Sentence Rearrangement/Jumbled Sentences Tricks & Tips

Handy Tips for Solving Para jumbles

Paragraph jumbles, or as they are fondly called, para jumbles, are sets of connected statements in some random order, which when unjumbled, create a meaningful paragraph. There aren’t any straight-forward approaches to solving Para Jumbles. With as many approaches as you can possibly think of, each Para jumble has a unique solution.

There are many myths on Para Jumbles that make them mind-boggling!


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Myth1: Para jumbles are the most difficult questions in the English section.

The truth: They really aren’t! We hope these tips will help you believe it.

Myth2: “Oh, options are the only saving grace!”

The truth: Para Jumbles can very well be solved without options.

Myth3: “You don’t need to be good in vocabulary for Para Jumbles.”

The truth: Sorry, vocabulary can actually help go a long way in solving the Para Jumble.


Each Para Jumble can make use of one or more of these tips for solving. Do note that these tips should be applied depending on the unique Para Jumble question posed to you. Some problems can be solved by taking articles as a cue, while some may need pronouns as a guide.

Here are a few tips to successfully solve Para Jumbles:

  1. Look for the sentence that clearly introduces a person, place, committee, or concept in the Para Jumble. That will most likely be the opening sentence.

Here is an example:

  1. He was looking forward to opening up the presents in the solitude of his room.
  2. Sanjay’s birthday was celebrated with a big bash.
  3. But the guests insisted he open them up right there.
  4. Several people arrived at his home bearing gifts, both big and small.

Introductory Line: Clearly the first line must be statement B. This is because the whole passage talks about gifts and guests and what happens at birthdays. So the first sentence must necessarily introduce the person whose birthday it is. He is referred to by his name in this sentence whereas the remaining sentences refer to him as ‘he’. This is another indication that sentence B is the opening line.

  1. Always spot the central theme of each Para Jumble. The flow of the story/dialog goes a long way in piecing together the paragraph in the correct order.
  1. Follow the activities:

At times, the Para Jumble will have sentences talking about activities. In such cases by just analyzing which activity happens when, the question can be solved very easily. Take this case for example:

  1. He accumulates some capital and goes into a business venture with his sons.
  2. In order to increase his salary he works through the night.
  3. They open a shop to create men’s garments.
  4. Later he takes the garments and sells it on New York streets.
  5. He takes garments from the sweatshop to finish at home with the help of his wife and older children at night.
  6. A Russian tailor artisan comes to America, takes to the needle trade, works in sweatshop for small salary.

Central theme: The struggle of a tailor and his steps to success

Activity Tracking:                                                                                                        

Finding the opening sentence here is cakewalk. Sentence F clearly specifies the person and his work, so it’s the opening statement.

Now a sequence unfolds.

A man works in a shop to earn his daily bread. He then goes home and works again with his family’s help. He then starts working through the night to earn more. Only after having worked day and night does his work get ready for sale.

The sequence just shown should give you hints for part of the answer. After F, the order is E-B-D.

Sentence C speaks of a shop that the man opens. So he has to arrange for the capital first. Hence A will come before C.

Therefore, the logical order is F-E-B-D-A-C.

If the sentences are too lengthy, do not spend a lot of time reading every detail of it. Be vigilant and quick in spotting ‘special words’ like connectives, articles, pronouns and adjectives.

  1. Connectives:

There will be sentences having ‘connectives’ like although, though, if, until, since, but, after, alternatively, besides, then, yet, because, consequently, notwithstanding, and, when, meanwhile, so, however, for, whoever, whatever, whenever, nevertheless, therefore, furthermore, whereas, moreover etc.

These sentences are almost never the opening ones. They always refer to people or events mentioned in previous sentences.

For example:

  1. Friendly wash by many other smaller brands have challenged the giants by offering prices which attracted the value-conscious Indian consumer.
  2. In fact unbranded players are offering packs which are twice the size of a branded product with similar or better quality at cheaper prices.

Central theme: The tough competition given to FMCG companies by smaller brands

Here the connective ‘in fact’ clearly indicates that sentence B should follow A.

Hence the correct order is A-B.

