1. The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is observed every year on
1) 03 May
2) 07 May
3) 17 May
4) 27 May
5) 31 May

2. Uttam Pacharne has been appointed as the chairman of the Lalit Kala Akademi. He is a/an
1) cartoonist
2) sand artist
3) poet
4) sculptor
5) architect

3. Mark Rutte is soon to visit India with an aim to boost the economic and politicacooperation between the two countries. He is the present Prime Minister of
1) Netherlands
2) Denmark
3) Norway
4) Finland
5) Colombia

4. The ‘Green Good Deeds’ has found acceptance by the global community. The movement has been launched by Dr Harsh Vardhan who holds
1) Drinking Water and Sanitation Ministry
2) Environment, Forest and Climate Change Ministry
3) Health and Family Welfare Ministry
4) Chemicals and Fertilizers Ministry
5) Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ministry

5. Which of the following firms recently bagged Bhushan Steel in a Rs 35,200-cr bid?
1) JSW
2) Vedanta
3) Adani Group
4) Mittal Sttel
5) Tata Steel

6. For the first time, an international rail coach expo was held recently in
1) Chennai
2) Mumbai
3) Hyderabad
4) Varanasi
5) Gonda

7. Which city now has India’s first railway station run by solar power?
1) Patna
2) Gorakhpur
3) Guwahati
4) Varnasi
5) Indore

8. An MoU was signed between India and Suriname recently for cooperation in the field of electoral management and administration. The currency of Suriname is
1) Pound
2) Dollar
3) Peso
4) Rupee
5) Taka

9. India’s economy is projected to grow at what per cent in fiscal year 2018-19, according to a recent UN report?
1) 7.2 per cent
2) 7.4 per cent
3) 7.6 per cent
4) 7.8 per cent
5) 7.9 per cent

10. The Union Cabinet has approved MoU signed between India and Morocco in the legal field. The capital of Morocco is
1) Rabat
2) Baku
3) Nassau
4) Yerevan
5) Bogota

1. 3
2. 4
3. 1
4. 2
5. 5
6. 1
7. 3
8. 2
9. 3
10. 1


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