1. Prof Baldev Raj passed away recently. He was a well known
1) biologist
2) chemist
3) Atomic scientist
4) astronaut
5) flutist


2. Sarjubala Devi won a gold medal in National Women;s Championship recently. She is a/an
1) archer
2) boxer
3) wrestler
4) weightlifter
5) shuttler


3. Which of the following banks and Dynamics Inc has announced to introduce the first battery-powered, interactive
payment cards in the Indian market in 2018?
2) ICICI Bank
3) Axis Bank
4) Federal Bank
5) IndusInd Bank


4. The UN Environment and WHO have agreed to major collaboration on environmental health risks. The WHO is
headquartered at
1) Geneva
2) Hague
3) New York
4) Washington DC
5) London


5. Which of the following countries has become Nepal’s second internet service provider, breaking India’s
1) Japan
2) US
3) France
4) China
5) Russia


6. The 5th India-Malaysia bilateral meeting on cooperation in traditional medicine was held recently in New Delhi.
The currency of Malaysia is
1) Rand
2) Lek
3) Manat
4) Ringgit
5) Peso


7. For the first time in history a woman lawyer has been recommended for direct elevation from the Bar to a Supreme Court judgeship. The woman lawyer is
1) Indu Malhotra
2) Sujata Manohar
3) Gyan Sudha Misra
4) Manjula Chellur
5) R Banumathi


8. The Indian Space Research Organisation launched PSLV-C40 rocket recently which successfully placed _____
satellites in two different orbits.
1) 28
2) 31
3) 64
4) 98
5) 123


9. The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) grew at what per cent in Nov 2017?
1) 4.5%
2) 4.8%
3) 5.4%
4) 6.5%
5) 8.4%


10. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has reduced the international call termination rate (effective
from 01 Feb 2018) to
1) 25 paise
2) 30 paise
3) 45 paise
4) 53 paise
5) 60 paise


1. 3
2. 2
3. 5
4. 1
5. 4
6. 4
7. 1
8. 2
9. 5
10. 2


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