  1. Articles:

Even articles can help to some extent in these questions. ‘The’ is a definite article, whereas ‘a’ and ‘an’ are indefinite articles. ‘The’ is used to denote something or someone specific or when the person or thing for which the article has been used has already been introduced. ‘A’ or ‘an’ are used while introducing something for the first time and also for stating general facts. Like, ‘A hit-and-run case usually has a ten year jail term as punishment in India.’

For example:

  1. A boy and his friend played all day in the garden near our house.
  2. The next day, I didn’t see the boy in the garden, though his friend was there.

Central theme: Boy playing in the garden

In the second sentence, ‘the’ has been used along with ‘boy’ because he has already been introduced to the reader in another sentence. Also here we are talking specifically about ‘that’ boy. Hence, the correct order is A-B.

  1. Pronouns:

Pronouns like he, she, they, it, them, their, him, her etc. are used when the person being talked about has already been introduced. Some Para Jumbles can be tackled by taking pronouns as a guide.

For example:

  1. They gathered together the death certificates from residents of the town, going back to as many years as they could.
  2. Wolf decided to investigate.
  3. He enlisted the support of his students and colleagues from Oklahoma.

Central theme: An act of investigation

Since the sentence B clearly states the person, Wolf, it is undoubtedly the opening sentence.

Next comes sentence C where pronoun ‘he’ refers to Wolf.

It would make no sense if sentence C came before B. Only after Wolf has been introduced, should we use ‘he’ to refer to Wolf.

After Wolf has enlisted the support of his friends, we can refer to them as ‘they’. So sentence A is the final one in the passage. Clearly sentence A cannot be used before this because the only one introduced in the first sentence is Wolf and the group of people has only been introduced in the second sentence. So we can refer to the group as ‘they’ only after this second introduction.

The complete answer is thus B-C-A.

However, in case of pronouns in the first person like ‘I’, taking cues from them can get baffling. Such Para Jumbles have to be solved using other approaches.

For example:

  1. A. I am a student preparing for the SBI PO
  2. B. I request you to provide some helpful tips to solve the logical reasoning questions.

Central theme: An SBI PO aspirant and his request

Here, pronouns can be of no help. It is best to think of it this way: only after introducing yourself can you talk about your need for some helpful tips.

Hence, the order is A-B.

  1. Adjectives:

Adjectives like ‘simpler’, ‘better’, ‘cleverer’ etc are comparative. Hence they always hold a relation to other things. Such adjectives can also be of good help in solving Para Jumbles.

For example:

  1. The solution that you had put up was good.
  2. Riya had posted her solution that I found to be better.

Central theme: Solutions posted by two people

Here, of course, sentence B has to come after A due to the comparative adjective ‘better’.

Below are a few confusing Para Jumbles specially crafted keeping in mind the tips discussed.

Para Jumble 1:

  1. Post offices and Public sector banks could supplement micro-credit institutions in this regard.
  2. They are trusted institutions, and have already built up credit and savings channels for the poor.
  3. In a recent paper, Wouter Van Ginneken of the International Labor Organization has argued that micro-finance institutions could play an important role in providing social security.
  4. To overcome this weakness, Ginneken suggests that micro-credit organizations should outsource the insurance part of their business.
  5. But one problem is that most micro-credit institutions are small and lack expertise in the insurance business.

Central theme: Micro-finance institutions, how they benefit people, problems faced by them and solution to their problems.

Sentence C should be the opening sentence because it clearly mentions the name of the person, Wouter Van Ginneken and his argument.

It is essential to note that the Para Jumble is about the institutions, not Ginneken.

Hence sentence B with pronoun ‘they’ referring to the institutions should come after C. They go on to give more information about micro-finance institutions.

Sentences A and D talk about some solutions.

So sentence E which poses the problem should come before them.
Between A and D, statement D will clearly come first, because it is a suggestion for solving the problem and the method of solving it is in sentence A.

Therefore the order is C-B-E-D-A.


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Para Jumble 2:

  1. The former Act imposed severe restrictions on the freedom of the press and the latter forbade the possession of arms by Indians.
  2. Many measures of the government provoked widespread agitation.
  3. The British government consistently followed a policy of repression after 1857.
  4. Two of these were the Vernacular Press Act of 1878 and the Arms Act of 1897.

Central theme: The repressive policy of the British government.

Sentence C specifies the people (i.e. the British government) and their policy most clearly.

Hence it is the opening one.

Sentence B should follow C as it talks about the measures adopted in the policy.

