New Pattern English :Error Detection SBI PO 2017

Directions (1-10): In each question, there are five sentences or parts of sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

Q1. A. In 1849, a poor Bavarian imigrant named Levi Strauss

  1. Landed in San Francisco, California,
  2. at the invitation of his brother-in-law David Stem
  3. owner of dry goods business.
  4. This dry goods business would later became known as Levi Strauss & Company.

(a) B only

(b) B and C

(c) A and B

(d) A only

(e) A, B and D


Q2. A. In response to the allegations and condemnation pouring in,

  1. Nike implemented comprehensive policy changes in their labour policy.
  2. Perhaps sensing the rising tide of labour concerns,
  3. from the public would become a prominent media issue,
  4. Nike sought to be a industry leader in employee relations.

(a) D and E

(b) D only

(c) A and E

(d) A and D

(e) B, C and E

Q3. A. Charges and counterchanges mean nothing.

  1. to the few million who have lost their home.
  2. The nightmare is far from over, for the government
  3. is still unable to reach hundreds who are marooned.
  4. The death count have just begun.

(a) A only

(b) C only

(c) A and C

(d) A, C and D

(e) D only
Q4. A. I did not know what to make of you.

  1. Because you’d lived in India, I associate you more with my parents than with me.
  2. And yet you were unlike my cousins in Calcutta, who seem so innocent and obedient when I visited them.
  3. You were not curious about me in the least.
  4. Although you did make effort to meet me.

(a) A only

(b) A and B

(c) A and E

(d) D only

(e) A and D

Q5. A. Relations are improving between the United States and Libya.

  1. President Bush telephoned the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi,
  2. on Monday, after Libya has paid about $1.5 billion
  3. to State Department to clear up terrorism-related claims
  4. from bombings and hijackings during the 1980’s.

(a) A only

(b) A and B

(c) A and E

(d) C only

(e) C and D

Q6. A. I’ve had a intense year.

  1. Due to the book launch and movie release, I’ve been out there on display,
  2. focusing too much on the external world.
  3. Its time to look within, get in touch with myself again and create something new.
  4. As part of that, I have to stop the blog, interacting with media and other events.

(a) A only

(b) A and B

(c) A and E

(d) C only

(e) B and C

Q7. A. Now setting up Microsoft Project Manager to work with your company’s existing

  1. IT infrastructure can be a complicated task.
  2. Systems will have to replace to make them compatible, space has to be allocated
  3. for new hardware and there are considerable cost in implementing a desirable system.
  4. A data center has to be setup and your IT department has to complete all this in addition to their normal duties.

(a) A only

(b) B only

(c) B and E

(d) C only

(e) B and D

Q8. A. We are heading into an age in which jobs are

  1. likely to be invented and made obsolete faster and faster.
  2. The chances of today’s college kids working in the same jobs for the same companies for their whole careers is about zero.
  3. In such a age, the greatest survival skill you can have is the ability to learn how to learn.
  4. The best way to learn how to learn is to love to learn, and the best way to love to learn is to have teachers who inspire.

(a) A only

(b) A and B

(c) A, B and E

(d) B and C only

(e) C and D

Q9. A. A New Zealand company called HortResearch is a world renowned fruit science company,

  1. and they develop a unique and innovative fruit and food products for sustainability.
  2. One of their previous innovative technologies were in developing a bio sensor to measure the hormone levels in saliva.
  3. This can be monitored in real time and also adopted to sports.
  4. Right now, it is investigating technologies for measuring biochemical indicators of stress and performance in real time.

(a) A only

(b) A and B

(c) A and E

(d) E only

(e) A, C and E

Q10. A. Maragadavalli was running her father’s household ever since her mother had died when she was 13.

  1. It took a long time for her family to settle down after that, and she was 26 by the time she had got married.
  2. With 13 years of running a household under her belt, she married into a family meticulously run by mother-in-law.
  3. She liked the fact that there were servant maids to help with the housework.
  4. She had very less to do around the house except cut vegetable and wait for her husband to come back from work.

(a) A only

(b) A and D

(c) A and E

(d) D only

(e) A, C and E

Directions (11-15): In the following, there are sentences or parts of sentence labelled A, B, C, D and E. Choose for your answer the fragment that carries an Error. Ignore punctuation error, if any.

