1. Vishwas Mandalik from Nasik and which Yoga Institute have been selected as recipients of the 2018 Prime Minister’s award for outstanding contribution for promotion and development of yoga?
1) Yoga Institute, Mumbai
2) Yoga Institute, Gandhinagar
3) Yoga Institute, Delhi
4) Yoga Institute, Haridwar
5) Yoga Institute, Rishikesh

2. World Music Day is observed every year across the world on
1) Jun 19
2) Jun 20
3) Jun 21
4) Jun 22
5) Jun 23

3. Which country has recently withdrawn from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)?
1) New Zealand
2) United Kingdom
3) Brazil
4) United States
5) Libya

4. Which smart city has been selected for ‘City Award’ under 2018 India Smart Cities Award for showcasing great momentum in the implementation of the Smart Cities Mission?
1) Vadodara
2) Surat
3) Varanasi
4) Shillong
5) Patna

5. Which Indian city has recently set a Guinness World Record (GWR) for largest number of people performing yoga at one place at the same time in IYD-2018?
1) Visakhapatnam
2) Gurugram
3) Dehradun
4) Hyderabad
5) Kota

6. The world’s first of its kind and state-of-the-art International Centre for ‘Humanitarian Forensics’ (ICHF) has recently been launched in which Indian state?
1) Maharashtra
2) Telangana
3) Gujarat
4) Karnataka
5) Rajasthan

7. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has approved amendments to buyback and changed the time for announcing the price band of initial public offering (IPO) from 5 to
1) 2 days
2) 4 days
3) 6 days
4) 8 days
5) 10 days

8. The 7th edition of India Minerals and Metals forum held recently in
1) Thiruvananthapuram
2) Tirunelveli
3) Gwalior
4) New Delhi
5) Bengaluru

9. Peter Thomson has passed away recently. He was associated with which profession?
1) Acting
2) Astronaut
3) Singer
4) Journalists
5) Sports

10. Which technology giant has acquired Flipgrid, an education start-up with an app that lets students’ record and share videos on specific topics with their classmates?
1) Alphabet Inc
2) Microsoft
3) Apple
4) Foxconn
5) None of these

1. 1
2. 3
3. 4
4. 2
5. 5
6. 3
7. 1
8. 4
9. 5
10. 2


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