Sentence D should follow B as ‘these’ in D refers to the measures taken by the government which are Draconian Acts.

Sentence A again talks about the Acts and uses the words ‘former’ and ‘latter’. These words refer to the Acts mentioned in D.

Therefore, logically, A will come after D.

The logical arrangement of the above Para Jumble is C-B-D-A.

Para Jumble 3:

  1. Here I would like to echo the words of former President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, “A nation’s progress depends about how its people think.”
  2. We have to act with conviction to realize our dream.
  3. We Indians have to think as a nation and dream to transform our country into a super power.
  4. It is very unfortunate that economically resurgent India still remains home to the world’s largest population of poor, hungry and illiterate people.
  5. Besides these, rapidly increasing population, rampant corruption, exploitation of women, child labour, communalism are some of the issues which need to be worked upon.
  6. Tragically, hunger remains India’s biggest lingering problem with an estimated 7000 Indians dying of hunger every single day.
  7. Along with chronic hunger, deep poverty and high illiteracy also continue to blight the lives of millions of our people.

Central theme: Problems faced by Indians

Locating the opening sentence here is a bit tricky. But on close inspection of some special words, sentence D seems most apt for the opening sentence. That is because of the following:

Sentence A has ‘here’ implying ‘in this situation’.

Sentences B and C can’t be the opening sentence as we don’t give solutions before discussing problems.

Sentence E has the connective ‘besides these’.

Sentences F and G give detailed views on hunger and illiteracy as problems in India.

Sentence D hence should be the opening sentence.

Notice how the process of elimination has been used to spot the opening sentence.

Sentences F and G should follow next. G after F as it has the connective ‘along with chronic hunger’.

Sentence E again with a connective ‘besides these’ implying besides hunger, poverty and illiteracy should come after G.

Sentence A with ‘here’ meaning ‘in this situation of problems…’ should follow E. Also Dr. Kalam’s quote tells that India’s progress depends on how its people think.

Therefore, Sentence C gives the response to A that we have to think as a nation.

Sentence B, the only one left, is the concluding one.

Therefore, the correct order is D-F-G-E-A-C-B

Up next is a Para Jumble that was asked in SBI PO 2014. Try applying the tips discussed above to solve it!

Para Jumble 4 (SBI PO 2014):

  1. It is obvious from the above that the Commission has accorded the highest priority to securing speedy justice to women.
  2. These members continue to pursue their mandated activities, namely review of legislation, intervention in specific individual complaints of atrocities and denial of rights.
  3. The functions assigned to the Commission, as per the Act, are wide and varied covering almost all facts of issues relating to safeguarding women’s rights and promotion.
  4. The National Commission for Women was set up on 31st January, 1992 in pursuance of the National Commission for Women Act 1990.
  5. Towards the end of speedy justice to women, the Commission is organizing Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalats offering counseling in family disputes and conducting training programmes for creating legal awareness among women.
  6. They also suggest remedial action to safeguard the interest of women to the appropriate authorities.
  7. To carry out these functions the Commission has a Chairman, five members and a Member Secretary, all nominated by the Central Government.

Central theme: The Commission, its functions, members and their procedures for securing speedy justice to women.

Sentence D is undoubtedly the opening sentence here as it clearly mentions the name of the Commission being talked about.

Sentence C will come next because it talks about the functions performed by the Commission, according to the Women Act 1990.

Now this question can get a little tricky. One might feel that as C talks about the functions, sentence F, again talking about functions should follow C. But that’s where the catch of the question is!

Going by the tips discussed until now, we have to look for ‘special words’. Sentence G has the words ‘these functions’ and a phrase ‘to carry out’. Clearly, they are linked to sentence C. hence, G will come after C.

Now since G has introduced us to the members, naturally B will come next as it has the word ‘these’ to refer to members.

The sentences left are A, E and F. Sentence F seems most apt to follow due to the pronoun ‘they’ referring again to the members.

Well now it’s pretty obvious that E will follow F; A being the concluding sentence. This is because sentence E introduces the issue of speedy justice for women. And sentence A talks about how it is obvious ‘from the above’ that speedy justice for women is a priority for the commission.

So the complete order is D-C-G-B-F-E-A


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Practice Problems On Para Jumbled Sentences

Directions: In each of the following questions each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentences are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled P,Q,R and S. You are required to find out the proper order of the four sentences.