Q11. A. And its equally important to spread the news about companies that treat working parents

  1. with fairness and respect, so that we all can try to work at these companies,
  2. and send a message to others treating working parents
  3. justly is a valuable employee recruitment and retention advantage.
  4. No error

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Q12. A. I’ve been in Delhi for four days now

  1. and so far the stay had been uneventful,
  2. barring a stray incident
  3. where I walked into a lamppost and then walked around Connaught Place
  4. with a bloody nose.

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Q13. A. To be a citizen is to possess the rights

  1. enshrined in our constitution,
  2. and equally, the obligation of duty.
  3. When one citizen upholds an individual right for another,
  4. he enacts his duty to himself.

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Q14. A. This study takes its place alongside earlier research showing

  1. that kids who are allowed to serve their own food
  2. take smaller portions that they would typically be served
  3. and ate 25 percentage less, and that kids tend to eat more
  4. when the portions on their plates have been double.

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Q15. A. Sixty years is too small a period to acquire new civilizational traits.

  1. and to mould our DNA. When that happens, we will automatically
  2. realize the importance of the rule of law, the true meaning of freedom and democracy
  3. and then we will behave like citizens who will not allow anyone
  4. to sell their votes, and MPs will not be on sold.

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E


S1. Ans.(a)

Sol. B only. The word immigrant is spelt incorrectly in A. B has no errors. C is incorrect because David Stern is parenthetical hence should be surrounded by commas. D is incorrect because dry goods business needs a determiner – ‘owner of a dry goods business’. E is incorrect in tense ‘would later become’ and not ‘would later became’.

S2. Ans.(d)

Sol. A and D. B is incorrect because the plural pronoun ‘their’ is used for Nike (company) C is incorrect because of the comma at the end separating it from the remaining part of the phrase ‘labour concerns from the public’. E has the incorrect article a before industry – an industry is correct.

S3. Ans.(d)

Sol. A, C and D are correct. B is incorrect in the singular use of ‘million’ with few – it should be few millions. E needs to link the singular subject the death count(use singular verb -has). Countercharge as one word is correct like counterchallenge.

S4. Ans.(e)

Sol. A and D are correct. B has a tense error, it should be I associated… C also has a tense error, it should be who seemed so innocent… E is incorrect, although is a conjunction; it is here as an adverb – it is better replaced with however.

S5. Ans.(b)

Sol. A and B. Fragment C has a tense error ‘has paid ‘should be ‘had paid’ because of ‘telephoned’ in the earlier fragment. D should have ‘the’ before State Department. E has an inappropriate apostrophe in the plural of 1980s. A and B are correct. Hence option B.

S6. Ans.(e)

Sol. B and C. A is incorrect – it should be an intense year. In D it’s is needed instead of its. E has a parallelism error. “to stop the blog, media interactions and other events” would be correct with all the items in the series as nouns.

S7. Ans.(b)

Sol. B only. A is incorrect because there should be a comma after introductory adverbs like now. (Now the trouble began is correct – now is not an introductory word.) B is correct. C is incorrect – systems will have to replace should read as to be replaced. D is incorrect. It should there are considerable costs. E is incorrect IT department is singular (the verb has is correct) but the pronoun ‘their’ is incorrect. The pronoun should be its.

S8. Ans.(c)

Sol. A, B and E are correct. ‘head into’ is idiomatically correct. (Motorola is heading into an abyss) C is incorrect because ‘chances’ needs a plural verb – the sentence has is. In such a age is incorrect – it should be “an age”.

S9. Ans.(c)

Sol. A and E only. B is incorrect – the pronoun “they” is inconsistent with HortResearch which is singular, also, “a unique and innovative fruit and food products” should be corrected to “unique and innovative fruit and food products”. C is incorrect “one of their” is inconsistent with HortResearch, and one of previous innovative technologies is singular, hence the verb should be was and not were. D is incorrect because adopt is confused with adapt. A and E are correct.

