’
  5. What is the code for ‘avenue’ in the given code language?
    A. bp
    B. other than those given options
    C. je
    D. ms
    E. dr
    Answer – C. je

Directions (Q. 1- 5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: 

In a certain code language, 
‘Enjoy the beautiful Life’ is written as ‘11<=51 41>>11 5<<25  25>!11’
‘Butterfly is so beautiful’ is written as ‘ 5<=51  19<>39  39>!31 5<<25’
‘Jani Enjoy the game’ is written as ‘ 21><19  11<=51 41>>11  15><11’
‘Life is twisted One’ is written as ‘25>!11 19<>39  41>!9 31>=11’

First and last letter Coding
E = 5+6(Next number F = 6) = 11
Y = 25+26 = 51
Then Just compare 11<51
Coding for Second letter of every word
Code for N and U is =
Code for H and S is >
Code for E and A is <
Code for I, O and W is !
  1. What is the code for the word ‘ twisted’ ?
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1.41>!9
    Explanation :
    T(20+21 = 41) > D(4+5=9) and ! is the code for W
  2. The code word ‘21><19’ represents which of the following word ?
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3.Jani
    Explanation :
    J(10+11) > I(9+10) and < is the code for A(Second Letter)
  3. Find the code word for ‘Beautiful Butterfly’ ?
    1.5<=51 and 5<<25
    2.11<=51 and  5<=51
    3.41>>11 and 5<<25
    4.5<<25 and 5<=51
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4.5<<25 and 5<=51 
    Explanation :
    B(2+3) < L(12+13) and < is code for E
    B(2+3) <Y(25+26) and + is code for U
  4. What does ‘So’ Stands for ?
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3.39>!31Explanation :
    S(19+20) > O(15+16) and code word for O is !
  5.  What is the code word for ‘Can You Join’ ?
    1.9><20 5>=42 21<!29
    2.7<<29, 51>!43, 21<!29
    3.8<>29 51>>43 21<=29
    4.6<!25 11>!43 21<!29
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 2.7<<29, 51>!43, 21<!29
    Explanation :
    Can You Join : 7<<29 51>!43 21<!29
    Can => 7<<29 ; You => 51>!43 ; Join => 21<!29

Directions (Q. 6- 10): Study the following information to answer the given questions: 

In a certain code language, 
‘Company Arranged the meeting’ is written as 22+4 24+25  5-24  12+22
‘Meeting Held in Evening’ is written as 12+22 17-25  17-15  20+22
‘Evening Boss arranged Meeting’ is written as 20+22 23-10 24+25 12+22
‘Arrangement done by Boss’ is written as 24+9 21-20  23-4 23-10

First Letter => Position in revere alphabetical order -2
A=26, B=25, …………………..
Last letter => Position in revere alphabetical order+2
Less than 5 letters and 5 : 2 letters, 4 letters => ‘-’
More than 5 letters : 7 letters, 8 letters, 11 letters => ‘+‘
  1. The code ‘23-10’ is the code word for 
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 4.Boss
    Explanation :
    B(25-2) = 23
    S(8+2) = 10
    4 letter word ‘-‘
  2. Find the code word for ‘Meeting’ ?
    5.Can’t be determined
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 3.12+22
    Explanation :
    M(14-2) = 12
    G(20+2) = 22
    7 letter word ‘+’
  3. ‘24+25’ stands for which word ?
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1.Arranged
    Explanation :
    A(26-2) = 24
    D(23+2) = 25
    8 letter word’+’
  4. The code ‘17’ stands for which letter ?
    5.Can’t be determined
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 5.Can’t be determined
    Explanation :
    17 => can’t be determined because it will change depend upon the position of letter
  5. Acccording to the given code, Find the code word of ‘Turning One Round’  ?
    1.5+22, 7-25, 10-24
    2.7+23, 8-22, 7+21
    3.10-24, 12-22, 7+24
    4.12-20, 11+27, 14-26
    5.None of these
    Answer & Explanation
    Answer – 1.5+22, 7-25, 10-24
    Explanation :
    Turning : T(7-2 = 5) + G(20+2) => 5+22
    One : O(12-2=10) –E(22+2=24)=> 10-24
    Round: R(9-2=7) + D(23+2=25)=> 7-25


Q(1 –5) Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language, 
‘committee to protect Forests’ is written as ‘es fr re pt’,
‘protect people in town’ is written as ‘ch ba mo fr’ 
‘people to follow on’ is written as ‘re dv ch gi’
‘follow schemes to protect’ is written as ‘re gi fr yu’ 
(All the codes are two-letter codes only.) 

To – re
Protect – fr
People – ch
Follow -gi
on – dv
Schemes – yu
Committee / Forests – pt / es
town / in – ba / mo
  1. What is the code for ‘town’ in the given code language? 
    A. mo
    B. yu
    C. ch
    D. Other than those given as options
    E. Either ‘ba’ or ‘mo’
    Answer – E. Either ‘ba’ or ‘mo’
  2. In the given code language, what does the code ‘pt’ stand for?
    A. follow
    B. Either ‘Forests’ or ‘committee’
    C. city
    D. protect
    E. Either ‘city’ or ‘in’
    Answer – B. Either ‘Forests’ or ‘committee’
  3. What may be the code for ‘Protect well’ in the given code language? 
    A. dv iq
    B. iq gi
    C. iq fr
    D. gi es
    E. fr dv
    Answer – C. iq fr
  4. What is the code for ‘follow’ in the given code language? 
    A. mo
    B. fr
    C. gi
    D. dv
    E. re
    Answer – C. gi
  5. If ‘People protect trees’ is coded as ‘fr ch mk’ in the given code language, then what is the code for ‘To Protect Trees’?
    A. wz fr es
    B. mk re fr
    C. yu mo wz
    D. fr re wz
    E. ch yu fr
    Answer – B. mk re fr

Q(6 –10) Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language, 
‘beautiful flowers for children’ is written as ‘di mi bo ge’,
‘Ideas for adamant children’ is written as ‘so li ge mi’ 
‘children like to give’ is written as ‘ge fx wr ct’
‘give beautiful ideas and’ is written as ‘bo so ct ym’ 
(All the codes are two-letter codes only.) 

to / like – wr /fx
Children – ge
give – ct
for -mi
beautiful – bo
flowers – di
ideas – so
adamant – li
and – ym
  1. What may be the possible code for ‘Great Ideas’ in the given code language?
    A. so fx
    B. ge so
    C. ct bo
    D. so mu
    E. None of the Above
    Answer – D. so mu
  2. What is the code for ‘flowers’ in the given code language?
    A. so
    B. ge
    C. ct
    D. mu
    E. None of the Above
    Answer – E. None of the Above
  3. In the given code language, what does ‘ideas’ stands for?
    A. so
    B. ge
    C. ct
    D. mu
    E. ym
    Answer – A. so
  4. What is the code for ‘Children’ in the given code language?
    A. so
    B. ge
    C. ct
    D. mu
    E. ym
    Answer – B. ge
  5. What is the code for ‘to’ in the given code language?
    A. Either so or ct
    B. ge
    C. Either fx or wr
    D. mu
    E. other than those given as options
    Answer – C. Either fx or wr



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