  1. S1. One of the criticisms often made against the production of biofuel is that it requires the use of enormous areas of agricultural land, thereby reducing the available space needed to grow food.
    S6. The idea has actually been around for some time. In the United States, research began in earnest in the 1970s under President Jimmy Carter.
    P. Algae are abundant, grow in water (there are both fresh- and salt-water varieties), fast-growing and contain high concentrations of oil.
    Q. At the same time, their cultivation on a large scale would help remove CO2 from the atmosphere and provide a source of oxygen.
    R. Put this way, the cultivation of algae for biofuel production sounds like an attractive idea.
    S. But this problem could be solved by using some form of algae as the source of biofuel instead of crops like soya, sugar cane or palm
    The proper sequence should be:
    View Answer
    Option B
     : The starting sentence says that production of biofuel from  crops pose a problem because of scarcity of agricultural land so clearly S follows it as it provides the solution in the form of algae and P explains about  Algae further and Q gives the benefits it gives . And the last sentence S6 discusses some “idea “ and the word idea is given in R also so RS6 forms as pair too; giving us SPQR the correct sequence.
  2. S1. In the 1860s, a Belgian businessman called George Nagelmackers had a brilliant idea. Nagelmackers had visited the United States where he had admired the American long-distance trains.
    S6. employing the best craftsmen, designers and artists to produce his luxurious carriages.
    P. And he planned to make them even more luxurious
    Q. In 1876, he founded La Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (literally, the International Sleeping Car Company)
    R. They were more comfortable than European trains and they were equipped with sleeping cars and restaurants
    S. Nagelmackers decided to introduce similar facilities on European trains
    The proper sequence should be:
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       Option C
    : The starting sentence desribes the person’s visit to US where visited in the trains . The word “They were more comfortable than “European” trains in R is obviously used for the trains described  in S1 so it will follow the first sentence ; S and P describe  further; his will to make more luxurious trains  in Europe and Q is the connecting with S6 that he founded a company employing best employess. So RSPQ is the correct sequence.
  3. S1. The world food system has shown itself to be incapable of getting enough healthy food to everyone.
    S6. Clearly demand for food is going to increase dramatically and this will put the food system under considerable strain.
    P. And unless something is done, the situation is bound to get worse in the years ahead.
    Q. Around 9 million people suffer chronic hunger while a billion others consume too much, creating further health problems linked to obesity.
    R. That is an awful lot of mouths to feed.
    S. It’s said that by 2050, the world’s population is likely to have risen from the current 7 billion to around 9 billion.
    The proper sequence should be:
    A) SRQP
    B) QRSP
    C) SRQP
    D) QPSR
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    Option D
     : The starting sentence tells deficiency of present world system. Q explains it further and P tells ; if not done something now this situation may be worsened .It is followed by S that projects the population of future and it connects with R.
  4. S1. There’s nothing new in the idea that adolescence is a difficult period for everyone – the adolescents themselves, of course, as well as for their parents
    S6. This new knowledge, it is hoped, will help all of us deal better with the difficult and often painful years of transition from childhood to adulthood.
    P. Quite simply, the two generations live worlds apart. Now, psychologists are beginning to understand the biological basis for this eternal conflict.
    Q. Teenagers’ brains really are different from those of their parents and a fully adult brain may not develop until well after the teenage years.
    R. For their part, adolescents can’t understand what their parents are worried about; they find their tastes and responsible concerns boring and outdated
    S. From an adult point of view, adolescents are difficult, rebellious, irresponsible, often selfish and self absorbed, prone to dangerous behaviour that risks their health, their life and their possibility of future happiness.
    The proper sequence should be:
    A) PSRQ
    B) SRQP
    C) QSRP
    D) SRPQ
    View Answer
    Option D
    : S and R make a pair here and follows the starting sentence .P gives a conclusion of the three previous statements and Q tells the  biological reason for this  conflict between the generations  which connects with S6 .
  5. S1. In his preface to the 1843 edition of “A Christmas Carol” Charles Dickens expressed the hope that his “Ghostly little book” would pleasantly haunt its readers and that it should not put his readers out of humour with themselves, each other, or with the author of the book.
    S6. And in book form, there are numerous adaptations for children.
    P. The book sums up for many people what Christmas is all about and it is often said that the Carol, along with Dickens’s other Christmas books, defines the very idea of the true Christmas spirit.
    Q. The secret of its everlasting appeal is its bold simplicity and vivid imagery.
    R. Few would doubt that Dickens wholeheartedly succeeded in this aim.
    S. A striking testimony to its overwhelming popularity is the fact that over 200 film versions have been made, including the celebrated Muppet version starring Michael Caine as Scrooge.
    The proper sequence should be:
    A) RQPS
    B) RPQS
    C) SQPR
    D) PRQS
    View Answer
    Option B