S10. Ans.(d)

Sol. D only. A has a tense error – when since is used as conjunction to show the time the perfect tense is a must. The sentence should read “Maragadavalli had been running her father’s household ever since …”. Also there is ambiguity in “ … mother had died when she was 13.” B also has a tense error. “By the time she got married” rather than “she had got married” – the unnecessary shift in tense makes the sentence meaningless. E is incorrect. The intensifier ‘very’ is used incorrectly with the comparative less, it should read very little rather than very less.

S11. Ans.(a)

Sol. It’s should be used instead of its in the first part of the sentence.

S12. Ans.(d)

Sol. D should read as ‘in which I walked into …’ or ‘when I walked into …’

S13. Ans.(d)

Sol. the preposition ‘for’ should be corrected to ‘of’ – ‘right of another’, rather than ‘right for another’

S14. Ans.(d)

Sol. 25 percentage less is erroneous – 25 percent less is correct usage. Use the word “percent” with number; use “percentage” without using a number.

For example: 50 percent children, and a considerable percentage of children.

S15. Ans.(e)

Sol. We will not allow anyone to sell their votes has a problem in pronoun agreement, anyone is singular hence he or she should be used rather than the plural their. Sixty years as period is singular, hence the singular verb is correct.


Approximation Questions for SBI PO Prelims 2017

Directions (1-15): What will come in place of question marks ‘?’ in the following questions? (You do not have to calculate the exact value?
(a) 110
(b) 90
(c) 200
(d) 160
(e) 125
Q2. (341789 + 265108) ÷ (8936 – 3578) = ?  
(a) 150
(b) 165
(c) 135
(d) 120
(e) 110
(a) 700
(b) 850
(c) 900
(d) 800
(e) 650
(a) 21
(b) 8
(c) 25
(d) 13
(e) 30
(a) 4445
(b) 4545
(c) 4475
(d) 4595
(e) 4515
Q6. (19.97% of 781) + ? + (30% of 87) = 252 
(a) 40
(b) 50
(c) 25
(d) 70
(e) 80
Q7. 423.62 – 269.21 ÷ (11.9% of 78) = ?  
(a) 525
(b) 455
(c) 645
(d) 395
(e) 275
(a) 32
(b) 39
(c) 24
(d) 28
(e) 12
Q9. 8399.999 ÷ 375.002 × 14.996 = ?  
(a) 565
(b) 225
(c) 335
(d) 625
(e) 455
(a) 223
(b) 264
(c) 334
(d) 354
(e) 201
Q12. 32.1×2799÷549+120= ? 
(a) 220
(b) 284
(c) 375
(d) 505
(e) 190
Q13. 15.2% of 726 × 12.8% of 643 = ?  
(a) 9110
(b) 9088
(c) 9100
(d) 9096
(e) 9082
Q14. 2418.065 + 88 ÷ 14.2 × 6 = ?  
(a) 1059
(b) 2419
(c) 2496
(d) 2455
(e) 1985
Q15. 5.6% of 240 ÷ 0.3% of 480 = ? 
(a) 8.43
(b) 9.33
(c) 7.53
(d) 8.33
(e) 13.44






S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. (19.97% of 781) + ? + (30% of 87) = 252
Or (20% of 780) + ? + (30 % of 87) = 252
Or 156 + ? + 26 ≈ 252
Or 182 + ? ≈ 252
Or ? ≈ 252 – 182
Or ? = 70




S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. Here, the given expression can also be written as
8400 ÷ 400 × 15
Or 21 × 15 = 315 ≈ 335



S12. Ans.(b)
Sol. Here, the given expression can also be written as
32 × 2800 ÷ 560 + 120 = ?
[applying BODMAS]
Or ? = 32 × 5 + 120
Or ? = 160 + 120 = 280 ≈ 284
S13. Ans.(a)
Sol. Here, the given expression can also be written as
15% of 725 × 13% of 643 = ?
Or ? 15/100×725×13/100×643
Or ? = 15 × 7.25 × 13 × 6.43
Or ? = 15 × 7.25 × 13 × 6.5
Or ? = 195 × 7.25 × 6.5
= 9189.375 ≈ 9110
S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. Here, the given expression can also be written as
2418 + 88 ÷ 14 × 6 = ?
Or ? = 2418 + 6.3 × 6
Or ? = 2418 + 38
Or ? = 2456 ≈ 2455


