- Jinnah often came to our house
- Which of the following is female harmone.
- Trophies related to sports like Irani trophy.
- Full form of ISDN.
- Full form of DNA.
- Andaman Nicobar highest peak.
- Which country has no written constitution.
- Jallikattu on occasion of which festival?
- Who is centigrade scale inventor?
- Match trophy related to cricket, football, hockey.
- State with maximum wasteland.
- Name the neighbour country not landlocked.
- Pascal’s law.
- How do Unicellular organism reproduce?
- Which is used during ingestion antacids/analgesic?
- Which is not malleable?
i) Aluminum ii) Silver iii) Potassium iv) Gold - Who got Dhyanchand achievement award?
- Name the major god in Rigveda?
- GDP deflator formula?
- Which state first implemented Mahila police volunteer scheme as trial?
- Who checks the cash reserved by the bank? – RBI
- INDIA pact with which country for Oil supply till 2022?
- Working period of CAG.
- Number of Indian state touching Nepal?
- Common name of sodium bicarbonate.
- Authority of consolidated fund in the hand of?
- Vayosri Yojna funded by which organization?