    Explanation : The first sentence ; the aim of Charles dickens’ to haunt the readers is talked about and R acknowledges this aim to be successful so it is the second sentence S6 is saying bout the book form of this edition so it is preceded by the sentence S which talks about  film version of the same . so we are left with P and Q ; and from the use of pronouns we can infer that P is to be followed by Q; thus giving the correct sequence to be RPQS.
  1. S1. A new word has entered the English language in the last year: plasticarian: in other words, someone who attempts to live a plastic-free life.
    S6. whose dislike of the stuff began after he had spent so much time in the laboratory studying it.
    P. Despite this weird connotation, the term is rapidly catching on and more and more people are eagerly looking for ways of eliminating plastic from their lives.
    Q. The term is a strange one, as it sounds a bit like “vegetarian”, suggesting that a plasticarian is someone who eats only plastic.
    R. This means buying no products made of plastic or covered in plastic packaging, and making use of as little plastic as possible in the home.
    S. The term was apparently coined by Thomas Smith, a chemistry PhD student at Manchester University
    The proper sequence should be:
    A) SRPQ
    B) QPRS
    C) RQPS
    D) QRPS
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    Option C
    Explanation : The sentence that can follow S1 is R and S6 should be precede by S ; remaining are P and Q ; QP is the correct pair. RQPS is the correct sequence.
  1. S1. Women have often encountered obstacles when attempting to start their own businesses
    S6. They are just as capable as men at founding, running and growing a new business.
    P. Some women have found difficulties overseeing the work of male subordinates or dealing with male counterparts
    Q. Then there is the issue of family duties, with women expected play the major role in taking care of children and managing the home.
    R. Banks have been more reluctant to offer financing to women planning to launch a new business
    S. Fortunately, however, the situation is changing, and today more and more women are proving to the world that
    The proper sequence should be:
    A) RPQS
    B) PQRS
    C) RQPS
    D) QRPS
    View Answer
    Option A
     : First sentence talking about business issues so R is the next sentence followed by P’ and Q then S6 is a positive statement so the previous one should be S.
  2. S1. Back in 1985, journalist, filmmaker and dolphin expert Hardy Jones was filming dolphins near the Bahamas when an unwanted visitor appeared upon the scene: a hammerhead shark.
    S6. The four young dolphins harassed the shark, working as a unit, diving and turning in unison like a squadron of fighter planes flying precision man oeuvres until the hammerhead gave up and swam out to sea.
    P. Then, to his complete surprise, something remarkable happened. “Suddenly the undersea world came alive with high-pitched whistles and intense sonar bursts.
    Q. Two juvenile dolphins… appeared over my left shoulder. I flinched as I felt the wash they created streaking through the water straight for the hammerhead.
    R. What’s more, it was heading straight for Jones, intent on attack. Jones thrust his camera in front of him as a means of protection while he considered his options.
    S. In an instant, two buddies joined them, bolting in from the right,” writes Jones in his blog.
    The proper sequence should be:
    A) PRSQ
    B) RPQS
    C) RPSQ
    D) PRQS
    View Answer
    Option B
     : The sentence1 tells about an incident that happened during the expert’s shooting in the sea R follows it correctly; and P connect with it so RP is the pair. Q and S are left now; but the word “ them” in S signifies previously talked two things (dolphins) so it has to be Q so the correct sequence is RPQS.
  3. S1.Introverted people are often seen as socially inept and their talents are so easily overlooked.
    S6. Few people find it pleasant to be seen as misfit.
    P. But as modern society tends to place a high value on extroversion (life is a performance!), the chances are that you’ll suffer at some stage for it.
    Q. Introverts are a minority in this extroverted world, much in the way that left-handed people find that a lot of things are designed with right-handed people in mind.
    R. As computer scientist, blogger and introvert Mark Dykeman writes: Simply put, introverts face the daily challenge of feeling like square pegs being shoved into round holes.
    S. If you’re an introvert, you probably didn’t choose it; it’s just your nature.
    The proper sequence should be:
    A) SRQP
    B) PRQS
    C) SPRQ
    D) QPSR
    View Answer
    Option C
     :The word “You” in S and P makes them a pair ; and the conjunction But signifies S is the first part and P will follow it ; R tells that the writer writes about the problems of introverts and Q complements this saying giving the correct SPRQ.
  4. S1. In the mid-1970s, Bangladeshi economist Mohammed Yuru believed he had hit upon an ingenious way of reducing poverty.
    S6. As a result, all the profit from the sale of their baskets was paid back to the money lender and the cycle of poverty continued.
    P. who would lend sums of money at exorbitant rates of interest – sometimes as much as 120%.
    Q. Being very poor people, it was impossible to get a loan from a bank, so they often had recourse to loan sharks
    R. After visiting poor villages in his native country he realized that if people could get a small loan to start a small business, they could make enough money to pay back the debt and eventually prosper.
    S. He noticed, for example, that basket weavers in one village he visited sometimes couldn’t afford to buy the bamboo they needed to make the wares they would later sell.
    The proper sequence should be:
    A) RQPS
    B) QPRP
    C) RSQP
    D) SRPQ
    View Answer
    Option C
     : R and S connect with each other and so does P and Q . The sequence will be RSQP.