Reasoning Questions for SBI PO Prelims 2017

Directions (1-5): In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions.
Give answer
(a) if only conclusion I is true
(b) if only conclusion II is true
(c) if only conclusion III is true
(d) if all conclusion I, II , IIIare true
(e) if no conclusion is true
Q1.Statements X ≥ G = H; G > J ≥ L;  J ≥ K < Y
I. X≥ L
II. L< H

S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. X≥G=H>J≥L


Q2.Statements A<B = R ≥ S ≥ T; X<J≤K<T
I. T ≤B

S2. Ans.(a)


Q3.Statements P≤ Q< C; P≥ D; C ≤ F; Q≤L>M
I. D ≤C
II. L> D
S3. Ans.(c)


Q4.Statements U >P = I ≤ O <Q; I≥K>L≤N
I. I ≤Q
II. L> U

S4. Ans.(e)


Q5.Statements L = A≥B; A> P; L < K; B≥J>M
I. K > P
II. B< K

S5. Ans.(d)


Directions (6-10): In the following questions, δ, @, ©, % and * are used with the following meanings as illustrated below:
‘P © Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q.’
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.’
‘P * Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.’
‘P δ Q’ means ‘P is not greater than Q.’
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q.’
Now, in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find with of the four conclusions  I, II, III and IV given below them is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.
Q6.Statements: Aδ T, T @ R, R © M, M % K
I. R @ A
II. R % A
III. K * T
IV. M δ T
(a) Either I or II is true
(b) III and IV are true
(c) Either I or II and III are true
(d) Either I or II and IV are true
(e)Either I or II and III and IV are true

S6. Ans.(e)


Q7.Statements: J @ A, AδB, B % H, H © G
I. G * B
II. B © J
III. A * J
IV. J δ G
(a) I and II are true
(b) I, II and III are true
(c) II, III and IV are true
(d) All are true
(e)None of these

S7. Ans.(a)


Q8.Statements: R * A, A % B, B @ V, V δ M
I. R * B
II. V * R
III. B @ M
IV. M % B
(a) None is true
(b) Only III is true
(c) Only IV is true
(d) Either III or IV is true
(e)Either III or IV and II are true

S8. Ans.(d)


Q9. Statements: A © U, U * C, C % F, F @ K
I. A % C
II. F * U
III. C % K
IV. K * U
(a) None is true
(b) Only I is true
(c) Only II is true
(d)Only III is true
(e)Only IV is true

S9. Ans.(d)

Sol. A≥U<C>F=K

Q10.Statements: F % Z, Z © A, Aδ Y, Y * T
I. F % A
II. T % Z
III. Z % Y
IV. T % A
(a) I and III are true
(b) I and IV are true
(c) I, II and IV are true
(d) I, II and IV are true
(e)None of the above

S10. Ans.(b)

Sol. F>Z≥A≤Y<T

Directions (11-15): Read each statement carefully and answer the following questions:
Q11.Which of the following expressions will be true if the expression Z> O = Y> S <C is definitely true?
(a) O >C
(b) Z>S
(c) C>Y
(d) S = O

S11. Ans.(b)

Sol. Z>S

Q12.Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in the given expression in order to make the expressions B>A as well as U≤V definitely true?
B>V ? A ≥ N = U
(a) ≤
(b) >
(c) <
(e)Either ≤ or <

S12. Ans.(d)

Sol. ?= ≥

Q13.Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression Y>Z as well as X≤W definitely true?
Y _ W _ O _ Z _ X
(a) =, =, ≥, ≥
(b) >, ≥, =, >
(c) >, <, =, ≤
(d)>, =, =, ≥
(e)>, =, ≥, >

S13. Ans.(d)


Q14.Which of the following should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression Z<X definitely false?
_ ≤ _ < _ > _
(a) L, N, X, Z
(b) L, Z, X, N
(c) Z, L, X, N
(d) N, Z, X, L
(e)X, N, Z, L

S14. Ans.(e)


Q15.Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression A>B and C>E definitely false?
A _ O _ C _ B _ E
(a) <, <, >, =
(b) <, =, =, >
(c) <, =, =, <
(d) ≥, =, =, ≥
(e)>, >, =, <

S15. Ans.(c)





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