As we all are aware of the fact that IBPS has introduced New Pattern English Questions in recent Bank PO exams. So here we are with Sentence Rearrangement topic based on the new pattern as asked in recent exams. This pattern is more time taking than the previous one. New Pattern Sentence Rearrangement English SBI PO

Direction: In each of the following questions few statements are given. You have to arrange them and choose the correct arrangement from the given options.

  1. a) Now a distinguished observer of the universe and a proponent of underlying laws that govern it, Stephen Hawking has pointed out in a BBC programme that human beings need to colonise a planet soon and they must start in the next 100 years if the species is to be kept alive.
    b) Science fiction has traditionally used its imagination to show earthlings in a struggle with beings from another planet.
    c) Only recently in movies has the tide been turned towards making an attempt to colonise other planets, mainly Mars.
    d) This is because humanity is in danger of extinction because of climate change, overpopulation, chemical and nuclear wars.
    A) bcda
    B) bdac
    C) cadb
    D) bcad
    E) cabd
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    Option D
    : Correct Order: bcad.
    sentences a) c) and d) starts with words that cannot be used as an introductory line. Option B) is hence the introduction line. Followed by c) giving an example of the same. d) explains a) and hence follows it. So order is bcad
  2. (a) This particular worldwide security threat, which hasn’t yet run its course, was dismantled by a UK security expert who activated an address that the “kill switch” in the ransomware was compelled to search for.
    (b) ranging from the UK National Health Service to a French carmaker with an alliance plant in Chennai, the German railways, the Andhra Pradesh police and entire Russian systems.
    (c) A massive cyberattack brought computers to a halt on Friday and Saturday, the malware affecting over one lakh computers and systems in nearly 150 nations worldwide,
    (d) Such ransomware attacks are commonplace, with an estimated 600 million attacks likely recorded in 2016 alone.
    A) cbda
    B) cdba
    C) cadb
    D) adbc
    E) abdc
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    Option A
    : Correct Order: cbda
    c) is the starting sentence as it introduces the passage. Followed by b) then d) tells about various such incidence that have occurred in past, and then a) highlights this particular threat.
  3. a) This sector employs 42.5 lakh Indians directly, and has created over twice as many jobs indirectly in other fields.
    b) Automation would then replace entry-level jobs, denying jobs to college-leavers, and lead to the retrenchment of mid-level professionals who couldn’t remain relevant via constant reskilling.
    c) The landscape of the $150-billion IT sector, one of India’s largest job-providers, is changing fast, owing to technological advances in automation and robotics.
    d) But it is gradually moving away from the linear growth model, with rise in revenue matching net employee addition, to a non-linear one where income growth is independent of additional hiring.
    A) cdba
    B) abdc
    C) badc
    D) cadb
    E) dcba
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    Option D
    : Correct order: cadb
  4. a) All jobs that don’t require exceptional thought processes and those that could be accomplished by analysing data with a simple algorithm could be replaced.
    b) A study by Oxford University suggested that 100 professions or occupations are at risk of being eliminated by automation in the future.
    c) It is a matter of concern as with growing population, the demand for jobs is also on rise.
    d) People whose jobs require them to come up with solutions on a case- by-case basis can rest assured that their jobs will not be replaced.
    A) abdc
    B) badc
    C) dcab
    D) dcba
    E) cdab
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    Option B
    : Correct order: badc
  5. a) India’s IT sector must make the Digital India programme its pivot for India-focused opportunities, whose solutions could be profitably deployed in a large number of developing countries.
    b) With around 16 lakh graduates entering the job market every year amid slow job creation due to global protectionism and automation threats, the urgent issue for the Indian government is to redesign its job creation strategy.
    c) As former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan once said, it’s time for the government and Indian industry to focus on “Make for India”, rather than the export-driven “Make in India”.
    d) The focus on the export-led model alone may not work.
    A) dbca
    B) bdac
    C) acdb
    D) cadb
    E) cdab
    View Answer
    Option B
    : Correct Order is: bdac
  6. c) In the United States, the world’s most advanced nation, there has been a strange issue that is being discussed. It is being written about in books, and there are talks on it (which one can access on YouTube), but there is yet no action on it, though this is expected soon.
    b) The issue is that of artificial intelligence becoming smarter than man.
    d) To us in India this does not seem like something to think about much. Computers are to us devices that we have control over. Our laptop or mobile phone is to us a tool and our servant. It is not our master.
    a) However in America, some of the smartest people working on technology are thinking about and discussing what will happen when artificial intelligence, meaning computer programs, overtakes man in the ability to think.
    A) bcad
    B) adcb
    C) badc
    D) cbda
    E) bacd
    View Answer
    Option D
    : The correct order is: cbda
  7. a) The incident involving a Jet Airways expat pilot who allegedly not only harassed a woman passenger but also apparently assaulted her and let loose racist abuse at Indians in general, and a physically challenged passenger in particular, is disgraceful.
    b) But when such a nasty trait is publicly displayed by a foreigner working in India for an Indian airline, it shows how acute the problem of racism is in our country. The airline expressed regret and de-rostered the pilot, but only belatedly after cricketer Harbhajan Singh tweeted on it.
    c) But it’s clear a fuller remedy is needed: this problem simply can’t be tolerated where the customer and the staff interact face to face.
    d) Racism of all kinds may be inherent in a variety of people.
    A) abdc
    B) dcab
    C) adbc
    D) cadb
    E) dbca
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    Option C
    : Correct Order is: adbc

Direction (8-10): Rearrange the given sentence to form a meaningful passage and answer the questions that follow.

a) Why are fewer Americans paying for the sports leader? One big reason is that fewer people are subscribing to pay-television overall—a phenomenon known as “cord-cutting”.
b) This has turned off customers and potential customers. Sports fans can get highlights free on social media; non-sports fans can get their fix from Netflix and Amazon.
c) For much of this century ESPN, the television sports network, has been Disney’s cash machine, collecting billions more dollars from American subscribers each year than the company gets from its blockbuster “Star Wars”, Marvel and Pixar films combined.
d) As the bundle of channels offered to homes has grown fatter, it has also become more expensive—the typical pay-TV bill in America has nearly doubled in a decade to more than $100 a month.
e) But for the past six years, fewer and fewer people have been paying for ESPN: the network’s subscribers base has declined from a peak of 100m households in 2011 to less than 88m now.
f) ESPN is by far the most expensive channel in the bundle—the network gets paid $7.86 per subscriber, according to Kagan, a research firm, while no other basic cable channel commands even $2 per subscriber.

  1. Which of the following is the third sentence after rearrangement?
    A) a
    B) b
    C) c
    D) d
    E) e
    View Answer
    Option A
    : The correct sequence is: ceadbf
  2. Which of the following is the fifth sentence after rearrangement?
    A) f
    B) b
    C) a
    D) c
    E) e
    View Answer
    Option B
  3. Which of the following is the second sentence after rearrangement?
    A) f
    B) e
    C) d
    D) a
    E) c
    View Answer
    Option B

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